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Anna C

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Everything posted by Anna C

  1. I agree re. Non syllabus classes, which unfortunately aren't offered at DD's local school. She is doing Grade 6 though as well as Intermediate, and fortunately her Associate Classes are non-syllabus. :-)
  2. Yes, I didn't mean raunchy when I suggested Chicago, just that the music is good for jazz! :-) I agree though that it should be in whatever genre your DD is best at, and most comfortable doing. It often helps if they dance to a piece of music they really like ad have chosen themselves.
  3. Are there any CAT centres within travelling distance, famcandance? Or other Associate schemes you could apply for?
  4. Gosh, tough call - for jazz I think I'd start with Chicago....
  5. Yes, my DD started learning the syllabus aged 10, when she was studying Grade 4. She took Grade 5 last summer and the teacher wanted her to enter for the I.F. exam at the same time. Unfortunately the summer vocational session clashed with our holiday so DD had to wait until November just gone to take the exam. She started pointe a month before her 12th birthday. She has had to learn the Inter Foundation syllabus purely during private lessons as the IF class clashed with her Associate classes, hence it took so long. Teacher expects the Intermediate to progress much more swiftly! :-) Do your pupils take Grade 6, 7 and 8 in parallel with the vocational exams Pas de Quatre? Or do they either do Grades or Vocational?
  6. As there is pointe work in the IF exam (rightly or wrongly) then it makes sense to me to ensure that the children are actually 11 when they take the exam. I see the point about there not being much pointe work (certainly in the old syllabus) but it is a nice gentle introduction to being en pointe in an exam situation, particularly if there is significantly more pointe in the Inter syllabus). Personally, I don't think a child under 10 could ever have bones which are hardened enough to support pointe work, at least without risking injury and long term ramifications. Still, that's a whole other talk show. ;-)
  7. I've never heard of that? All it says on the RAD website is that the min age for IF is 11, 12 for Intermediate, and so on. What special circumstances do you mean, Stardancer?
  8. Fantastic, well done to her! Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't you have to be 11 or over on the date of the exam for RAD Inter foundation?
  9. How does your DD's teacher feel about Associate classes, out of interest? I was doing some idle research on other schools in our area and on one school's website it actually said "pupils are not permitted to take dance classes elsewhere, including Associate Schemes". My jaw nearly hit the floor!
  10. Wow, that is excellent! Many congrats to her!
  11. Is your DD an Associate anywhere Stardancer? Our local school only does limited classes but I added in some Private Lessons. When I can't afford them every week we just drop the frequency. It helps now that DD has a good 3 hours training on Saturday at her Associate Classes. I don't think my DD's local teacher would approve of top up classes at another local school but obviously Associate Schemes are different.
  12. Hi ballemum, that seems such a shame she has to wait and take the new syllabus. As the Inter Foundation is an "optional exam" i.e. you can take Intermediate without having done Inter Foundation, couldn't she just skip the I.F. Exam and carry on with Intermediate classes? Or does she particularly want to take the exam?
  13. lol Poor Max, I wonder what happened? Initially I thought he'd gone to BRB as a First Soloist, but it seems he went as a Soloist (which is what he'd not long been promoted to at ENB). Perhaps the rep and way of working was too different?
  14. lol! Such power! Perhaps you are an admin by mistake!
  15. Thank you! I did suggest that she could miss it but she was having none of it. We were dosing her with paracetamol and ibruprofen right up until they called her to go in - she just flopped afterwards and slept on the train. When she finally got antibiotics the GP said he couldn't believe she'd done a ballet exam in that state. These dancers are tough!
  16. Thanks! That's quite a big class!
  17. Ah, thank you. I didn't check Twitter yesterday. Good news for ENB fans!
  18. Hope nobody minds me asking, but roughly how many were there in the group for Year 10 auditions?
  19. Morning all, hope I have the right forum for this post. Balletnews posted BRB's leavers and starters last week and at the bottom there was a note that Max Westwell has left BRB. He was only there for a couple of months and I can't seem to find out whether he's returning to ENB...anyone know?
  20. Thanks Sheilabee, and huge congrats to you and your daughter! Yes, I thought DD would be harder on herself than she was, but she said that she felt so ill she's amazed to get a Merit. She had a chest and ear infection and a perforated eardrum so it was no wonder her balance and performance was a bit off! Congrats to all who passed! :lol:
  21. Very well done to your DD Stardancer, to learn the syllabus in such little time is amazing in itself. :-)) Merit for my DD which given how ill she was is great. Such bad luck that she was so poorly after all her hard work but one of those things! Onwards and upwards!
  22. I must say that if you live within striking distance of HQ it is a lovely place to do Voc. exams. Mind you, like everything else it has its ups and downs - my DD was really poorly when she did her exam so we could have done without the journey that day! Hey ho! :-) Good luck to all awaiting results...!
  23. No, nothing here yet. DD did her Inter Foundation at RAD HQ in December and although the teacher expects the results back this week, the RAD site has a target date of 17th Jan....so the wait goes on...
  24. I couldn't agree more. Last year DD did LCB's Performance Summer School and it did wonders for her performance and confidence. Her school doesn't do Festivals and she rarely gets any performance experience so it was just the thing for her. In a couple of years' time though, she plans on applying for Summer Schools at the Upper Schools she intends to apply for. For no other reason than familiarising herself with the buildings and some of the staff.
  25. I always assumed that the Royal Ballet was a "home based" company as opposed to a touring company, not least because it does have a "home base" at the ROH. We have a wonderful touring company in ENB and if I lived up North I suspect we would go to see BRB. I don't feel there is a need for RB to tour the UK. I do think selling signed pointe shoes is a good idea though. My DD would think it a wonderful "treasure". :-) I did suggest an additional money-making scheme on the ROH's Facebook page recently, which is to start a proper Junior Friends scheme akin to the ENB's "Ballet Buddies" scheme. I pay £20 per year for my DD to be a Ballet Buddy and while her Associate Classes prevent her from doing any of the workshops it does mean that we are able to watch Company Class a couple of times a year, followed last time by a backstage tour. The children get a badge, signed photo, birthday card etc. and can be a ballet buddy until they are 16. ROH are missing a trick here as there is no similar scheme - it wouldn't be difficult to set up. Every little helps!
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