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Dancers needed for school documentary film


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Hello everyone;


I’m a media student and this year I will make a short documentary. The idea is dancing through the pandemic. I want to engage several people through dance as we create a choreography together. I don't have a professional training and I want to have professional dancers in my film, to guide people. We need to choreograph (about isolation and pandemic) a dance that could easily be danced by everyone regardless of experience/age. You will have to record yourself on camera, so you have to be comfortable with that. Also, I obviously can’t pay you since this is a school project. The main aim of the documentary is to using dance as way to communicate.


Please fill out the form if you are interested.




P. S. : I'm not really sure if I opened discussion under the suitable forum. 


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Hello Zeebashak and welcome to the Forum!


Although we do have adult dancers who post on the Forum many of our members in the Doing Dance section are parents of dancing children.


There is a section within the Acceptable Use Policy which covers research but would also tie in with your aims:


"Contacting members for research We have a large constituency of dancers on the Forum so people may come here to find guinea pigs for their academic research. It is best that people seeking subjects should go through the dance schools so that bona fides can be checked, rather than soliciting help here.

Nonetheless, should you wish to post here, be aware that to take account of concerns about exploitation, particularly of children, we will remove postings unless it is made clear that it is over-18s who are being canvassed. If thinking of replying you should realise that we have no way of checking posters’ credentials and therefore advise caution before responding."


If anyone who is under the age of 18 wants to respond to your request you should ensure that they have parental permission before you enter into discussion with them.



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