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Pas de Quatre

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Posts posted by Pas de Quatre

  1. I think Nana Lily may have a point - in general education the trend has been to make everyone stay on at school until 18 and then study their subject as a degree or diploma. The sad truth is that there are very few classical jobs around, so many dancers will have to switch to commercial or contemporary fields anyway to make a living.

  2. In answer to Ribbons' earlier question, yes sometime a dancer seems to have a golden future from a young age and fulfils all expectations. Anna Rose has certainly progressed as hoped and I too would like to add heart felt congratulations. However, it is not a foregone conclusion and there have been many dancers who showed early promise but did not develop and were overtaken by others. "The tortoise and the hare" is the fable that all young dancers should be familiar with.

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  3. Dance Forward had an excellent residential Easter school for years at Dulwich College, several of my pupils went. Last year the logistics didn't work out so they had 3 individual, non-residential days using ENB's studios. Keep an eye on their website in case they have a residential one again next year.

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  4. Don't go - the wider the membership the more different views will be expressed, which gives the best overall picture. Everyone has something valuable to add, even if we do disagree amongst ourselves sometimes.

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  5. That "the pain of pointe work" is necessary is a commonly held view. This has always puzzled me, if the dancer is strong enough, the shoes are a correct fit and she is being taught properly, it simply shouldn't be painful!


    Edited to add, the post I was replying to seems to have disappeared.

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  6. At Tring in 6th form DD found she was actually getting fewer ballet hours than she had in Yr 11 when she was at full time academic school and dancing evenings and weekends like taxi4ballet's DD. There were more dancing hours made up of contemporary, jazz, & tap, but she was not interested in the latter two. Information we were given at the auditions did not make this eventuality clear.

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