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Posts posted by joyofdance

  1. I have read through the comments and looked on the Elmhurst website. I am still unsure about how much a family can expect to pay per year if their child is accepted at a vocational school. My daughter dreams of auditioning, we have been told by her dance teacher that she has all the right physical attributes to be a ballet dancer and that she is talented and has potential. We are a family on a low income (under £20,000) so we have explained to our daughter that going to full time ballet school is not within our means so have discouraged her from auditioning. The strange thing is when I read the information about finance on the Elmhurst website the cost (If she was accepted) seems really reasonable and affordable. Can anyone help, am I missing something? The yearly fee,s are far less than we pay for her current dance classes (she does other dance genres as well as ballet) It just doesn't seem to tally up with what I have been told by people ie its very expensive and similar to the cost of private school. Any comments, experience and advice would be very much appreciated as if there is any possibility that we could afford for her to attend then we would love her to do so.

  2. Hi

    Could someone please help myself and my friend understand the qualifying mark needed to get to the London finals. One of my friends daughters qualified in 3rd place with honours but seems to have been informed that only first and second places with honours will qualify to go to London. We have looked on the all England website but are none the wiser. 

    Thank you in advance.

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