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  1. How does the cecchetti system work? There are standard vs grades vs senior certificates and vocational exams and performance awards.
  2. Hiya, just wondering what denier should the ballet tights be? I can see they run from 40 denier all the way to 90. What denier should a traditional ballet tights be and is the higher the denier the longer it last? Have anyone tried the cheap ballet tights from Amazon? Are they any good, especially the colour and material? How do they compare with the much more expensive branded version?
  3. hiya looking for any recommendation for physio preferably in Birmingham. jus has some lower back pain
  4. I just wish there is performance workshop for adult with the opportunity to perform at the end. is there anything like this out there?
  5. That’s a real shame. The school took adult student seriously. Hope Evgeny is still teaching somewhere.
  6. What happened to the London Russian ballet school? Is Evgeny Goremykin teaching elsewhere?
  7. Just wondering if anyone know what is happening with this? https://www.cecchetti.co.uk/legacy-project/ still no sight of any dvd coming along.
  8. Just wondering which color is the “right” pink for Ballet tights, Ballet pink or theatrical pink? Or which one is more flattering.
  9. Hi, just wondering what happens in the assessment? And what is being assessed if say no injury? And how much does it cost and how long does it take?
  10. Hi, just wondering if anyone know of any classes teaching the new rad discovering repertoire in and around birmingham?
  11. Contacted Annette- given everyone is recommending her, I am not surprised to hear that she is completely booked up for privates 😢... oh dear!!
  12. Hiya, just wondering if any adult ballet students are auditioning for the BRB sleeping beauty dreams on 17th Sept? Does anyone know the formate of the audition?
  13. I am moving to Kings Heath/ Moseley area. Thank you very much for your suggestion. Let me check out Nicholson- seem highly recommended. I tried the dancexchange classes long time ago before I went away for uni... they are of very high standard especially the advanced classes but not very personal though as the class size was quite big. I would love to be able to dance at a higher level and therefore I am hoping to find smaller classes or some private coaching.
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