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Posts posted by balletmum20

  1. I'm after a little help and peoples views on acro, my dd does a modern solo and her teacher has asked that we start acro so she can put a walkover in her next modern solo.


    My dd loves modern and tap, but ballet is her world, just wondered what everyone's thoughts on acro in dance, and does gymnastic type work not ruin posture and so on for ballet?

  2. Yes my dd is going, she is only 8 but it also boarding, cause Mary knows her through classical ballet, thought she would be ok , I'm very worried and nervous, but she is not bothered at all and she is looking forwArd to watching the whizz and the talent show!

  3. Honestly she came out of the audition on a real high, thoroughly enjoyed it, the only thing I would say that was bad, was the waiting before they went in, with some mothers over stretching there children, but my dd was not that bothered by that, it was me think omg what are you doing to that child! But apart from that a well organized and enjoyable day, and yes she would go every year if she did not get in xx

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  4. My dd auditioned for the junior associates last year she was 7 at the time, but was 8 in the august so was very very young, the audition was very simple with actually very few dance exercises in, most of it was looking at the body, my dd loved the experience but was unsuccessful, this year she wants to try again and is under no understanding she will get in again but just said she loved dancing in the Covent garden royal ballet studios and she said to me I will never know if I don't try, so what could I say to that!! So photos are done and audition ready to post! Good luck to what ever you decide, but I would also say you have to follow your child cause I think if it was up to me, I would not be doing it x

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  5. Today at Tring parks cba, Mary schon, was sitting in the classes, taking notes, was it assessment today or something, any ideas anyone, I did not think assessments were till June/July?

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