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Posts posted by Bluebird22

  1. I did loads of humming (which I couldn't do)

    Singing with a tube

    Ssssssss oooooooooo zzzzz (which caused tears of sheer frustration) mmmmmmmmmmm nnnnnnnnnnn

    Aaaaaa eeeeee were an absolute no go as I would be visibly straining with absolutely zero sound

    Loads of neck stretches


    And a horrible grab the voice box and crack it side to side

  2. No I was thrown off the programme because I couldn't make a session and when I rang the hospital (i didn't have a contact number for the man I was seeing) to cancel they couldn't hear me. I emailed but I got no response, my own doctors told me I could go back onto the waiting list but it's a 6month wait. All I successfully managed to do was a ssssssss sound and an ooooooo but ooooooo really hurt.


    The speech therapy actually upset me quite a lot as it was really simple things that I just couldn't do, the more I tried and failed the more it infuriated me. I had to do things over and over again which would just make my throat sore.

  3. I've never been convinced it is stress related, I had laryngitis when it started but it took my doctors 3months to class the laryngitis as chronic and offer antibiotics. During my speech therapy sessions the therapist told me I had aphonia. The nasoscopy came back with separated vocal chords.


    I've had a few holidays when the studio has been closed, in fact I've got 5 days off next week.


    From the course description it seems only one module involves actually teaching a class. In my current place of work no one bats an eyelid about my voice, because it's been so long that it's just accepted as my voice now. It's only strangers who ask


    For years I've wanted to take the final part of my BBO teaching qualification but it's just been out of my price range. I've managed to complete my IDTA qualifications as they are much cheaper. I recently inherited a bit of money so financially it's now manageable.


    My dilemma:

    I lost my voice 14months ago and it just never came back. I've tried speech therapy, had nasoscopys, chest X-Ray's, hot lemon, honey, salt water everything with no avail. Apparently it's stress related. I've carried on teaching, I've taken no time off and still entered kids for exams. To all intents and purposes I can still do my job albeit quietly and at times it is difficult (I can't shout, even phone calls are out of the question).

    Is there any point me going to the interview for the course or will my voice automatically rule me out?

    I've not mentioned it in any communication so far. I'm worried that even if I am accepted my result will be lower than my vocally able counterparts.

    I wouldn't class myself it as a disability just something I've learnt to deal with.


    Any help and advice, the more honest the better! And if anyone has experience in higher education...


    Thank you in advance

  5. Holly House 9 my students mum requested feedback but they said they would only discuss with a teacher. I emailed Mark Annear and he called me back. I won't go into details on the feedback, but essentially they were very small details so you really get the feeling that the difference between pupils must be tiny when getting the knee to touch the wall the extra cm away is the difference between being accepted and not.

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  6. Ballet4boyz I think it tells you on the letter if you have made reserves. It seems there is a yes no and maybe if someone declines. The no feedback is really tough to deal with, even WL offered feedback which if you then couples it with who did make it you get a good picture of why they didn't make it.


    Today feels like a real roller coaster day for those with a Yes it's absolute elation but for the maybes and the nos it's really tough going. Mums/dads I feel your pain today, speak to your dance teachers because just like your DC you need picking up too!

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  7. Perhaps book in a private lesson with his local dance teacher just to boost his confidence again. Sometimes a friendly face and a reminder of how incredibly talented he is softens the blow. Just to get to finals is an incredible achievement!

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  8. Balletmummy55 my mum was told I would never amount to anything because my long legs got in the way, which looking back is just the most hilarious criticism for so many reasons a) I was the tiniest child in my year at school B) I'm only 5ft2 c) lots of ballet dancers have long legs, in fact it's quite a nice quality!


    Pictures, I think I should PM you!

    • Like 2
  9. I think some people forget that children learn by example and in my experience the mums who brag tend to turn their children into divas - won't take correction, correct other children, sulk when they aren't on the front row, brag about themselves and take real offence when other people achieve things or shock horror do better than them!


    Interestingly I have never come across the same situation with boys and their mums. But I've heard mums of girls saying "he only got xyz because he's a boy"

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  10. Dont get me started on these parents! I have some students who come to me for extra coaching from another teacher and their parents actually came in to ask me why I kept correcting their children! Apparently they were so good they had never been corrected prior to entering my class and their parents couldn't understand why they would possibly need correcting!

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  11. I do get incredibly nervous for them, exam day most parents have one child doing exams so they just have nerves for their child, I have however many entries to feel nervous for.


    Thankfully I'm relatively anonymous here so I'm not too ashamed to admit, if your child has had bad news and they are upset I can pretty much guarantee I've gone home and been upset for them.


    Part of it is that teachers feel responsible, but we actually GET it in a way I don't think non dancers can understand!


    Constant emotional roller Coaster!

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  12. Confidence is where I've focused tonight! Crossing fingers is also a very valid point (but I shall just teach that to the mums!)


    I actually feel more nervous for my students than when I used to audition. It's madness, exam days, audition days, results days

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