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  1. Thank you so much! Really kind and helpful advice!
  2. Thank you so much for your kind, balanced and detailed response! Really appreciate it!
  3. Congratulations to everyone who got a place and waitlisted! My daughter who's a JA (first year of doing it, got in first time totally un-prepped, both her and I were clueless about the process) unfortunately didn't get a place nor got waitlisted for the Summer Intensive. I applied for the non-residential week. Any advice on how to improve things for next year's application if we apply please? Admittedly the photos weren't great, but I'm worried that perhaps she's not doing well in class (she's shy).
  4. I printed it and tried to upload it but it's not accepting jpeg files.
  5. Does anyone know what time the Y5 girls' JA class in London is?
  6. Congratulations everyone! Thank you for starting the thread Tendu_mum. DD, Year 5, London! So excited!
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