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  1. Debbie, They could also try contacting the companies directly before auditions to explain the situation. In some companies, dancers are allowed to audition in company class prior to the scheduled audition.
  2. Training in the US can be costly also. Kirov Academy in D.C. 6 years ago was ~ $18,000.00/year. Vaganova Academy in St Petersburg 4 years about the same for foreign students. Life in Russia is especially grueling for foreign students, and they need to know this. There is no way to fully prepare them for the life they will lead while they are there. In the end, it is all about the level of training. Is it worth it? That is for the individual to decide.
  3. Ian-in agreement about lessons learned My daughter graduated from a prominent Russia ballet school. As an American, it was suggested to her that marrying a Russian "might" help her get into the company(as Joy has done).
  4. A heartbreak for sure. Unfortunately, not new news for Russian ballet. She has learned how the game is being played there, and may want to reconsider her options outside of Russia(which I am sure are many). She is very young, and ambitious and much has been written and is expected of her. Time is on her side.
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