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Posts posted by Lema

  1. Yes pointeless it is a hard decision and I think without a crystal ball we will never know if we are making the right choice or not!! I think that's what makes these decisions so hard actually, the uncertainty of making the right choice. Best of luck to your friend she has had some brilliant advice here so I'm sure it will help her to make an informed decision :)

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  2. Wow that's a tricky situation but one I can fully relate to at the moment as we too are worrying about where dd's future lies, do we carry on with just the ballet or return to doing other styles too?! We worry that DD isn't getting enough hours in to be a serious contender in future auditions and can't really take one more classes, but ultimate I think that the daughter has to follow her heart and do what she feels is right for her, us moms are really just along for the ride, we can only offer support and advice as only the daughter knows what her heart desires!! Good luck to them both.

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  3. I understand your concerns Lisa as I have always been classes as severely underweight and I know the battle with weight gain, however I have put on a stone over the last year due to some changes to my diet and I feel great for it!! I have always been a very healthy eater and don't really do processed foods at all so I couldn't see how I was going to put weight on, but by adding a couple of avocados, more nuts, olive oil salad dressings, lots more sweet potatoe and fish I've made some healthy weight gain and like I say I've used the body coach recipes as they include a lot of These ingredients and so although I'm not saying my success was down to him I would defiantly say I'm grateful for some new and different recipes and I love his approach to a healthier lifestyle :)

  4. Some young men remain very lean well into their twenties when they begin to fill out. My husband, who is just 6 foot, was nine stone when he went to university at 18. It's better to be too lean (within reason) than overweight; there are plenty of overweight young people around. Men like my husband and your son probably need to alter their diet quite significantly and go to the gym if they want to fill out ahead of their natural trajectory. Be careful that your helpful suggestions are not fuelling any anxieties which he has about his appearance.

    I totally agree with Aileen here about being careful about fuelling anxieties as it can quickly become an issue with young men that are naturally very slim developing complexes about their size!

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  5. Would it not be more for people who wanted to lose weight and be leaner though? Trust me,he's lean enough !!

    I think from an advertising point of view yes it is aimed at people loosing weight, but if you are looking at weight gain then the food he uses is nutritionally aimed at providing your body with enough energy to sustain you through work outs and muscle growth, so if your not doing the same level of workouts and not burning off as many calories then the healthy high protein high natural fat diet will help you to healthily gain weight and increase energy, and as you said your son doesn't do a high level of exercise so he wouldn't burn off all the calories. Also there is the option of weight gain from building up your muscles and becoming more lean as in muscled rather than slight as in "skinny" (not suggesting your son is skinny but more referring to my relative who was skinny and is not very muscled and looks a lot bigger but through muscle not weight just fat weight gain) hoping all this makes sense?! I know of people who have used him for all sorts of reasons weight gain, weight loss, general healthier living etc so I just thought it may be worth a look :)

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  6. On his website you can pay to have a tailor made plan done for you and I know a few people who have done this and swear by him, but you absolutely don't need to go to that extreme if you don't want to as he puts so much stuff on social media from recipes on Instagram to workout videos on YouTube that you can piece together the info that your interested in without having to pay for a full on plan. I've made a few of his recipes and have really enjoyed them, hope it helps :)

  7. I wouldn't necessarily look for something he can take rather look at what he can eat, increasing his protein will really help. I have a male family member who was very slim and he has started eating a high protein diet and working out and he has really filled out now and looks very good! Things like avocado, cod, turkey, coconut, flaxseed, oats, eggs, milk, natural yoghurt etc all offer high protein and natural fats which are very good for you. Also have you heard of Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach? His is a bit of an Internet sensation, he's a personal trainer/lifestyle coach and his Facebook and Instagram sites are a wealth of knowledge for eating right and training properly, and yes a lot of people use his knowledge to help them loose weight but his information can also be used to help gain weight as he promotes eating food to feed your body to enable you to build muscle, so might be worth your son checking him out, just search "The body Coach" Good luck x

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  8. I think someone mentioned earlier in the threat that the reply date is 13th May so maybe they are waiting till this date to know their definite numbers from the MDS offers?

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  9. I'll second that - I wish all the DC the good luck we have been fortunate enough to receive - also really rooting for your DD Lema. Her determination, strength of character & hard work I'm sure will pay off eventually and if she were my daughter - I would be extremely proud !! Xx

    Thank you so much for your kind words ballet4boyz I hope your ds enjoys every second of his time at his new school!! I bet September can't come quick enough for him!! And I am extremely proud of dd, bless her xx

  10. I haven't posted much but follow all your stories with avid interest. I think you've handled this amazingly Lema. As someone who's possibly teetering on the edge of the big leap into this world, I can only say if I deal with the ups and downs with half as much strength and generosity of spirit as you do I'll be happy! I hope your DD's dreams come true and that she enjoys whatever journey she takes along the way.

    Oh Elfin thank you for your kind words and lovely post. If I could give you any advice at this point it would be to go for it, if it's what your dc wants and you have the time, money and energy then absolutely go for it!! And post more on here, ask your questions and share your story because it really has been an invaluable tool to me and has certainly helped me along this roller coaster ride. I think I try not to take it all too seriously as to not let it take over our lives, drive us mad or wear us down but on the flip side of that I try to take it seriously enough to actually be supporting dd and helping her in her quest to try and achieve her dreams and I definitely follow her lead. As I told her on Friday when she was getting all upset and not sure what to do next I told her to do what feels right in her heart and makes her happy and not just what she thinks she should do, as that way if she never gets anywhere with it all then at least she has still been happy and enjoyed herself whereas if she does what she thinks she "should" do then she may look back and feel like she wasted her time and effort trying to achieve something that never happens, do it for the love and then anything else is a bonus!! Hope that makes sense and good luck to you at this exciting time :)

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  11. Thanks everyone and Luckymum to me I took it badly, my response is normally oh well we know there odds are slim, better luck next time and all that (even for year 7 there are more getting a no to funding than a yes), this time I burst into tears and had a moan on here!! Lol :D

  12. I disagree with the amount of hours my DD didn't start ballet until 8 and only did 2.5 hours of Ballet Rad and 1 hour of Tap and 1 hour of modern and got into 2 out of the top 4 for a yr9 place. She is now in a classical upper school on a Dada. It can happen. Incidentally on the application forms they ask how many hours they do,so I would imagine that was taken into consideration when assessing the child.x

    Thanks for this post miracle it's nice to hear from people with first hand experience of late entry (as in after year 7) and how many hours they were doing, it helps to show there is hope for those that can't manage excessive hours :)

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  13. Balletmun20 I had totally forgot that I was waiting for them to call back!! Yes I'm interested to know if anyone has had a return call from The Hammond yet too, thanks for reminding me lol x

  14. Thank you Peanut and I know I initially took the no quite badly but in my defence I was poorly and just feeling a little sorry for myself, but thanks to all my lovely fellow forumers rallying around me I am back on track and looking forward to where the future may take us!! And there are soooo many beautifully talented dancers out there and so little funding to go around there are always going to be more no's than yeses and getting these knock backs now will hopefully help prepare dd for the many many more to come if this is the path she chooses to continue along, it's building her character and resilience which can only be a good thing!!

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