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Tony Newcombe

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Posts posted by Tony Newcombe

  1. 15 hours ago, Lizbie1 said:



    Well - I'm just back from Pinter's Betrayal at the Theatre Royal and how wonderful it was to be back in a live audience. They've done an excellent job of making everyone feel safe and welcome: everything worked like clockwork and I had no concerns about the enterprise. Temperatures were taken on entering and hand sanitisers were at the ready, and we were given clear instructions about entering the theatre and getting to seats. Everyone wore a mask throughout.


    (As an aside - the theatre mentioned that the safety consultants they've engaged are also being used by the ROH "and many West End theatres".)


    Obviously these things are a personal choice, but if you're in a low risk group, please consider getting back into the theatres. They've worked so hard to be able to put on a show and you can tell how pleased they are to have us back. I'd hate for these green shoots to wither from a simple lack of interest rather than something more serious.


    Lizbie1, nice to hear. I'm at the Theatre Royal tomorrow.


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  2. 1 hour ago, zxDaveM said:


    to be fair, virus laden particles are dispersed much easier out-of-doors, what with sea breezes etc. so infection rates a lot lower. Not nil, just a lot lower

    I should have commented that the Maryinsky require the audience to wear face masks and do a temperature check before admission. I am sure there are many people in the UK ho would be willing to attend theatres under these conditions.

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  3. I’m fast losing hope. The Maryinsky are performing with social distancing in the audience( 50%) capacity.

    The wisdom in this country is that it is not viable to open with audiences limited to 50% capacity.

    I already had tickets for BRB Swan Lake in Plymouth, Nutcracker in Birmingham. Still waiting to hear about Cinderella in Southampton. I just don’t get it.  People can dump themselves on the beaches in their thousands and the government couldn’t care less.

  4. 20 minutes ago, FionaE said:

    There must have been a shortage of Lilac Fairies as I believe Gina performed this role 6 times in the run...when most Auroras had 2 or 3 performances each.  Interesting!  

    Twice each with Akane Takada and Anna Rose O’Sullivan and then two consecutive nights at the end of the run ... 15/1 Nuñez and 16/1 Kaneko cinema screening.


    I know Claire Calvert and Mayara Magri performed Lilac in this run.  There must have been others?


    By the way, is there somewhere on ROH website to check cast lists for recent past performances?

    The performance database in ROH collections ends in 2012 as far as I can see

  5. 1 hour ago, Jan McNulty said:

    Northern Ballet has postponed Merlin (the world premiere was due to be in Bradford in October and then touring the UK) until September 2021.


    The Company is hoping, within government guidelines, to put on a production for Christmas at the Grand Theatre in Leeds in December.



    Government guidelines! Okay in the morning, not okay in the afternoon on present form

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