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Tony Newcombe

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Posts posted by Tony Newcombe

  1. 2 minutes ago, capybara said:

    I believe that the RB soloist Chloe Davies, who left far too quickly for my liking, was actually Nicola Davies. That was an Equity clash, I think. 

    I remember going to one of a Mukhamedov and Friends performances and wondering who is this Nicola Davies listed in the programme. Question was answered of course as soon as she came onto the stage. Yes she did leave to quickly. Something to do with marrying a guy from down under I seem to remember

  2. Deborah Bull tells the amusing story, that during a performance she overheard a comment from de Valois who used to sit in the stage side box with Pamela May. ‘’Who is it dancing tonight. Is it Collier? ‘’. To which Pamela May replied ‘’No it’s Deborah Bull’’

    de Valois replied ‘’ Oh what a wonderful dancer, shame about the name’’

    • Like 6
  3. 12 minutes ago, alison said:

    Well, the 2019-20 season guide dropped onto my doormat yesterday.  Thick, glossy and very nice to look at (and in a compostable wrapper, hurrah!), but it would be a lot more useful if it actually gave dates and times, rather than just date ranges.  As it is, it means I'm still going to have to visit the website for all the pertinent information :( 

    There’s a full calendar list of performances in side the back cover

  4. Brandon Lawrence               To Principal


    Kit Holder                               To First Soloist

    Rory Mackay                          To First Soloist

    Valentin Olovyannikov          To First Soloist


    Laura Day                               To  Soloist

    Beatrice Parma                      To Soloist

    • Like 9
  5. 33 minutes ago, ismeneb said:

    As a former national dance critic I can help you with better information. Since the slashing of payment rates and writing opportunities to dedicated arts critics about a decade ago some of the critics you complain about as neglecting regions are already in senior jobs full time and have very little time between the end of work and show time. Hence only London is possible except on rare occasions. This was a deliberate policy to cut budgets, and dance coverage took a hit not shared by theatre. In the past I and some other dance critics routinely covered the whole country by train, car or even plane in the case of Belfast or Glasgow, our travel costs paid by our papers. The change is regrettable for readers, yes, and serious for the art form, yes, but these hardworking critics do not deserve your attacks. 

    Very valid points Ismene, but I was still very disappointed with the comments I overheard at that premier of Giselle all those years ago.

  6. Spot on. I enjoy telling the story of two critics I overheard at the premier of the Bintley/Samsova production of Giselle at the old Birmingham Hippodrome. Nothing but moans about having to travel to Birmingham to report on the event. Wonder if there will be any national critics at the Hippodrome to report on the same ballet when it opens in the autumn in Birmingham


    • Like 1
  7. On 26/05/2019 at 01:07, alison said:

    You know those nice "meal deal" offers you get from various supermarket chains?  Main, side, bottle of wine/chocs and dessert, that sort of thing?  On the hunt for something for a family celebration today, I was going to try one of those deals - but fortunately realised just in time that the chocs had a use by date of less than a couple of weeks!  I mean, you really can't give someone short-life chocs as a pressie, can you?  So instead I bought a different deal from somewhere else.  Looked at the "best before end" date on the (non-refrigerated) drink this evening - "BBE 05/2019"!  I'm feeling well and truly ripped off - so those two supermarkets can go in Room 101 :( 

    Hence the phrase no such thing as a free lunch

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