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Dancers Dad

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Posts posted by Dancers Dad

  1. It's appalling how little things change, despite warm words and all that corporate guff on their website. On the ground, they couldn't project-manage their way out of a paper bag. Poor old front desk team get landed with everything, time after time. 


    I hope their complacency is punctured soon as students start voting with their feet. Let's hope it's not a genuine disaster that wakes them up.


    I like the sound of the non-uS accommodation you found!

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  2. 19 minutes ago, mum5678 said:

    We also have been told there's an 18 yr old moving in to the flat (with 3, 16 yr olds) which we're not very happy with. 


    Oh and you can only be insured once your 17, so none of them can access the insurance either... it's going really well! 🙄😂 On the plus side, they're a lovely little bunch and getting on like a house on fire. 

    No - I understand your worries there...


    I didn't realise that about insurance. Is that universal? Our home insurance seems to cover going away to school/college/Uni but I'd better check for an under 18 exemption...

  3. Oh dear... it does sound universal.


    The on-site team are excellent and doing their very best - they must be exhausted. It's their superiors I'm so cross with.


    There was no lock on my daughter's door so she couldn't sleep there the first night...  It was filthy, as per your experiences. And she's had two major leaks, including on to her stuff. It's been quite upsetting.


    I hope the students log every single problem and make sure they make their presence felt. While I agree that it's great they're in, whoever signed this off needs to have a serious word with themselves!


    On the plus side, she's loved being back in school and is very excited for the year ahead!


    32 minutes ago, Ballet-taxi said:

    Yes, I have one in there too! They’re very happy and settled. 

    Very glad to hear this 👍


    50 minutes ago, mum5678 said:

    Yup! Is your DD there this year again too? 



    It's been a terrible start though as the refurbishments to her flat really haven't been finished properly. I was wondering if we've just been unlucky or whether this was a wider experience...

  5. Advice please: my daughter has some new pointe shoes and has been advised to paint a strip across the shank to reinforce it. Apparently we need shellac/wood hardener/glue - does anyone have any advice of what to actually buy and what works please? I see Bloch does a small expensive bottle of something appropriate but is there a cheaper way? Thank you.

  6. On 30/08/2022 at 18:01, paulc said:

    Just a heads up on NBS, which I'm sure they don't tell you. Second and third year students now have to go to Centre Point in Denton to make room for ICTheatre dancers.  My daughter is going into her third year and has been told they will be at Denton 3 days per week instead of the Dancehouse.



    Yes, this was a bit naughty. I think my daughter is lucky and only there one day a week - but it has been rather sprung on them, along with the extra bus fare they'll have to pay themselves. 


    5 hours ago, Peanut68 said:

    You are very wise to seek out one with experience & understanding of dancers feet/shoes/work etc

    My DC saw a regular podiatrist in our local town & it was a dreadful experience with them saying to a then 13 year at vocational school that they should give up any plans to be a dancer!!! This with no experience working with dancers!! One very upset & anxious young dancer going back to boarding vocational school….

    Suggested exercises did help to resolve the injury issue & indeed improve stance which in turn improved arch strength & shape so they did know their stuff - just poor verbal delivery!

    Just to say, DC has now completed US with feet that are strong, healthy & just right for ballet! 
    Wish I’d asked on here & been prepared to travel for the right expert! 
    good luck!

    Oh no - that must have been a nightmare. Glad you and your dancer got past that and continued so successfully.


    We went to see Clive this week. Very good - good manner, knowledgeable obviously, and keen to act conservatively first, which is sensible. Was able to make a few little adjustments there and then. We came out with more optimism, lots of advice and a shopping list!


    Fortunately most recommendations are not expensive: mainly surgical spirit and LIDL hypo-allergenic plasters!

    • Like 2
  8. Sounds like you have a good understanding of what's going on and hopefully are being reassured by all the thoughtful responses above.


    Until we hit something huge like this we can tend to rub along in life without too many massive emotional highs and lows but this is an extraordinary situation that creates extraordinary (but normal) responses. I think part of the trick is to accept that it will be very hard sometimes - but overcoming those challenges is a huge part of what they're trying to achieve, indeed it's integral to success. And the highs will be as thrilling as the lows are hard.


    And as I tell my daughter, if you didn't feel your feelings this strongly, you wouldn't be able to dance so beautifully.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. On 05/08/2022 at 19:23, Dancers Dad said:

    Here we are - 3 Smalls

    Not worn too often

    All stitching on seams is good as new

    Fronts have adjustable tie

    Smoke-free, pet-free home

    Only washed in non bio

    Daughter's name is visible, if faded, on labels inside

    £35 new I think - so offering for £20 each plus whatever it costs to post.



    NB These have gone now.

  10. 12 hours ago, Dancers Dad said:

    Here we are - 3 Smalls

    Not worn too often

    All stitching on seams is good as new

    Fronts have adjustable tie

    Smoke-free, pet-free home

    Only washed in non bio

    Daughter's name is visible, if faded, on labels inside

    £35 new I think - so offering for £20 each plus whatever it costs to post.


    nb @PointeMeTheRightWay

  11. Here we are - 3 Smalls

    Not worn too often

    All stitching on seams is good as new

    Fronts have adjustable tie

    Smoke-free, pet-free home

    Only washed in non bio

    Daughter's name is visible, if faded, on labels inside

    £35 new I think - so offering for £20 each plus whatever it costs to post.


  12. We've got a couple of the grey leotards to sell if anyone's interested. They've been worn but not too much and still in good order. Size Small.


    (My daughter found them to be the wrong size after a few weeks so mostly wore some replacements we had to get.)


    I can get them photographed if anyone's interested.

  13. On 13/07/2022 at 20:49, Taxibank said:

    Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you would have any advice about the NBS tracksuit please? It says on the uniform list one regulation tracksuit. When you follow the link it shows that you can order tracksuit skinnies, zip tracksuit tops in either pink or grey, a base layer half zip top and a bundle with the skinnies and base layer. My question is obviously price wise the bundle is good value but do they still need a tracksuit top as well please? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you!

    Depending if you prefer a normal zip-up tracksuit top or a pull-over-your-head base layer, just one of those would be fine. There's not a huge amount of difference. Some have one of the tops, some have both.

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