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Posts posted by Lema

  1. Was wondering if anyone could shed some light for me....dd was at WL finals yesterday and met a little girl who told her that She had been offered a place at Tring with a scholarship, and that she had been offered this "on the spot" and doesn't need to go to funding audition. Well as you all know I'm a bit of a novice at all this so didn't realise they offered scholarships, are these paid for by the school?? And how many are offered?? Etc, just interested really as this is a new development for me to hear of! :)

  2. Oh well why even audition year 8's then?? Doesn't seem to make sense? Or be fair on those auditioning for a year 8 place?? Do you think they meant that none of the year 7's have been assessed out this year or as in they have changed their assessment policy? Interesting news!

  3. Also not sure which of my dds dance teachers to have fill in the form? So would be interested in hearing from others with more than one teacher, which teacher they will ask? Thanks :) and good luck everyone for on the day xx

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  4. Does anyone know how many girls were recalled for elmhurst year 7 finals? I know how many were recalled for white lodge but was just curious to see if the numbers were similar.


    I would also like to know, I have been told by another mom it was 40 girls but I've yet to have this confirmed by dd's teacher, thanks :)

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