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Posts posted by Lema

  1. Hi mumofthree I think that if you can afford to pay for all these classes and it's what your child wants to do then yes you should go for it, you can never tell how a child will develop and the funding is completely down to pot luck really, who else is in that audition, what the school are looking for and how well the child does on the day! But basically each school has a number of funded places available and these will be offered to the pupils with the most potential, so after the preliminary auditions you can be offered no place, an unfunded place or the opportunity to attend a funding audition and those who the school believed has the most potential will be offered funding. Apart from White Lodge where everyone gets funding. All the Mds funding is done on a sliding scale in line with household income, Dada's are for 6th form students not lower school. Hope this helps!!


    I meant to ask before whether it is confirmed that RBS have already implemented the rule that they will not assess out in year 7 and Elmhurs not in year 7 and 8.

    Dd was at RBS and Elmhurst finals last year and they told us that they do not do assessments in year 7 anymore at RBS and not in year 7 or 8 at Elmhurst.

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    The closing date for White Lodge applications was 6th November, Trings last preliminary was 3rd Dec but they then added 26th Jan and Elmhursts was 21st Jan but they have now added 28th Jan, so all before Feb half term. Seem's to me that The Hammond have the best policy with assessments being in November then, that's a lot fairer than doing them in the new year!

    So to me if your up for assessments in Jan/Feb I would definitely audition elsewhere, purely as a precautionary measure!

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  4. I wouldn't have thought it was too late to audition elsewhere though it would be a rush to get photos done.

    Aren't the last rounds of preliminary auditions held in January? And then Tring funding audition is Feb and RBS and Elmhurst finals are early March. So finding out assessment results in Feb half term would mean you've missed all the preliminary auditions that end in January?

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  5. See that's what I was told also, Feb half term, by which time it is way too late to audition for somewhere else!! So surely if you have a dc in a year which has assessments then surely auditioning is just a precautionary measure for if they were to get bad news at assessments?!

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  6. Although I cannot help with regards to this, I actually have a question of my own which I'm hoping someone may be able to answer, and it does kind of relate to the original post......when do vocational schools hold their assessments? As I was under the impression that it's after the new year, in which case what happens if a dc doesn't audition for other schools, as many auditions are before Christmas, and then they get assessed out of their current school? Surly auditioning just helps to give them options should they fail in their assessments?

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  7. Very sad news indeed, I saw Motörhead in 2005 and they we fantastic and LOUD!! According to the official Motörhead Facebook page he only discovered he had a very aggressive form of cancer on 26th December, must be a very hard time for his family and friends to loose him so quickly after finding out. My thoughts go out to all those that loved him, RIP Lemmy.

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  8. Erm Elmhurst was about 40, White Lodge around 30 and I'm not sure for Tring as they do a couple of sessions, think about 10 per session but to be honest my momory is terrible lol it differs from year to year as I've read on here somewhere of there being only 20 one year!!

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  9. Thank you so much happymum, I am very proud of her!! I still can't believe how far she has come in such a short space of time!! I really appreciate all the support I've received from the balletco members as I have had a lot to learn and fast lol :D

  10. Oh my goodness our letter from Tring arrived, big shock as we didn't audition till Thursday so was expecting the letter next week sometime, and again my dd was offered a boarding place and funding audition!! So pleased for her....and the roller coaster begins again!!! ????

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  11. How sad akh but Unfortunately there are some very nasty people out there, we just have to learn how to deal with such people and not let them impact our lives and happiness! The world is made up of many different personalities and we are not going to get along with them all!!

  12. Oh how terrible!! One thing my dd learnt from her experiences was how to handle mean, nasty and very selfish people, it is a skill that has done her well and she actually feels sorry for the nasty kids as she says it must be terrible to feel that insecure that you have to try to distory another person, she knows not to take it to heart. Lucky for your dd to have a good supportive class around her!! I hope your dd feels better soon and remind her what a lovely person she is and obviously the rest of the class think so if they won't hear the nasty things being said about her x

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