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Posts posted by Candleque

  1. I am not familiar with the Royal Ballet previous version, but am not a giant fan of the ending either. My personal POV is that I would rather see the lovers both die together, to reunite in the fairy tale afterlife, or (dare I admit), both survive in triumph having slain the evil Rothbart. 

    In praise of Benno, I have to say that I am delighted this version has another strong male dancing role. The Prince may be the hero and his dancing may be breathtaking, but he is a character I can't admire. (Yes, it is silly to look for logic in a ballet like this, but it has always irked me that the Prince is such an idiot that he falls for his enemy's daughter, no matter what she looks like.)


    I love the sisters, too, and enjoy every moment they are on stage. I only wish the four Princesses danced more. It is a bonus that every cast has other principles  / first soloists that I love to see. (Even if the ROH web site won't tell me who they are, lol.)

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  2. On 29/02/2020 at 01:49, Rob S said:

    Beatriz was fabulous as the Cellist


    Agree. Such a privilege to see her debut in such an important title role. Friday's show went way faster (a good thing) and stuck with me longer than opening night with the first cast tbh.

    As a Beatriz Stix-Brunell fan, I hope she enjoyed every second and that her convincing performance leads to more opportunities. Must be hard to again be a wallflower princess in Swan Lake, while so many other first soloists get a shot at Odette / Odile.

    ps: Felt really bad for Cesar Corrales having to miss this show, but I see that he is listed for Wed

    • Like 6
  3. 10 hours ago, JohnS said:

    I’ll now look forward to the cinema and catching the second cast.


    Agree. I actually booked my second cast ticket before deciding to spring for the opening night also. I'm a Beatriz Stix-Brunell fan, so happy to see her get a star turn rather than another cheeky harlot, courtesan, mistress part.

    Didn't quite realise how huge the role would be. Can only imagine how exciting it is to dance Jacqueline du Pré in this ballet.

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  4. The Cellist really moved me. Was not prepared to like it as much as I did. 


    The three principles were amazing as you’d expect. What an experience to bring this to life. One element in the ballet I really liked was the inclusion of Jacqueline as a young girl. Emma Lucano did a beautiful job. At the curtain call, Lauren Cuthbertson took her hand and brought her to the front for a special bow (Hashtag all the feels)


    • Like 10
  5. Etudes was my revelation of the night. I had never seen it and tbh was waiting for the corps to strap on their pointe shoes.  What a prefect ballet for an anniversary gala. Shiori Kase was mesmerising (why is she not a lead principle?) and Jeffery Cirio's dancing reinforced why I loved him in Le Corsaire.

    Now I wish there were galas like this every season. What a treat to be in the audience amidst the buzz and excitement and party outfits.  
    What a wonderful way to see the history of ballet brought to life. Bravo ENB

    • Like 12
  6. Wow. I thought Friday night was great, but last night just blew me away.

    11 hours ago, Bruce Wall said:

    Daniel McCormick ONLY ever goes from strength to strength as Ali and it was breathtaking to watch him vary his own solo variations.  Every challenge he sets for himself is met and then some.  He makes us all PROUD. 

    Totally agree. This man deserves a promotion. (Tamara Rojo was sitting right behind me, and it was hard to resist the temptation to gush in her direction.)
    In addition to the dancers mentioned above, Junor Souza made the most of the villainous Lankendem, and I thought Emma Hawes was just beautiful as a captive Gulnare.

    Le Corsaire reminded me how much talent there is at the ENB. It is really quite privileged to be blessed with two world class ballet companies performing just blocks apart. Can't wait for their 70th Anniversary Gala on Friday. Really hope it sells out as the line-up looks amazing.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Blossom said:

    In general, I have a minor criticism about the quality of acting in the company. There are some standout company members, for example Jeffrey Cirio (who didn't perform last night) who throws as much into the character as he does virtuosity, but in general, acting ability could really be stepped up a notch.

    Agree. On Friday night, I felt the dancing was amazing but not the acting.

    For example, Aitor Arrieta (one of my faves even before he won Emerging Dancer) was cast against type as Lankendem. He's naturally boy-band handsome, so looks the part of any prince role — and btw would be a perfect cheeky Franz in Coppélia. But he didn't 'scare me' as an evil slave trader should. Perhaps as the plot itself is a pantomime about a subject that would be horrific if realistically played. It lists Ali as a slave on the cast sheet, but his famous solo is proud and heroic.

    Excited to see Jeffrey Cirio on Monday and another Emerging Dancer fave, Daniel McCormick. 

  8. 6 hours ago, MJW said:

    You all might be interested in these, given the news:



    Great pictures, thanks MJW. And interesting indeed.

    The shots of Reece Clarke and Natalia Osipova in rehearsal for Onegin were taken on December 12, 2019. Yet the Royal Ballet didn't tell ticket holders — and new buyers — about the cast change until today. Why the lag?

    Am a big fan, so psyched to see Reece in this, and delighted at his well deserved promotion. He is a beautiful dancer. But like many others I originally booked for Vadim Muntagirov, so wish RB were more upfront about 'planned in advance' cast changes. 

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