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Urgent question for Hammond parents


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I think she has gotcthecwrong end of the stick and I've sent the acceptance form back which mentions the medical certificate.


Dh rang the drs and they have asked him to go in and let them know what is required for dds medical certificate. They said there is usually a form to fill in and depending in what info is needed determines whether they charge. No examination is needed for dd.


But I thought that dd had to have a medical examination and the dr then write a letter. Weve certainly not been sent a questionnaire The fees for an adult pre employment medical examination ate about £100 so I want to get it right.


Being holiday time I'm not sure if anyone at the school is available to ask.


It's a lot of money so can anyone else tell me what they have done & has anyone got the paperwork with the details on.

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If its any help , for Elmhurst DS had to be examined by the GP and a form was provided by the school with a whole list of questions for the Dr to go through and say that he did not suffer from x,y, and ,z .

We were able to negotiate a lower fee £20 on the grounds that he would not be earning anything .

You should probably find some administrative staff at the school even in the holidays to ask for a medical form !

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When my dd s went to Hammond I just got a letter from the doctor saying in his opinion dd was fit and well and had no medical conditions and was fit enough to attend a vocational dance school , there was no form and this seemed enough I did it for both dd s it cost about £25 wereas for elmhurst it was a full medical sheet at £100 hope this helps x

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If its just a letter you need may I suggest you write one yourselves and take it to the doctors for them just to sign and stamp/date. This greatly reduces their workload and therefore usually the amount they will charge - they might even do it for nothing there and then. I have had to get many letters for performances licences etc and there is usually no problem doing it like this. Once following an operation I was signed off work for six weeks but felt well enough to return after 4 so at my hospital check-up I took a letter I had drafted just saying I had been examined that day and was considered fit and well enough to return to work and commence driving again and the consultant was more than happy to sign it. Probably would have taken another 2 weeks if I had had to wait for them to write the letter and post it to me!


edited to add: Most schools have some staff in over the summer or will pick up messages and get back to you. A level results are out tomorrow though (and GCSEs the following Thurs) so prob best to avoid trying to get through on those days!

Edited by spooky
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We used a copy of the Elmhurst medical that had been completed for finals, and that was accepted last year. Our GP completed it free of charge - he said that he was pleased to help someone fulfil their ambition and he looked forward to hearing about dd when she was famous!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had to get a medical certificate or letter from the doctor for my dd to get a performing licence for panto. They said I would need a double appointment and it would cost £35 - I assumed from that she would be examined or at least height and weight checked or something. But no, he asked if she was well in herself, I said yes and then he write the letter which was basically 1 sentence. We were in there less than 5 minutes!!

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