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Security update

John Mallinson

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You may have noticed today that we have lost the pesky 'Not secure' notice in the address bar at the top of your browser window and there is now a padlock symbol instead. This is because, as on most other websites these days, security has been increased by implementing what is known as SSL encryption. This means that communication in both directions between your computer or device and the server that houses the site is now encrypted so that where previously a snooper could intercept and potentially read the data that is no longer possible. (Though the likelihood of that happening was always negligible.)


The forum's complete address is now https://www.balletcoforum.com - note the https rather than http – s for secure. If you have saved links to the site you may want to edit them to include the s, but they will still work even if you don't and the encryption function doesn't depend on the address.


I noticed that windows I had open on my computer overnight needed to be reloaded but otherwise no significant changes.


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