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Everything posted by DVDfan

  1. My son, who lives in an apartment in Switzerland, has the same problem. He was told to go and practice in the local woods. Although he hasn't taken that advice, he does occasionally come across people who have, when he's out walking.
  2. Thank you, that's very interesting and informative. I was surprised to see that the Kirov version of the 'finger' variation didn't have the finger pointing, and that the Lilac Fairy didn't include the Italian fouettes. I have the DVD of Cojocaru and Bonelli from 2000, I think it is, and I thought that the more recent performances were danced faster, and that this made most of the corps de ballet pieces much more exciting. Am I right?
  3. Thank you, everyone, that's very informative, and I feel I understand that production better now. May I ask a supplementary question? Ought I have been able to tell?
  4. I was surprised to see that parts of RB's Sleeping Beauty are by Ashton, Wheeldon and Dowell. Can someone enlighten me as to which parts, please?
  5. Folks, please....every disabled person is different. If you are asthmatic and can wear a mask, that's great, but it does not mean that all asthmatic people can wear a mask in all circumstances, and it certainly doesn't mean that someone with a different disability can do so.
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