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Posts posted by BalletBoyMumma

  1. 100%

    And, no matter what, it WILL turn out fine. Often rejection, while painful at the time, helps build resilience and perseverance - traits that will benefit them well into their adult lives. So whether it’s a positive or negative outcome, it’s actually all still very beneficial for character building. They’ve all already achieved so much! 

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  2. Aww Dancermom - that is so lovely! 🥰🩰


    That’s the thing, we CAN keep this positive, no matter what. Last night I asked DS how he thinks he might feel if it’s a no, he said ‘Oh that’s fine, there’s 6 more years of applying and I’m sure I’ll get in at some point.’ 😆😆😆 (I do love his confidence 🤣). 

    • Like 5
  3. 3 minutes ago, BalletBoyMum1 said:

    Wow, I've just read all of your replies and am now certain my ds will get a no. 


    I don't have a clue whether his turnout is good or his hamstrings are tight etc. He does his 3 lessons a week, does a few stretches most days, can't get into any splits, but is a lot closer to it since starting with a different dance school last March (and doing more lessons with his teacher). I honestly feel completely clueless. He only originally did the video for an MA space but his teacher said about ticking the box for the school and sending one to Elmhurst too. In his head he would love to dance every day and be with other boys (and girls) of his age who also love ballet. But he won't be too upset if he doesn't get a place as he never thought he would even get an audition. 


    I've not seen him dance officially since before he joined his new dance school, so don't really know what he's like. Obviously I watched his audition videos snd he's definitely improved a lot since the last time we were allowed to have a viewing week, but I don't know what I'm looking for, so just don't have a clue!!!


    Your boys all sound so amazing, confident and so good at ballet. I don't know how they will choose only 14 of them!


    I've not asked about the audition since Friday evening. He spouted out loads on the way home. Mentioned one of 2 bits over the weekend that I hadn't heard first time, when he was telling my Mum what it was like. He's still grinning every now and then and when I ask why he says he is just thinking about the school! He had his private lesson on zoom last night and came out of the lounge after buzzing - his teacher obviously knows what he's talking about, so they had a little catch up and talked technical stuff!


    I'm just hoping we don't have to wait the full 2 weeks. This is worse than waiting for my exam results last year!!!

    I think your son was just as good as everyone in the room. DS told me everyone was amazing (he was beaming when he told me this!)
    And 3 lessons a week isn’t too few, that’s what DS usually does too, two group classes and one 30 min private (we’ve only increased it slightly in lockdown due to general activity levels being so low - I didn’t want DS to become lazy, or addicted to his video games...which we haven’t actually been able to avoid 🙄🤦‍♀️). 

    It’s so good your DS is buzzing! Mine has a real spring in his step too and is dancing about just really happy. It’s really motivated him. I really want him to live in that moment a bit longer. 😁 


    ....but I’d also like to know. (Painful!) 

  4. 1 hour ago, Lara Eschler said:

    Good morning everyone, 

    Looking at last year dates, it seems like the boys got the results 5 days after the audition, so this would be tomorrow. Does anyone know more about dates for boys who could not attend in person or people abroad? 

    I actually really would prefer not to get results tomorrow (as it is ds birthday and right before Elmhurst, lol).

    The year before was 7 days, if I remember correctly (I trawled the threads to see how long we’d be likely to wait too 🙈

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Dancermom said:

    Do you think we could hear about MAs before Easter? Will they need to know who accepts for the school first before offering MAs do you think? Xx

    I guess most people would wait to weigh up their options once all results are out (from other schools) so I can’t imagine they’ll push for immediate responses from the lucky ones who get a yes. So yes, still a long wait to go, I imagine.

    I don’t have much hope for a WL yes for DS but really really keeping fingers tightly crossed for an MA place (but we are prepared for a no on that too). 


    We are planning on trying for Central too. Will take new photos and apply once this result is out. 

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Lara Eschler said:

    Oh really, wow. 

    Yes, I spent that time panicking that I’d done something wrong as our practice one a few days before was so quick. I think it must have just been a very busy time for the system. The schools were mass testing then. 

    @Weloveballet We did ours the day before (you don’t get a time of test on the email, just a date btw so that will be fine :) ). 

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  7. 1 minute ago, Weloveballet said:

    A question from the boys groups when you did the lateral flow tests and put the results into the website did the text come through straight away/ soon after? 

    The first one I did was immediate (like 2 or 3 minutes)  but the second, more recent one took about 4 hours. 

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  8. Yes, I think (hope) it might be like the video viewing times again. The worry over why some were watched almost in full and others just for two minutes or so (ours was one of those). There was no correlation with times and who made finals! We’ll never know what they are doing and why they do it that way. And if we could, I don’t think we’d want to - the selection process must be painful to witness.
    My DS said he felt like a show dog...😳😬 ...but then said it was great fun and he wants to do it all again (phew!) 


    If they had a fun, then it was a great experience and settle it at that for now (it’s in the hands of the panel). The more we know, the more we’ll agonise over it but it won’t change anything. 

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  9. DS did say some were asked to repeat things or show exercises again. He had to redo the seated pike, tummy frog (his worst!!! 😳) and a funny jump that he doesn’t know what it’s called - he said it wasn’t a sauté but something starting in first but legs go apart that he felt was strange but I’ve just googled it and seems it was a sauté (but according to my eldest daughter the ballet method they do differs as legs should always squeeze together unless it’s sautés in second?!?!? I am so confused now 😬😰 I wish I’d never asked! 😅). 

  10. 1 minute ago, Lara Eschler said:

    That's cool I learned something new, did not know what a goniometer was. My ds must have not being paying attention and just did not do the ones on his tummy in the class. 

    Oh I bet he was, just they forget sometimes.

    DS has said he didn’t do certain things in the audition to later say ‘I remember now, we did do that.’ 🤦‍♀️
    I was glad when others confirmed they didn’t do improv - I was worried he’d somehow missed his favourite part by going to the toilet or getting distracted with something else he shouldn’t be doing (it could happen). 🤣

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  11. 1 minute ago, Lara Eschler said:

    He did say his shin was manipulated while laying face down. Maybe he did not realize there was a gadget?  All your dss seem much better at recounting the event.  


    That’s the one! 


    I’m only hearing more as time goes on but if anything it’s stressing me out more - and DS is getting fed up of me asking, bless him. 

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  12. 3 minutes ago, Lara Eschler said:

    I am a bit concerned he did not have it. Also some boys went into 2 separate physio rooms? I think your ds was in the same group, did they just do frogs on their back? Or maybe my ds was not concentrating and missed the exercise entirely?


    Yes, same group. If your DS didn’t then he wasn’t the only one to not have this test. Only on googling from what he’s explained I think it’s a measure of turnout range. If they can already see it maybe they wouldn’t need to test for it? (My DS doesn’t have anywhere near flat turnout, standing or in frog...the tummy one with legs in a diamond, he said they did that too). 

  13. 7 hours ago, Lara Eschler said:

    Interesting, will ask ds about little device. What could it be? DS said they only did supine froggy in his group. 

    A digital goniometer I think. To test turnout range in the hip maybe for those who don’t already display flat turnout? (I’m just guessing here though based on DS explanation and that apparently not everyone had it - in reality it could be anything as he’s quite sketchy in descriptions). 


    I really hope we’ll be able to get some sort of feedback. 



  14. 4 minutes ago, Dancermom said:

    I think you can always tell musicality by if they’re in time with the music and how they’re dancing. I think the improv  tests musicality but not just that as they can see that from the class too. I think it’s to see how well they adapt and if they deal with it well too ! X

    Thank you. That’s good to know. Hopefully!  

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  15. 6 minutes ago, The red shoes said:

    Yes my ds is exactly opposite ... hamstrings are good but middle splits isn’t near flat yet.. a work in progress lol 

    Another with tight hamstrings here - and can get into front/back splits one day but a few days of no stretching and he’s nowhere near in splits again. It’s constant work. 


    They are definitely all a work in progress. If they were perfect already they’d probably have a short ballet journey. They are hopefully all in this for the long haul. Beautiful, strong dancers one day. 💙 👏 

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  16. To anyone those still due to go in, please practice everything - the format may change (there was definitely improv last year as we know a few people who auditioned and they said to expect improv). Most importantly, enjoy it! You will have a wonderful time. 😊 


    It’s interesting how the information comes out in drips and drabs and we have to piece the puzzle together - please don’t take this as a what happens as it’s just a very blurry recount. Turns out he waited outside and then went back in for stretches (and wished they’d been allowed to do the usual splits prep exercise he’s used to as apparently it was cold outside). And DS said yes to the funny beepy device too. No idea what that is. 

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  17. 3 minutes ago, The red shoes said:

    Flexibility and hyper mobility are two different things. 
    My ds is hyper mobile BUT he was never flexible until 2 years ago when he worked his little socks off to get all 3 splits and improve on his turnout. 
    So they aren’t related to each other in that way.

    Totally agree oversplits is not needed and can cause harm and many top schools view this too. 
    Ive taught children who have natural flat turnout ... but put them in the centre and watch them do and adage or allegro and there is zero sign of that turnout as they aren’t using the correct muscles to maintain it! Frustrating as ds does not have flat turn out but he works super hard to improve and maintain what he has. 

    The physio is on potential... Can they train this body... ?will it be prone to injury etc . Is there are good range in hip motion there..? Are their feet good ?

    I told Ds to dazzle & dance his heart out in the audition so if his physio wasn’t perfect they may weigh up if it’s worth taking the risk on him... or not ! 
    But it’s not just on turnout.. if that was the case why do a90 minute class and include flexibility stretches etc. 
    They are looking also at passion in the eyes, drive, a hunger to dance. The ability to pick up the exercises quickly . Musicality & artistry. They need to tick as many boxes as possible xx 

    Thank you. How do they test hypermobility? 

    I think that’s all we can ask of them. 👏  I’m sure they all did their very best and we have to remember to remind them that if it’s a no, it’s nothing they’ve done wrong or about how they dance, it’s just not fitting what that particular school is looking for right now (it does seem to change year after year). 


    DS absolutely loved it. He has no regrets at all just was surprised there wasn’t more of a warm up (or just not the level of warming up he’s used to and that there was no improv or balancés, listening to music and explaining how it makes you feel etc so he didn’t feel there was much in what he believes shows off musicality). 
    I’m not from a ballet (or music) background though so a little clueless and how he explains it often sounds like another language to me. 😆


    I am looking forward to earwigging on the discussion he has with his local teacher this week though. :) 

  18. It’s anyone’s guess really. My DS isn’t hypermobile at all so we’ve really worked so hard on flexibility over the last two years of JAs. We are in a strange position where our local school and our other associates see no real benefit in encouraging getting into splits or focusing on stretching for turnout because that should come naturally with strength from the ballet training, and absolutely no to ever doing oversplits (which I’ve heard all of this echoed by dance physios) and they don’t put girls on pointe until fully developed and with strong foot and ankle muscles (so age 14-15) to JAs where it seems flexibility is just as important, if not more than technique and dance ability and seems to be a big part of what WL are looking for (not that you have to be flat in turnout or splits, but they’ll want them there soon).
    In our local school if you are hypermobile they encourage strengthening those areas. They don’t see it as good or bad. 


    Ive noticed DS turn out is nowhere near as ‘good’ as most his age at this level though he has good hip joint mobility (after warning up) and is always knees over toes. If he tries to replicate his peers, he can’t hold it or return to it easily after moving so his dancing looks messy, however his grand battements for example, are held well in his turnout. Our main teacher says this is where he should be and it’ll come in time with strength. His other teacher says encourage turnout. 🤷‍♀️ There are definitely opposing opinions about it so I guess that’s why there will be so much variation in what schools are looking for. 

    It certainly seems like a fine line to balance. From what I’ve heard, some level of hypermobility might actually be beneficial for acceptance at this stage.

    I don’t know about others but DS said they didn’t warm up properly before stretching, and they were stood outdoors just before (I don’t know if this is because he’s probably needs and is used to more of a warm up than most though due to not having any hypermobility). 

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  19. Just now, Dancermom said:

    Thanks for all the info! Oh gosh I wonder what questions they’ll be asked at the end. I thought they’d got over that with the zoom interview 🤦‍♀️🤣

    DS said it’s just things like their age, how long they’ve been dancing and why they enjoy dancing. Nothing too scary. :) 

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  20. 4 minutes ago, BalletBliss said:

    Thanks also BalletBoyMumma and The Red Shoes for describing what happens on the day.  My DD really needs to know in advance as much as possible to have a peace of mind :)

    I’m sure she will have the most wonderful time. Smile lots, befriend others and dance like you love it. DS said the chaperone was really lovely too. I just asked him for any advice and he says don’t worry, it’s way more fun than you think it will be - if he could do it all again, he would. And best of luck. ❤️

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