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Pas de Quatre

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Posts posted by Pas de Quatre

  1. Calamine works well on pink shoes, but this was an enquiry for white satin. The only problem with the calamine is that it produces a mat result, so no good if the shoes need the original shine. However for some ballets, the AD prefers less shine and requires everyone to put calamine on even if they are new shoes.

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  2. There are a couple of things you could try.


    Something alcohol based, such as a liquid hand sanitizer or vodka. During the pandemic I bought a huge bottle of sanitizer from Muc Off, who usually manufacture bike and boat cleaners. I still have a little left and it is great for freshening up clothes and shoes. 


    Alternatively wash the satin very carefully by hand. Put your hand in where the toes would be and using soap, washing up liquid or detergent wet the satin and gently rub. Avoid getting the soles too wet. Stuff with rags or kitchen roll and leave to dry.

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  3. I recebnly bought a pack of three bands from my local Sports Direct.  They were around £10-£12 pounds, light, medium and dark grey to signify the different strengths.  They are printed with the the name USA PRO, I don't still have  the original packaging though.  They seem good quality and if you want a continuous band you can just tie a knot or bow.  Very useful for looping round the leg of a solid piece of furniture to provide an anchor point.

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  4. The whole of the Polish ballet's production of Giselle is available on YouTube. I have dipped in and out, and it is glorious.


    If Giselle is considered untouchable because she is a peasant, then why are the aristocrats happy to accept refreshments from her and her mother, and then enter her cottage for a rest? It sometimes feels as though Berthe is a somehow "superior" peasant, and I am sure I have read somewhere in the past, that perhaps Giselle herself is the product of an irregular liaison.

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  5. A scheme doesn't have to be associated to a vocational programme necessarily, but I do think it should be associated to a larger well respected dance establishment/organisaton to use the name Associate.   Too many schemes that do use the word Associate are stand alone entities which are coaching/poaching schemes.   There is nothing wrong with offering extra coaching and classes for talented pupils, but there is a grey area.


    The benefits to dancers from a good scheme is that they are taught by excellent teachers and get to dance with other students who are also talented and committed.  This is of great benefit to pupils who may be outstanding in their own school, but not exceptional in an Associate scheme. Different schemes offer different clases in addtion to their ballet class, e.g. pilates, repertoire, contemporary etc.  I am not going into Modern and MT as I have no experience of that area.

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  6. Children cope amazingly well learning to communicate. Have you access to ordinary tv programme/films in English? Watching can help a lot,  it is not formal tuition but just a way to "hear" the language and maybe improve understanding. There is often a language choice buried in sub menus.

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  7. Can any one remember a sketch about a Union meeting where the reps were going to have a tea/coffee break and voted for which to have. All the individuals except one voted for one beverage (I can't remember which way round it was), and the remaining rep wanted the opposite and as he had more members in his Union he invoked the bloc vote and got his way. It might have been Not the Nine O'clock News, Monty Python or similar

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  8. The Sarasota programme is excellent, and is a good example of what I posted previously about how a triple bill needs careful thought to make it interesting and balanced.  Not just three single act ballets by the same choreographer, although programme 4 does this. However I am not familiar with his work  it may be to attract a particular audience.

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  9. You're welcome Margate.  As meadowblythe says, be careful not to overdo it. However there are lots of classes at the weekends, Danceworks and Pineapple are both easily accessible.  Central also has a variety classes.

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  10. Hi Marget - congratulations on your offers, it can be hard to make a decision so I will add what I know. 


    I have a pupil at NSCD (she was offered Laban & LCDS) but chose NSCD as they still do a lot of ballet.  Another pupil graduated from Laban last year and loved every moment.  Now doing a post-graduate year at DARTS in Berlin which she is also enjoying.  She didn't mention pointework.  However a previous student I had studying at Laban said the top classical group were given the choice and decided they would like pointework.  This was some years ago so may no longer apply.  Laban is a much bigger intake and therefore divide classes into different levels catering to ability/prior training.  Also there are the music students from the Trinity part of the establishment and there are various collaborative projects.  They are also in the same blocks of student housing for the first year.  After that everyone goes into flatshares.


    A student of a close friend Teacher swapped from LCDS to Rambert mid degree.  This student comes back to help with joint performances and the two of us had a chat in the Autumn while selling programmes together.  The reason they moved is that LCDS have reduced the amount of ballet they do and this student wanted more ballet than was going to be offered. 


    It might be worth trying to investgate timetables at the two establishments to see what classes are currently being offered.  There may also be student groups on social media who could give a better picture.



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  11. It seems as though the audience are a bit of a nuisance expecting to actually see what is happening on stage. Contemporary dance is often like this, treating the audience as if it is a special privilege to be allowed in to watch, and it is a pity if this is spreading to classical ballet. The performances are for the benefit of the paying audience, otherwise the dancers might as well stay in the studio.

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