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Everything posted by Mumoftwogirls2023

  1. Hi, I thought I would reach out on here to anyone who is starting The Hammond this September on the dance or theatre arts courses. A few of us who have got in touch with each other have decided to go for lunch whilst the kids are at the transition day. If anyone else has a child going and would love to join please let me know and I can add you to the group. x
  2. We haven’t had our MDS confirmed yet with official paperwork so still not 100% what’s going on. Got to wait for this year’s forms to come out before we can fill them in. I know of 3 others with MDS for next year who have all accepted their place and not waiting on a place from anywhere else. There could potentially be some internal movement if anyone with an MDS isn’t continuing.
  3. No they don’t seem to specify just the dance teacher said full soles but isn’t bothered which so was looking for recommendations. Thank you for the advice x
  4. Fab we have had so danca before so will get these. Folding them is a great idea, thank you for the tip x
  5. Hi my daughter needs a pair of full soles for her exam. She usually wears split soles. Can anyone recommend any, will canvas be easier to break in as only a month until the exam? Thanks
  6. Good luck to your daughter!! Hope whatever happens she is having a wonderful experience 💕
  7. No you don’t get it refunded as I asked this question as our MDS won’t be approved until possibly the end of the summer term as we have to wait for the government to release this years forms so we have filled out last years for the school to look over to see if we are likely to be eligible or not. x
  8. Each year you might get a different amount to as it goes on the tax heat so your submit your figures which might fluctuate year on year. x
  9. As far as I have been told if someone isn’t entitled to the whole amount (it’s means tested) then the money doesn’t go into a pot to be distributed to others. Whereas I was told this is the case with DADA awards. So some will be entitled to MDS but amounts received will vary depending on income. Hope that makes sense x
  10. For the first round of auditions the deadline was yesterday not sure about the last round.
  11. Some of the lower school had been told the 25th so turned up then, but had missed it as it was the 24th so still to audition. x
  12. Not sure how many auditioned but several were told the 25th so turned up Sunday so they are now auditioning in Easter so still some to go. Not sure what that means for finding whether there will be a longer wait if anymore available or not?
  13. That’s good the government helped with the fees, nice to hear something positive 👏🏻 We have spoken to 2 others who are starting in year 7 and have been offered MDS too, they are not waiting on offers from other places. I expect there might possibly be students already at the school who might have auditioned elsewhere and if they get a place and currently have MDS this would come available. I could be wrong but I would expect they would have held some MDS back for these auditions coming up, so I am guessing there is more available. I have everything crossed for everyone that more come available over the coming weeks 🤞🏻🤞🏻
  14. I am crossing my fingers that after this next set of auditions this weekend, they release more funding to give more the opportunity to attend 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Does anyone know how many MDS places they usually have per year and how many students do they take on each year for year 7 dance is it 20 maximum? A few people told me 2/3 MDS per year, then I saw on here someone said 8-12 which is not obviously a lot more 😃🤞🏻 Has anyone got in and able to go without the funding? We have spoken to one person on the dance course in that situation but I know most are like us and need the funding.
  15. I might have read it wrong it might be the semi’s x
  16. Sorry missed this in the thread. She is year 7. x
  17. Hi! Feel free to message me my daughter will be joining in year 7 and we have a friend whose daughter also had an email this morning too. Congratulations! 🎉🎉
  18. I also wondered if they might hold some back as they still have auditions at the end of the month? Maybe once they have done them they will give out more to either those students or those from the first round of auditions?
  19. We got an email on Friday to say funding would be going out today. So wondering if they will send an email out to those higher up the school once year 7/8 have all gone out?x
  20. Morning, we received an email this morning that my DD has been offered MDS will be approved once all paperwork is filled in. Good luck everyone 🤞🏻x
  21. Hi! If you require funding for your DD to go then wait for the funding decision to be made before completing registration. For year 7 we should find out next week 🤞🏻
  22. This was my original plan but then I thought if she didn’t get funding she would be disappointed and I wanted her to celebrate getting in regardless as it’s a great achievement. Hopefully this time next week we will know! 🤞🏻 is your son/daughter applying for lower school? x
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