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Posts posted by DancingtoDance

  1. If you live close enough to a vocational ballet school and if your daughter gets in a vocational ballet school, maybe your daughter can be a day student?

    I know about Young Dancers Academy (https://www.youngdancersacademy.com/) which is audition-only and has holiday courses. I don’t know much about it.


    I’m not sure I can answer your question well, because I don’t have experience with vocational ballet training. Maybe look into whether there are students who went straight from your child’s dance studio to a vocational ballet school?   

    If your daughter will take or is already taking associate ballet classes, winter ballet intensives or summer ballet intensives, maybe the teachers of those classes could be able to give advice regarding that as they would have an idea of what is needed to get into vocational ballet school as well as your daughter’s aptitude for vocational ballet training and level of ballet.

  2. 18 hours ago, Squawk020 said:

    I’m currently in year ten, I go to a very good academic school and my predicted grades are very high. My parents want me to stay at my current school for sixth form, but I want to apply for Elmhurst. I’ve only been dancing for two years, but I’ve already begun pointe and intermediate foundation. I also don’t look like the most typical dancer, so my parents are doubtful. We are also a quite low income family but my dad has a good pension so I don’t think I’d be eligible for any funding and obviously they wound pay much in terms of fees. They’ve already made it clear that I will have to get the train to school and they won’t help me with transport.


    Any advice

    ps sorry for the long post

    Just out of curiosity, how many ballet classes have you taken a week for the past two years, and have you taken dance classes other than ballet by any chance or not?


    I agree with the advice to apply to associate schemes if you can't get into a vocational ballet school yet. I also suggest that perhaps you may want to apply to ballet winter or summer schools if you can. I'm not suggesting that you should definitely do ballet winter or summer school even if you get in, because there may be other priorities and sometimes we need a break, but it may be worth considering. There may also be non-selective ballet winter or summer intensives (I went to one but not in the U.K.) I also suggest that if you do apply for vocational ballet schools, you apply to more than only Elmhurst Ballet School, because it is possible to not get into one vocational ballet school but get into another ballet school.


    Even if you do get into vocational ballet school or do get into ballet school, I suggest you consider career options other than ballet dancing, because various factors may mean the end of vocational ballet training or the end of a career in ballet dancing, and because according to https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1fkwdll6ZscvQtHMz4HCYYr/why-do-dancers-die-twice the average age a dancer retires from a career in performing dance is about 35, which means that a career in dancing may very well be shorter than the years one works. There are forms of dance other than ballet, if you wish to explore them.


    I wish the best for you!


  3. I don't know that I'm a tennis fan as I don't usually watch tennis. However, during maybe one or two semesters of my secondary school I played tennis as a weekly after-school activity, because I needed to do an action activity to graduate from my secondary school. I don't think I was very good at tennis at all as I usually missed the ball when trying to catch it, though I guess many skills require time to develop, but I don't think I'm very good at sports at all!


    Yes, I think liking tennis would definitely help one play tennis to the best of one's ability, because that would make practicing tennis more fun than like a chore!

  4. On 08/10/2020 at 20:53, Nama said:

    My daughter had mental health issues after a very difficult graduate year at a uk prestigious ballet school. She needed considerable mental health treatment from psychiatric doctors and therapy. This treatment at the school and associated company required a lot of rebuilding of her confidence and belief in a future. She’s not the only one - and she’s a very confident and articulate young woman. But even she was shattered. This was despite my constant requests for help ( in person and email) for her from the school AD  He and teachers made the assumption that he believed she was ok as she appeared “stoic” and “coping “. My daughter knew that if she collapsed in a heap and let her emotions out in class she would be told to act professionally and learn resilience. It would be held against her. If this was a normal school ignoring mental health issues and openly commenting in a class situation regarding a students emotional state - the institution would be in serious trouble. Parents need to look at the situation as a service and a school environment- if you are unhappy with the service you are paying for call that school management to account ! If it says school over the front door your child deserves to get all the usual protections dictated by law. 

    I’m so sorry to hear about what your daughter has gone through. That was not her fault at all, and not a reflection on her. No career, including a career in ballet, is worth one‘s physical or mental health. 

    It is important validate people’s emotions. Validating children’s emotions is one way to help them learn resilience.


    I think anyone’s physical and mental health would be compromised under a poor environment.


  5. On 21/11/2021 at 11:03, Angela Essex said:

    Hi Everyone!

    Are there any other adult beginners on here? I’ve been going to ballet class once a week since September having never danced before in my life and am really enjoying it. Just wondering how long it takes to get any good? I’ve got better at the barre work my teacher has been doing in class but I’m still embarrassingly bad, especially when it comes to centre practice. I’m much worse than all the other ladies in the class who have returned to ballet having danced as when they were younger and I’m getting fed up of being the worst one. We are doing rad intermediate syllabus. My teacher is trying her best god bless her, she’s really taking time to explain things but there’s so much to remember and I keep mucking it up. I practice with you tube videos a few times a week in between classes but progress seems so slow. Feeling like I need some moral support or maybe just a stern talking to telling me to stop being such a whiny baby and practice more 😂 Sometimes I actually feel bad for being in the class with all these better dancers, but I’m too stubborn to quit, besides I actually love going to the class despite how rubbish I am 😂. I am really trying to improve as I don’t want to let the rest of the ladies in the class and my teacher down but I’m still sooo bad 😂 Has anyone else on here felt similar as an adult absolute beginner? 


    From what I have read online, it seems one ballet class a week might not allow you to make much progress in ballet, so if you have the time, money, and physical and mental stamina and capability to do so, you might want to add at least one more ballet class a week. At the same time, if you are satisfied with taking one ballet class a week at the moment and don't want to add any more ballet classes a week, that is completely fine. I don't suggest you practice ballet without a ballet teacher's supervision, because if you practice wrong ballet technique you get "better" at dancing wrong ballet technique instead of correct ballet technique which could put you at greater risk of injury, and because if your home doesn't have flooring suitable for dance according to https://www.theballetblog.com/portfolio/the-impact-of-flooring-on-dance-injuries/ if you don't dance on a floor that is suitable for dance that could put you at increased risk of injury especially if you don't dance with proper technique which you might not as a very new beginner in ballet.


    If you feel the level of the ballet course you currently are taking is too advanced for you, I suggest you speak with your dance teacher about whether you should start in a more basic ballet class and if a basic ballet class is available. I think RAD Intermediate sounds advanced for a beginner in ballet who has only started dancing since September so for less than half a year and especially when that beginner is only taking only one ballet class a week. I see that some dance studios require students taking RAD Vocational Graded Examination classes of which an RAD Intermediate Exam class to attend ballet classes at least three times a week (of course, you don't have to take the exam if you don't want to). I'm not sure why an RAD Intermediate ballet class would be the only local ballet class that is available for you? I think that if it is available to you, it may better serve you to take an adult absolute beginner ballet class instead, and if an adult absolute beginner ballet class is not available, if there is a class available to you that focuses more on the basics of ballet that may better serve you than an RAD Intermediate class even if most of the students in that class are children or teenagers.


    If you want to eventually go en pointe, according to https://www.ortho.wustl.edu/content/Patient-Care/3496/Services/Physical-Medicine-and-Rehabilitation-Musculoskeletal/Performing-Arts-Program/Criteria-for-Pointe-Work.aspx, a general recommendation is that a student should have at least 3 years of consistent ballet training and be consistently at least 3 ballet classes a week before they begin pointe work, so it seems if you want to go en pointe, eventually if not now you should try to have at least 3 ballet classes a week. At the same time, if you are not able or don't want to eventually go en pointe, that is okay too. The website also lists other general recommendations about criteria a student should fulfil before beginning pointe work.


    I would like to share that I started RAD Grade 1 Ballet at twelve years old and was the oldest in the class, and I think most of the other students in the class were around seven or eight years old. Though I was not an adult then, I wanted to share this with you, just in case that helps you feel less alone in starting dance later than others in the dance studio of the same or a similar age to you have started ballet. At the same time, if this is not an adult absolute beginner ballet class, if an adult absolute beginner class is available I think perhaps it may better serve you if you go to an adult absolute beginner ballet class instead. If an adult absolute beginner ballet class, I think perhaps it may better serve you if you go to a ballet class which is more basic and suitable for you even if most of the students there are children or teenagers.


    EDIT: I just read your last post and saw that you were able to do three ballet classes a week recently. I'm glad you were able to add more classes!

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  6. On 18/01/2022 at 21:33, DancingtoDance said:


    I think that abuse or neglect can be intentional or unintentional, and that abuse or neglect is never okay. One way to prevent dance teachers abusing or neglecting students is to hire dance teachers committed to valuing the physical, emotional and mental health of dance students, who use teaching practices that prevent physical, emotional or mental health injuries, and that also consider challenges students may have in this area (e.g. adapting the steps of a ballet exercise for a particular student who has a temporary physical injury).


    I think dance teachers of children and teenagers should receive training or guidance regarding typical and atypical physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children and teenagers, and regarding what ballet steps are and are not appropriate for a child or teenager of a certain age, previous dance training, ability in dance, physique, flexibility and strength to do. I think putting a child or teenager at high risk of injury due to demanding to do dance steps or exercises inappropriate for their age or dance ability is abuse. It is not okay to push bodies and minds beyond their current limits to the point it poses a risk of physical or mental injury. While a certain amount of training in ballet is needed for a professional career in dancing or teaching ballet, I think over-training in ballet or dance can potentially cause injury and can be counter-productive to progress in ballet or dance. I also think over-scheduling children and teenagers with activities, including academic activities, is not helpful and quite possibly harmful. Whether or not one is paying for the activities is irrelevant regarding whether over-scheduling of those activities is harmful. Just because one is paying for something doesn't necessarily mean it is worth it and doesn't cause harm, and just because some things may be free does not necessarily mean they should be taken or that they cannot harm. Parent should be aware of this.


    Resilience is important and can help children and teenagers get through difficult situations. However, this does not mean that children or teenagers should be expected to cope without help from other people with situations that are beyond what their current skills allow them to cope with, or to accept abuse or neglect, or that having resilience means that trauma will not harm. I think children and teenagers should be taught, shown or modeled problem-solving skills. Children and teenagers should also be taught about appropriate and inappropriate behavior and how to respond to inappropriate behavior. Home is one place appropriate behavior should be shown and taught, but unfortunately children's parents could be negligent or abusive to them. I think the topic of appropriate and inappropriate behavior, bullying, mistreatment, abuse and neglect should be discussed in school with students as well. I think children's and teenager's emotions, feelings and needs should be validated. These strategies could help build resilience. I think having awareness of one's current skills and of past and present situations could also help build resilience, and that others could help develop this awareness in young people. Students also should not be shamed or blamed for things outside of their control.


    There should also be process students and parents could take to express concerns or to report inappropriate behavior, and without the fear of negative consequences arising from doing so. Students and parents should be encouraged to express any concerns they have in the event that they have any.


    Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse have no place anywhere, including in dance classes, dance rehearsals, dance performances, recreational, pre-vocational or vocational dance schools, or dance companies. 


    Regarding aesthetics, growing bodies can definitely change over time. I think there are some aspects of aesthetics you can control, and some aspects of aesthetics that you can't control. For example, one may be able to develop long and lean muscles as a result of ballet training, while one may not be able to change the length of their toes. I think it is possible that one's torso-leg proportion may change as one grows, and how much this will change if at all may not be predictable. I think regarding weight, actual or perceived issues regarding weight must be handled with care, particularly with young people whose bodies have not fully developed yet. I will preface this by emphasizing that I am not a health professional: I think if someone's weight changes due to puberty or natural changes in the body, this is okay and perhaps sometimes concerns regarding weight in the context of classical ballet aesthetics may be better addressed when a young person's body has fully developed or been close to fully developing. I think for a child or teenager, if there is a weight management plan it should be created with the guidance of a health professional and that the plan should be executed. under the supervision of a health professional.



    On 03/02/2021 at 04:57, Chamomile said:

    I am slightly late to the conversation with this thread but I’d just like to say tread with caution. More students/professionals read this forum than you’d think (we are internet savvy young people after all! 😉). Discussions about physique can easily get out of hand and can be quite triggering if you’re not careful.


    Ballet unfortunately does have a particular aesthetic that only a tiny percentage of people possess genetically. As an ex-vocational ballet student at one of the top schools, I can confidently say my body shape has fluctuated as a result of comments/pressure to reach particular grades in reports/assessments or just simply in the hope that I would be favoured.


    I started my professional training as a relatively muscular 12-year-old and had already started puberty. Although I was slightly bigger than some of my classmates who were still pre-pubescent at this point, I never remember having any hang-ups about my physique. 

    From the age of 15 onwards I have been everything in my teachers’ eyes... “just right”, “too thin” (although worryingly this was occasionally met with praise), “too big”, “too bulky”, back to “just right”. I have really suffered with disordered eating, yo-yo dieting, body dysmorphia and general loss of confidence. It can very easily zap the love out of ballet! 

    I believe it is hard enough growing up as a young person in this day and age, let alone adding the difficulties of dance training on top of this! Please encourage young dancers to love their bodies, no matter how they may look aesthetically. Be very cautious of any dance teacher who attempts to give scientific advice and claim it worked for them - every body is different! If something is flagged up as an issue, please approach someone who is actually trained to deal with athletes (if you can find someone who also deals with dancers it’s more of a bonus!). You wouldn’t ignore a doctor’s advice and listen to what Joe Bloggs advises for your health, so why do the same for dance?!

    Be sure as parents to be there to be a shoulder to cry on and someone to cheer from the sidelines. Unfortunately so many dancers won’t ever “make it”, but you don’t want them walking away with a bitter taste in their mouths. It really upsets me to know that some parents can be incredibly judgemental of developing bodies - we get enough of that from teachers as it is! 

    Encourage your DC to pursue safe physical activity outside of dance that will not only benefit their dance training, but also provide huge amounts of enjoyment. Encourage other interests and hobbies too. Conforming to this ideal of a bunhead is NOT healthy! Eat nutritious food but also don’t make a song and dance out of it. Don’t overload children with summer schools and masterclasses - yes, it may be cool to be taught by particular dancers and to have the ability to travel to new places, but use holidays to rest too! Follow this and I think many of you will find that your children will actually develop into stronger, healthier and happier dancers that fit the aesthetic requirements.

    I'm so sorry to hear how you have suffered with disordered eating and general loss of confidence, and how your teacher made those comments. Comments about weight should be made with care and only when necessary, especially with young people whose bodies and minds are still developing, and safe and healthy practices should be promoted instead of unsafe and unhealthy practices. A dance teacher may not know whether or not weight loss or weight gain in a student is or would be safe for them, so they should take that into consideration and not make reckless and potentially dangerous comments. One's health is much more important than whether or not one's weight is suitable for a career in performing ballet, and if one's health is unnecessarily compromised or if one uses unhealthy weight management practices I'm not sure that one will be able to have a long career in performing ballet anyway. No career in ballet or any career for that matter is worth damaging one's health. There are some forms of dance in which I think their body type requirements may be less restrictive than ballet.


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  7. On 20/01/2022 at 08:24, Kate_N said:

    Well, one answer is - Parents should read & consult this message board!


    But seriously, it is tricky. One would think that the teacher @drdancedescribes 



    would be safe, but as she notes, these teachers can still have unhealthy practices. So many children do ballet & dance as one of their childhood activities, and most parents are not in or from the performing world, and don't have the specific knowledge to judge quality of training.


    But I'd imagine that most parents of child ballet/dance students would go to watching days or see their children in class somehow, or - as a child gets older & more articulate - talk to them about their teachers, their classes, and what the child is learning? Same as for academic school.


    Unhealthy practices are not necessarily always made known to parents. Not every parent necessarily talks with their children as often as they perhaps should. Not every child or teenager will necessarily let their parent know about an unhealthy practice that is taking place.


    Even if a parent is from a dance performing world, e.g. has performed as a dancer, that does not necessarily mean they know what dance and exercises are and not appropriate for their child at their current physical and technical development to do. I think physiotherapists or people in similar professions may be able to offer advice regarding this.


    Regarding aesthetics, I think dance teachers should not discuss with recreational dance students their body type or weight, since they are not pursuing a dance career which may require a specific body type. If weight poses a health issue, that is what a doctor not a dance teacher who is not also a doctor should say. Dance teachers may not necessarily know whether or not a dance student wants to pursue a career in dance, so that is why it may be wise for dance students and/or their parents to let their dance teacher(s) know if they want to pursue a career in dance. If there is a concern regarding aesthetics, if discussed with the student I think this should be discussed privately and with care especially if the student's body is still developing as I think students' bodies can grow into or grow out of a ballet body (e.g. their torso-leg proportion can change), but some factors of this may not be what can be controlled. Dance teachers do not need to and should not tell a whole class or any student publicly in a class that they need to lose or gain weight those students giving any advice about how to do so and how to do so safely and health and without emphasizing healthy practices and without even knowing if losing or gaining weight would be safe or appropriate for those students (e.g. they may be at a healthy weight for their current situation, and losing or gaining weight could be very damaging to health and even life-threatening for some people, and dance teachers may or may not be aware of certain students' health conditions which may make it even more important for them to have safe practices regarding nutrition and exercise). 


    While I think children and teenagers should be taught and shown that respecting authority to a certain extent is important, I think children and teenagers should be told that if something someone, including an authority figure, asks them to do does not feel safe or right to do, they don't have to do it and should not do it, and that it is okay for them to speak up when something is wrong or to tell someone including an authority figure to stop doing something harmful or that they think something they did was not okay.

  8. 6 hours ago, drdance said:


    However, sadly there are still teachers (in every level of dance training establishment) who have little to no training/understanding/experience of child development, child psychology, activity modification for injury, the effects of the adolescent growth spurt, pedagogy, or mental health first aid. There are dance schools up and down the country where a career as a perfomer is enough of a qualification to be a teacher. There are some dance schools where people are teaching who don't have that, or any teaching qualification or training.  There are dance schools with teachers who have done the training, passed the exams, continue to get wonderful exam results and dancers who win competitions left right and centre, yet who have unhealthy practices. 

    All parents can do is try and find out as much about the school and the training as possible, and if something doesn't sound right, seek advice.



    How will parents know whether the training is right (i.e. free from physical and emotional abuse, preventing injury, and also of sufficient quality and sufficient but not excessive quantity for their child’s goals in dance)?

  9. On 02/08/2020 at 07:04, Kate_N said:

    MODERATOR'S NOTE: This thread has been split off from an earlier thread here:

    and some quotes may be from that original thread (click on the arrow at the top right of any quote to go back to the original post).

    If you spot any post which is obviously in the "wrong" thread, please point it out.  Thank you.





    @Pups_mumI think this is such an important point. We need a balance, and a society which doesn't pathologise normal ordinary feelings of stress, anxiety etc and particularly the normal ordinary confusions of puberty!


    I had a young student of mine take me aside at the start of a 3 hour studio session to tell me that they thought I ought to know that they'd not slept well because they'd been having lots of anxious thoughts. My spoken response was to smile be reassuring and say  "It's OK. You know what you have to do. Do the breathing, be in the present here in the studio, focus on that. You don't have to think about anything else."


    What I was thinking to myself was, however, "Welcome to the adult world."


    Lovely hard-working student - but I can't help feeling that they were not served well by not being taught that anxious thoughts are normal ... and being taught how to deal with them. And insomnia from them! Resilience is so important.


    Edited to add: So I"m interested in what can be done to train young people in realistic ways in areas where standards are exceptionally high, and competition for places is tough, and some aspects of the high standards are perhaps beyond the individual's control?


    Given classical ballet aesthetics as they currently are, there are going to be some bodies which are just not suited. And before we get to aesthetics, the rigours of the physical training also mean that some bodies are just not suited. And the work ethic is necessarily tough, and aesthetic & technical standards necessarily exceptional.


    What are the ways of preparing young people for these aspects of the world they aspire to enter, which offer realistic assessment to pupils, but don't become abusive?


    I think that abuse or neglect can be intentional or unintentional, and that abuse or neglect is never okay. One way to prevent dance teachers abusing or neglecting students is to hire dance teachers committed to valuing the physical, emotional and mental health of dance students, who use teaching practices that prevent physical, emotional or mental health injuries, and that also consider challenges students may have in this area (e.g. adapting the steps of a ballet exercise for a particular student who has a temporary physical injury).


    I think dance teachers of children and teenagers should receive training or guidance regarding typical and atypical physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children and teenagers, and regarding what ballet steps are and are not appropriate for a child or teenager of a certain age, previous dance training, ability in dance, physique, flexibility and strength to do. I think putting a child or teenager at high risk of injury due to demanding to do dance steps or exercises inappropriate for their age or dance ability is abuse. It is not okay to push bodies and minds beyond their current limits to the point it poses a risk of physical or mental injury. While a certain amount of training in ballet is needed for a professional career in dancing or teaching ballet, I think over-training in ballet or dance can potentially cause injury and can be counter-productive to progress in ballet or dance. I also think over-scheduling children and teenagers with activities, including academic activities, is not helpful and quite possibly harmful. Whether or not one is paying for the activities is irrelevant regarding whether over-scheduling of those activities is harmful. Just because one is paying for something doesn't necessarily mean it is worth it and doesn't cause harm, and just because some things may be free does not necessarily mean they should be taken or that they cannot harm. Parent should be aware of this.


    Resilience is important and can help children and teenagers get through difficult situations. However, this does not mean that children or teenagers should be expected to cope without help from other people with situations that are beyond what their current skills allow them to cope with, or to accept abuse or neglect, or that having resilience means that trauma will not harm. I think children and teenagers should be taught, shown or modeled problem-solving skills. Children and teenagers should also be taught about appropriate and inappropriate behavior and how to respond to inappropriate behavior. Home is one place appropriate behavior should be shown and taught, but unfortunately children's parents could be negligent or abusive to them. I think the topic of appropriate and inappropriate behavior, bullying, mistreatment, abuse and neglect should be discussed in school with students as well. I think children's and teenager's emotions, feelings and needs should be validated. These strategies could help build resilience. I think having awareness of one's current skills and of past and present situations could also help build resilience, and that others could help develop this awareness in young people. Students also should not be shamed or blamed for things outside of their control.


    There should also be process students and parents could take to express concerns or to report inappropriate behavior, and without the fear of negative consequences arising from doing so. Students and parents should be encouraged to express any concerns they have in the event that they have any.


    Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse have no place anywhere, including in dance classes, dance rehearsals, dance performances, recreational, pre-vocational or vocational dance schools, or dance companies. 


    Regarding aesthetics, growing bodies can definitely change over time. I think there are some aspects of aesthetics you can control, and some aspects of aesthetics that you can't control. For example, one may be able to develop long and lean muscles as a result of ballet training, while one may not be able to change the length of their toes. I think it is possible that one's torso-leg proportion may change as one grows, and how much this will change if at all may not be predictable. I think regarding weight, actual or perceived issues regarding weight must be handled with care, particularly with young people whose bodies have not fully developed yet. I will preface this by emphasizing that I am not a health professional: I think if someone's weight changes due to puberty or natural changes in the body, this is okay and perhaps sometimes concerns regarding weight in the context of classical ballet aesthetics may be better addressed when a young person's body has fully developed or been close to fully developing. I think for a child or teenager, if there is a weight management plan it should be created with the guidance of a health professional and that the plan should be executed. under the supervision of a health professional.


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  10. On 13/02/2020 at 13:06, Tulip said:

    My daughter is now a professional dancer. Throughout her training at vocational school they are under immense pressure to keep to the right weight for ballet. If you appear heavy you are told to lose weight at upper school, if you lose too much weight you are taken off dance. For quite a few students this really messes with their heads, they are at an age when their bodies are transitioning to adult. 
    Consider if this environment is safe for your precious daughter and if it ever will be. 
    I saw so many students with ED but no one said anything. I saw students gain hormonal weight and I know that they were told to lose weight. Can anyone imagine how that poor student felt having to wear a leotard everyday in front of a mirror with all her super lean friends. Thankfully my daughter survived her training but is left with the emotional baggage of always checking her weight. 
    As a mother I feel awful that I was unable to pull my daughter from this environment, she simply lived, loved and dreamed it and worked super hard. 
    I wish your beautiful daughter all the best of luck in her recovery, and very gentle hugs to you as her mother, you have some very difficult decisions to make alongside your daughter. 

    Hi Tulip, thank you for sharing. Maintaining one's health as far as one can is much more important than keeping the right weight for ballet, because for one if you are not as healthy as you can be you may not be able to dance anymore or as long as you would if you were as healthy as you could be


    I think caution and tact must be used when discussing weight with young people or young dancers, especially with those whose bodies have not fully developed yet. It is okay and natural to go through puberty. Weight gain or weight loss during growth or puberty does not necessarily mean one's body is or will be unsuitable for ballet or dance, because student's bodies may change over time, especially when their bodies are still developing. No student should be shamed for natural weight gain or natural weight loss. From what I have read online it seems there are forms of dance other than ballet which may have less restrictive weight requirements than ballet, so students may want to look into a career in other forms of dance as well.


    I also think while weight gain or weight loss could be indicators of disordered eating, they are not necessarily always indicators of disordered eating: weight gain or weight loss could be due to growth or natural changes in the body, and they could be indicators of illnesses or medical conditions unrelated to disordered eating. This should be also considered when noticing weight gain or weight loss in a student: it should not be unnecessarily assumed that a student who seems to gain excessive weight or lose excessive weight has done anything to do so. One should not automatically assume that someone gaining weight is eating too much or that someone losing weight is eating too little.

  11. I don't have experience with stage school auditions. I think that even if your daughter doesn't get accepted to any stage school, that does not mean that her previous stage or dance training is not valuable, as it may very well have taught her many useful skills such as perseverance as well as the technical and artistic aspects of the training. I think her hard work in dance and in the auditions should be acknowledged and commended despite the fact that she has not gotten accepted to them. I think it would be wise of your daughter to consider plans other than musical theatre, just because a musical theatre career may not be available to everyone, and because even if one starts a musical theatre career things could happen that mean a pause from or the end of their musical theatre career. However, this is not to say that your daughter getting rejected from two stage schools means she will not get into any stage schools or have a musical theatre career. After all, they are only two schools.


    Are there other stage schools your daughter could audition for?


    Even though your daughter got rejected from the two stage schools she auditioned for so far, I think it is good that she auditioned for them, because that gives her audition experience, and because at least your daughter did what she can to try to get in them. She could audition again for them if possible.


    Perhaps your daughter could seek advice from her local dance or stage teachers, regarding what next steps she could take and regarding what they think she does well and what she could improve on. Perhaps there are local dance training schemes that could supplement her current training (this might not be necessary for your daughter though; perhaps your daughter's current stage or dance training is sufficient for her goals, and I think it is important to take some rest and refrain from over-training).


    I think some careers do not necessarily require formal training in that career. For example, according to https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/become-actor-5125/#:~:text=No%2C there are no education,of training along the way., it is possible to become an actor without going to acting school. I don't know what kind of training is required for musical theatre.


    I wish you and your daughter the very best.

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  12. On 21/04/2016 at 11:16, Jacqueline said:

    I  am wondering what people may make of the following. I was at my local garage this afternoon, had just put some fuel in the car and was about to pay for it. As I crossed the forecourt, another car pulled in. There was a small girl - 7 years ish - in the back seat. The window was partially open and she was banging her hand on the inside, crying Help me, help me, let me out! She seemed distressed but I didn't approach. 

    I went in to the till and mentioned it to a woman who came up behind me in the queue. I said something along the lines of there's a child in a car out there calling for help, she's either being abducted or she's just having a paddy. The driver of this vehicle was putting fuel in by now, so an abduction was unlikely but who knows?

    Anyway, it turned out the screaming child was this woman's daughter. The woman works in the shop and they were just coming to collect her after her shift.The woman told me the child has ADHD and regularly behaves like this in public. I apologised in case I had offended her with the paddy comment but had felt it best to say something, in case it was an abduction. I'd rather risk offence than stand by while a child disappears.

    She seemed ok about it, may be used to people commenting. But it made me think, as ADHD is as far as I know, considered a disability although there is a school of thought that thinks it doesn't actually exist and is just an excuse for bad behaviour. I don't know either way but I would be interested to know what people on here think. Also, would you have said something in the first place? One always risks getting an earful of abuse after all.

    I think that if you have a concern that a child may have been in danger, you should do something to ensure the child is safe if you can. Better to do something to ensure the child's safety when it turns out that the child was safe than to not do anything to ensure the child's safety and the child's safety be further put in danger.


    I think what is diagnosed as ADHD is not necessarily bad behavior as it is not necessarily willful and is also not necessarily a behavioral difficulty. Unfortunately sometimes children's characteristics or challenges get misinterpreted as misbehavior when it is not. For example, people who find eye contact uncomfortable do not need to be forced to make eye contact, people should be allowed to stim, people experiencing absence seizures where they temporarily lose consciousness may be misinterpreted to be willfully not paying attention when they temporarily lose consciousness. I also think that self-injury such as head-banging can be a sign of distress, and sometimes not being understanding towards people with ADHD or other conditions contribute to those people's distress (though that is not the only thing that can contribute to distress). I also think unfortunately sometimes parents may use their children's diagnoses to disguise abuse or neglect (I am not saying that is the case in the situation you mentioned, because I don't know what was the situation), so they may for example say this is part of the child's diagnosis when it is actually an indication of abuse or neglect.


    Sometimes things can be misinterpreted as wilfull or misbehavior when it is part of a diagnosis or condition. For example, some autistic people and people with other conditions that make them have sensory processing differences may noisy or bright environments overwhelming and have a sensory sensory meltdown where they may make noises, scream or do other things which indicate they are overwhelmed, and some people may experience vocal tics which they can't control and may be misinterpreted as willful or deliberately disruptive.

  13. On 11/05/2014 at 07:42, primrose said:

    I think it depends how severe the ASD is and how it affects the person. Many people have very little understanding of autism. Many believe it is the isolated person who requires no friends and have no eye contact or language etc. Yes the extremes can be like this but mostly people on the spectrum do live independent lives even get married. There was a documentary about autism on the television a few weeks ago highlighting the strategies people with asd can put in place to help themselves. Quite a few were public speakers etc.


    I also think having little to no eye contact, or needing to use forms of communication other than oral communication (sometimes people may also find it difficult to use oral communication during certain situations when they can communicate orally in other situations) does not necessarily mean not being able to live independently (although we are all in some way dependent on other people), and having eye contact or strong oral communication or language does not necessarily mean being able to live independently. I think if society was more accessible to people with an autism spectrum condition, more people with an autism spectrum condition would have better mental health and it would also be easier for people with an autism spectrum condition to participate fully in society. From what I have read it seems "masking" autism can also contribute to mental health difficulties, so I don't think "masking" autism should be the aim, and just because one does not appear to be autistic to other people does not necessarily mean they are not autistic or have no challenges related to autism or an inaccessible society.

  14. On 27/05/2014 at 17:58, Anna C said:

    Anjuli, if it helps, here's a simplified version of state (Government Funded) schooling in my area (South East England):


    Kindergarten - UK: Pre-School/Nursery School (usually from ages 3 to 5 or almost 5)


    Elementary grades: 1 through 6 - UK: Primary School. Reception (age 4 or 5) then Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Approx age 4-11.


    Middle School (used to be called "Jr. High School") - grades 7 through 9. In some districts it varies with 9 being high school and/or 7 being elementary school.. - UK: some areas do have Middle Schools which are Years 5 to 8.


    Secondary/Senior Schools are more common, starting at Year 7 (1st year) aged 11. In Year 11 (aged 15-16) pupils take General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams.


    After Year 11 the options are:


    Year 12 and 13 at Secondary School (also known as 6th form) to take Advanced Levels ("A'Levels), usually with the aim of leaving at 18 and going to University




    6th Form College to study A'Levels




    Local College to study Vocational subjects (Vocational in this context does not mean Ballet, but more Social Care, Childcare, Hair and Beauty, Mechanics, Performing Arts, Plumbing etc) at VQ (Vocational Qualification) level. These levels vary from Level 3 (equivalent to GCSEs) up to Foundation Degrees or Degrees.


    Or straight into the workplace as an Apprentice/Junior


    Or (hopefully) to Ballet School for 2 or 3 years from age 16-18 or 16-19 😉


    If you take A'Levels and get your required Grades then either a three or four year course at University depending on your chosen subject.


    Then post graduate studies or a job.





    What do you mean when you use the word "form"? - Class. For schools with multi-form entry this would mean several "forms" (classes) made up of 20-30 pupils, all in the same Year (Grade).


    What do you mean when you use the word "level"? - determines the level of exam syllabus being studied (e.g. Level 3/GCSE at 16)


    So when we talk about going to Dance School at Upper School/6th Form we mean the equivalent of Year 12 at 16/17, having left Secondary school at the end of Year 11 after completing GCSEs.


    Does that help at all or have I complicated things even more for you? 🙂

    The age where one is legally allowed to leave school (barring circumstances such as illness that makes one unable to attend school in which case age may not apply) in the USA depends on the state.

  15. 18 hours ago, Madmum said:

    Hi everyone, I have followed this forum for years and found the content to be invaluable, I don’t think this has been discussed before so here goes my first post, it’s unfortunately not a positive one.  My daughter started dance school (upper school) in September, it’s her first time living away from home and she has taken to it with no hesitations.  reports from the school have been glowing but I found out at Christmas that she had developed a smoking habit, I was livid when I found out and made it clear that I wouldn’t be funding her dreams of dancing professionally if she continued to smoke, she promised to quit.  I have since found out that she is still smoking, I feel so let down and I really don’t know what to do.  I have spoken to a couple of local teachers who don’t think it’s a big deal but I feel if she’s not 100% committed to a healthy lifestyle then she’s unlikely to make a career out of dance, am I overreacting? I am absolutely gutted 😢

    I am sorry to hear about this. Maybe (not saying definitely) your daughter is trying to smoke to deal with stress or something else as a way of coping? If so then maybe she needs to be taught to use other coping skills and if there are things stressing her out too much maybe that can be dealt with too. And/or maybe (not saying definitely) your daughter was tempted (with or without peer pressure) to smoke and unfortunately gave into that temptation? I think one step to try to resolve this is to try to find out why your daughter started to smoke, however your daughter may not know exactly why and/or she may not want to tell you why yet and personally I think if she does not want to tell you why I think that is her right to privacy too.


    Perhaps your daughter is unaware of the short-term and long-term effects smoking can have and if that is the case she needs to be made aware of how smoking can harm her.


    Another thing is that smoking is bad for the environment and pollutes the air which is really not fair for anyone who has made the conscious choice not to smoke and if your daughter smokes around others secondhand smoke can harm other people too which would mean it is not just your daughter who may get harmed by her choice to smoke but also other people who may get harmed by her choice to smoke. Some people may have breathing difficulties, allergies and other medical conditions which may make secondhand smoke especially harmful to them, so the point I am making is that smoking does not just affect oneself but also others and it is truly very unfair to subject other people as well to harmful effects from secondhand smoke. Perhaps explain this to your daughter.


    If your daughter has become addicted to smoking it may be stopping smoking may be challenging for your daughter however if she is motivated to stop I am sure stopping smoking is doable.


    Also, according to Childline if you are in the UK and your daughter is under 18 she legally is not allowed to buy cigarettes in case you were unaware of this fact (I don't think anyone should smoke regardless of their age because doing so is harmful to oneself as well as other people).


    As a parent the decision of what to do is up to you (of course within reason, for example though a parent's decision of how to guide their child is theirs there are some things no parents should do such as verbal, emotional or physical abuse or neglect), I think one thing to do is to first consider with your daughter (if your daughter is willing) what may have contributed towards her smoking habit and deal with those things, educate your daughter on the harmful effects of smoking on herself and other people, if she is motivated to stop smoking help her to do so, and maybe ask the upper school staff to restrict access to cigarettes if feasible (or if she comes home I think not letting her have access to cigarettes is reasonable).


    I wish you and your daughter the best.

  16. 23 hours ago, DancingtoDance said:

    I wonder how universities other than dance universities deal with minors' confidential information; do they disclose it to the young person's parent(s)/guardian or not? It may be rare for students to go to university before nearly a legal adult however I would not be surprised if there are plenty of university students who are not 18 yet because of a late birthday et cetera. I do appreciate that it is not the same thing as a 16 year old doing a degree course in dance.


    I don't exactly understand how the fact that a young person under 18 is doing a degree course (in whatever) would mean that they are be treated as legal adults in terms of confidentiality. Also, does UK government law allow that for a young person under 18 (I don't know)?


    I agree that where the majority of students in a particular course are of a similar age and under 18, then the needs of that age group must be considered especially in terms of health and safety and confidentiality issues. Personally I think that the maturity of 16-17 year olds may vary and that one minor may be ready to independently live away from home responsibility while another may not be. However, I do think that unless the  that 16 and 17 year olds should be treated as minors in regards to confidentiality (I don't know UK government law in regards to what this would and would not permit).

    I meant to say I think 16 and 17 year olds should be treated as minors in regards to confidentiality unless government law suggests otherwise.

  17. I wonder how universities other than dance universities deal with minors' confidential information; do they disclose it to the young person's parent(s)/guardian or not? It may be rare for students to go to university before nearly a legal adult however I would not be surprised if there are plenty of university students who are not 18 yet because of a late birthday et cetera. I do appreciate that it is not the same thing as a 16 year old doing a degree course in dance.


    I don't exactly understand how the fact that a young person under 18 is doing a degree course (in whatever) would mean that they are be treated as legal adults in terms of confidentiality. Also, does UK government law allow that for a young person under 18 (I don't know)?


    I agree that where the majority of students in a particular course are of a similar age and under 18, then the needs of that age group must be considered especially in terms of health and safety and confidentiality issues. Personally I think that the maturity of 16-17 year olds may vary and that one minor may be ready to independently live away from home responsibility while another may not be. However, I do think that unless the  that 16 and 17 year olds should be treated as minors in regards to confidentiality (I don't know UK government law in regards to what this would and would not permit).

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  18. On 01/06/2019 at 02:38, Kate_N said:


    Let me offer a different perspective: I have 30 years experience of dealing with undergrads - so I'm speaking about legal adults here. I appreciate it's different for those under 18. But at 18, people are deemed legally adult, and some of the things posters are demanding here are illegal, and put university staff in compromising situations. These demands are unreasonable in current legal circumstances.


    Sadly, what I see each year, is that sadly, for a small minority of troubled students, the home life is - sadly - not "nurturing home life." Sometimes, from what I gather from troubled students, it's the home life, and/or the behaviour of a parent which is actually the problem. Ad even if this is not objectively true, it is the student's perception.


    And surely it is a parent's job to gradually & age-appropriately train their children for independence?


    I teach the student - my relationship is with the student, not the parent (and actually, at universities, it's still mostly the taxpayer who is paying the tuition fee, not the parent). It would be a breach of my trust relationship with a student to inform their parents without the student's permission - in some cases I've dealt with, I cannot imagine what havoc I could have caused, had I contacted parents.



    How do I know the circumstances of a student's family relationships, unless they tell me? They may have a different story about family life than their parents, but my working relationship is with the student. I am legally not permitted to contact parents unless I have the written permission of the legally adult undergrad.


    The situation of a recent student suicide was that the young person was quite seriously unwell before university. There were adjustments, but these were not enough for the illness - however, sometimes it is just not possible to make adjustments and teach the full course. . As educators, we have a responsibility to teach and assess appropriately. I've had many experiences of working with a student who basically is not well enough to be at university, but they have become attached to the idea that being at university is the one thing that they are successful at, and the one thing that keeps them from having to admit the extent of their illness. Of course, this is a disastrous way of thinking, and academic staff spend a lot of time (and our own emotional/mental well-being) trying to assist and guide these young people. But you can't get a degree for being ill, as harsh as that sounds (and I know it's very tough in some instances). There are mechanisms for intercalation/leave of absence. In my experience, students who take these up end up doing very well. We once had a student write our staff team a card to say thank you for forcing her to choose between dropping out completely or taking a year's leave of absence. She chose the latter, worked and rested for a year, and sailed through the rest of her degree. 


    Most academic staff take their professional responsibility for the care & nurturing of undergrads very seriously. But universities cannot supply the deficiencies of the NHS, dysfunctional families, or chronic illness or disability. We can make "reasonable accommodation" but we have a responsibility to hold students to the highest of standards (in what is one of the world's BEST education system, which attracts learners from all over the world).


    I think these issues are diminished if they're reduced simply to "I'm paying for this." That attitude - frankly - is becoming part of the problem in some instances.


    In dance training, where it feels that time is of the essence, of course these things feel more urgent and thus more difficult. But in the end, we all need physical and mental well-being. 

    While this thread was originally about 16 years old being treated as legal adults in terms of their information being withheld from parents, I appreciate you expressing your perspective. I underatand that students's backgrounds and relationship with their family differ (though I think other than in very exceptional circumstances confidential information about a university student or employee 18 or over should not be shared anyway) and agree that that it would be unreasonable and even immoral to break the law in order to share confidential information about a student.


    You said "you can't get a degree for being ill". I agree that you shouldn't get a degree SOLELY for being ill (what one should get a degree for is for satisfying the course requirements), and there is nothing wrong with leave of absence or even quitting university when it is in one's best interest, whether because of medical or other reasons. Although personally I have decided to start my university studies (and I was nowhere near a top student in terms of grades in secondary school), I do not believe that university should be considered compulsory or that ANY student (even the most academically able) should be forced into going to university.


    However, while I see absolutely nothing wrong with a person deciding not to go to university even when they have the opportunity (as long as the decision was arrived with logical thinking and consideration of facts),a I think university may be the right decision for some students, and that likely includes students with an illness or illneses (I am not disagreeing that a medical leave of absence or withdrawal from university could appropriate in some situationa).


    While one shouldn't get a diploma or degree solely for being ill, one absolutely should get a degree for passing and finishing course requirements needed to obtain the diploma or degree despite illness.

  19. I think it is appropriate that the confidential information of students aged 18 or over is not shared without the student's consent except in very exceptional circumstances (i.e. the law requires it), since in most places including the UK people aged 18 or over are legally adults.


    I do not really understand why the same rules would apply to students aged 16-17 doing degree courses when they are not legally adults. I wonder whether how other actual university students under 18 (e.g. gifted student, late birthday) would be treated in regards to what information can be shared with e.g. parents in most other unis? I do understand though that even for students under 18, sharing information with parents could make the situation worse, but then that could apply even to a toddler or young child.







  20. 1 hour ago, Picturesinthefirelight said:


    One school my ds went to offered textiles as an option but up until year 10 it was a 6 week course. They did more food tech and Design Tech. 


    Some schools dont don’t offer it at all. 

    "Bluebird22, "I'm curious as to how old are your students? If they are relatively young or if they are new to sewing I think it's very understandable that their sewing skills are not excellent yet. It's great that they are trying! It's also great that you are taking the time to help them find ways to improve their sewing! As I'm sure you know, any skill takes time and practice to learn amd master! 


    I do not live in the UK, however my secondary school mostly followed the British academic system, and until Year 10 Design Technology which did include a sewing machine course was compulsory, as well as Food Technology. However, I'll admit I don't think I really know how to sew myself, and persnally I'm not sure a short sewing machine course would translate to excellent hand sewing skills, also some students have additional needs that may make learning to sew more difficult (but probably possible in many cases).


    List of  sewing videos (I'm sure there are other sewing videos too): 

    "How to Thread a Needle for Hand Sewing – Beginner Sewing Tutorial 1": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S6u173Ap2mc

    "Hand-Sewing | Basic Stitches and Techniques": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1FknfumFPX8

    "Learn How to Sew by Hand: Six Basic Hand Stitches": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1FknfumFPX8

    "How to sew ballet ribbons": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8JF

    "9 Simple Sewing Techniques To Enhance Your Dance Costume":  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9irRkC6K8fg

    "EPISODE 9: Basic Stitching Method for Pointe Shoes": https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=W-K3eJHuGJ4

    "How To Sew Ribbons and Elastics on Pointe Shoes by Limbers Dancewear": 




    • Like 3
  21. The 'Ballet Talk for Dancers' website has a 'sticky' about "general age-appropriate guidelines":



    In my non-expert opinion, the best way for a young male student to prepare for audition for a vocational ballet school would be, in addition to trying to get at least some all boys' classes, to also get ballet training that could train them up to the level required both in quality and quantity to get into a vocational ballet school at a certain year. If feasible, perhaps look into auditions for associate dance schemes to supplement your son's dance training?


    I would think the older a male ballet student (who wants a dance career) is, the more essential it would be for the student to get male ballet classes.



    • Like 1
  22. Though coming from someone who has limited paid work experience, I agree that it would probably be a good idea to focus more on your skills than a specific job. Perhaps look at marketing jobs related to dance?


    Did you have any post-secondary school education or training? If so, maybe (or maybe not) you would want to use that?


    You could look at job vacancies at different organisations related to ballet or dance and see which jobs you could apply for. If practical, perhaps you could study event management and try to find event management jobs related to dance? I'm not sure how feasible this is, but perhaps you could consider dance critic? 


    You could also try to find work as a receptionist or an administrative job at a theatre, or at a dance studio? If you want and if practical, perhaps you could improve your sewing skills and see what jobs that utilise sewing are related to dance?


    I also thought of stage design, though from research that may require higher education.


    You could also look at Dance Magazine or Pointe Magazine or other sources for information about dance related jobs.


    I agree you don't necessarily have to change jobs for ballet to be part of your life.

  23. 6 hours ago, Kate_N said:

    Now you’ve revived this thread, can you say anything about the outcome for the person you were enquiring for? They would have left school by now, I think, if they were in Year 11 when you started this thread in 2016, I think?


    They did not join a dance company or pursue dancing as a career, however eventually in the secondary school years they decided a performance career in dance wasn't what they wanted.


    My point in reviving this thread was just in case anybody reading this either knows someone who doesn't like or finds reading difficult, or doesn't like reading themselves; and in case they or someone they know could possibly benefit from technologies to help with reading.

    • Like 1
  24. On 31/03/2016 at 00:03, aileen said:

    I don't think that Dyslexia or Discalculia would be a problem in a vocational school. There are certainly lots of children with Dyslexia at selective independent schools. I don't see that it would be relevant in a company unless the person's Dyslexia was so severe that s/he was functionally illiterate and couldn't, say, fill in a form or read a letter or notice from the company. Having said that, many overseas students and dancers arrive in schools and companies speaking and writing very little English and the schools and companies deal with this.


    I don't see that the lack of sustained eye contact off stage is such a big problem on its own. There is an awful lot of hanging around in studios during rehearsals but now that everyone has smart phones there's less need for social chit-chat.


    I can't answer your specific questions about disclosure. Perhaps Hbrew or Annie might care to offer their opinions.

    I realise that this thread is a few years old, and I also don't know about life in dance companies and what reasonable adjustments could be provided in that context, but I just wanted to mention that if one finds reading difficult one could buy or download technologies or softwares to help with reading (e.g. read-aloud pen/C-pen, text-to-speech software).


  25. "Crystaltips", I just read your original post again and realised the sibling's gender was not specified so it may be a brother or a sister, I should have said "sibling" instead, sincere apologies for the mistake.

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