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Pas de Quatre

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Posts posted by Pas de Quatre

  1. That is dreadful, 2dancersmum. However to redress the balance, I would like to tell you of my experience. Before DD, I lost a baby at 12 weeks and had to go into hospital for a D & C. When I was able to start teaching again all the pupils' mums were so supportive, many said "It happened to me too," or else to their sister or their neighbour. It was so helpful to feel I was part of a community.

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  2. After experimenting, I have decided to stick with baby wipes/soap and water to clean, and foundation to touch up - which is what I have always done. However, calamine did help on drawstring casing and the elastics. Hfbrew, do you mean the wax cleans the shoe, or protects it from the beginning?

  3. Another wonderful resource for all teachers and serious students is the book "Classical Ballet Technique" by Gretchen Ward Warren. With photos illustrating every step, she analyses classical technique and give the different names and ways of doing steps in different ballet styles/methods.


    I was taught the steps in a similar way to those she describes, pas de bourrée suivi (shortened to bourrées) is the smooth sequence of tiny steps in a well crossed 5th, leading with the back foot e.g. Myrtha's 2nd act entrance in Giselle. Pas de bourrée couru (shortened to courus) is in parallel or only slightly turned out 1st position on pointe (or demi) and is a fast run staying on pointe either forwards or backward e.g. used by soloists in Les Sylphides.


    Edited to try to correct font, don't know why it is like this.

  4. If it is a school where there is a later audition for funding/scholarships, then usually you can accept the place paying the registration fee (which you might lose if you don't take up the place), but legitimately say that you will not pay the full deposit - often several hundred pounds - as you do not know if you can take up the place until you have funding secured.

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  5. Can anyone recommend a fragrance free detergent? Up to now I have been using Waitrose own brand which had minimal perfume, but they have now an "improved" version which is way too smelly - DH gets the sneezes with too much perfume.


    I have found a detergent called Surcare which is fragrance free, but it contains optical brighteners which can act like bleach. So I am happy to use it for whites, but not coloured items.


    Does anyone know of any good products?

  6. It says at the beginning that it is taking place in Livorno, (known as Leghorn in England) in Italy. But it also says audition for Royal Ballet School of London. I agree with everyone above, RBS would never release such a film. Only scenario I can think of is that perhaps there was an RBS outreach event going to take place there, and these were local auditions to see who would be put forward?

    • Like 1
  7. We have a similar version regarding cans of drink. When we go to the beach we open one at a time and share the contents between plastic glasses. This started because when dd was very little she managed to kick over a can that was planted in the sand, beside the rug. She was so startled by everyone's reaction, she jumped and managed to knock the rest over! A friend's child managed to do a similar thing with a plate of doritos!

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  8. That sounds really good. Does anyone remember the Royal Ballet's small group "Ballet for All" which used to tour to smaller theatres with a handful of dancers, to explain about classical ballet and show extracts? I've often wondered why this approach hasn't been revived in recent years when "outreach" is so popular (or even a condition of funding in some cases I believe).

  9. Yes, that's why it is so confusing. Historically in Europe many companies had a few apprentices who were paid a bit less than the corps de ballet, but still a living wage. As taximom explains, there is now the post grad scheme, through LCDC, but you are still a student paying for tuition, so I think the label "apprentice" is a bit misleading. But if the dancer has only received 3 years funding on a degree course, then they can still receive a 4th year of student loans. Many of these apprentices do get hired by the company they are working with eventually.

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