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  1. Yes. But why the so called investigative journalism does not do a proper investigations and does not limit to 4
  2. Here we are presented with 4 cases and make concluding remarks. How about the thousands of others with different experiences
  3. People should talk with real statistics at hand. Here we are presented with 4 cases and we draw conclusions not granted.
  4. This is not true. And believe me there is a very open dialogue between parte an and school. This documentary tend to be sensationalistic and so not offer a balanced view
  5. Again this assumes everyone over the years develop in the same way simply because one has access to the same training. Which is not the case. Not in ballet, not in any sports, not in academics.
  6. Don’t understand why being a white lodge student should necessarily guarantee a spot at upper school. Training offers alone is probably not sufficient. even if I had trained with the coach of Federer, I would have never become Federer - because physically I could not, mentally, coordination. Etc. I love to sing but will never have the voice of Frank Sinatra no matter how much I train. I loved to play basketball as a teenager but i can never play in the NBA You are making an assumptions that everyone is equally capable. Which is not the case. And yes this is unfortunately valid also for 16yo. And parents should be realistic in their expectations and also be mindful of guiding children towards what’s best for them. Each one of us here express his own opinion which is never an absolute truth. And I don’t pretend to possess the gift of the absolute truth.
  7. May be by chance this year the British students simply were not at the level required (combination of physical characteristics, artistry, technique etc. ). Upper school is i understand one of the three top school in the world. And to remain as such simply has to select the best worldwide. Pretty much like universities.
  8. Probably. But I think that the quality of year 11 students at royal ballet is on average much higher than other vocational school. I have seen performance of different schools and I could see a marked difference.
  9. I think a school have the obligation of to give place to students who best deserve it. If this means assessing out, it is part of the process. I think that the RB Company despite employing professional from many different training continue to embody at best the British style so I am not sure where your concern about Britishness come from.
  10. Agree. As tough as it may be it is better to guide children towards what is their best interest. And children or is as parents may not necessarily always be able to determine that independently.
  11. Well at early age students may be assessed in a certain way. But then each one develop differently, physically and in characters and capabilities. We are and they are not all equally gifted. As in any professions, sports or any endeavour. It is not only a question of the training one has access to.
  12. Eventually is simply that there are not as many British national with the characteristics needed. I assume an Each school and company has certain standards I believe and if those are not met or no more met than student are not enrolled or are assessed out
  13. Have you ever considered that perhaps the students that appeared to be ballet material in year 7 …over the years it turns out actually were not all as such? It is not only training. Several students leave WL because they loose interest in ballets, or develop physical conditions that are not compatible with ballet, or simply don’t have anymore the inclination and dedication needed for ballet any longer.
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