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Posts posted by Petalviolet

  1. TYR you are right. Kebab back. It could become a thing?


    Gloomy and reductive as it is I bet a lot of people on this forum (not just the dancers) can empathise with the Kebab in situ.


    Badly reconstructed,

    mechanically spinning,

    not the freshest,

    appreciated only by the few and the desperate.


     Neither I nor DD have ever had one so I think the reference was entirely wasted -pearls before swine as usual.


     I object to the whole process of slivered meat from a carcass lollipop that looks like it needs to be regularly licked up and down to maintain its form and function. 

    • Like 4
  2. Apart from the tiny precious ballet fairy sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear

    (What if she twists an ankle..? What if some gallumping kid treads on those dainty feet? These people just don't understand the consequences...OH GET OVER YOURSELF PV) 




    Also: Why oh why does balletic prowess not translate to the sports field?


    Is your DC a sporty AND balletic type? All sprinting and good at throwing?


    DD does not mind a sports day. In fact Sports Day DD quite enjoys a lot of chuffing and puffing and hesitating and meandering and gazing and dropping and scoffing. Yet out of the realms of ballet not even her balance or concentration or general high tolerance to barked indistinguishable instructions results in much glory and if in the past, she might have attained a first in some bean bag carrying egg and spoon related activity there might have been....considerable cheating too.


    I hate sports day with the white hot burning intensity of a billion stars.

    • Like 13
  3. Shall try and make a rare USEFUL post. Assessments are once a year but I've seen children move up mid year so not necessarily the only predictor of progress.

    if you miss the assessment class for any reason they will give you a predicted mark don't worry.


    There is a section of the assessment titled "Grooming".

    If my DD can modify her leotard with large safety pins clearly visible keeping her straps attached as she doesn't trust my sewing and STILL get a 10/10 then they are particularly gracious and tolerant in this area.

    • Like 8
  4. No cake and not much auditioning for us in general but maybe that will pick up in September after the 11+? Not sure...


    If there is any cake to be had at prelims I will be the first to report texture and consistency.


    nope not much ballet happening here..

    I'm watching her....


    no...nothing yet..nothing of balletic interest to the forum.


    she is eating a curry pot noodle, watching the Simpsons movie and taking dainty sips of tonic water...still...no....ballet.


    maybe if I give her a prod.

    • Like 8
  5. 9 minutes ago, Harwel said:

    Everyone is being very polite here and the facts have actually been perfectly well laid out.  A professional ballet career, starting at 23 is not going to be possible - as for asking about the royal ballet company, well I can't comprehend how you can think that is possible.  I really don't mean to be rude, and I apologise if this is coming across that way but please have a look at the company in class, look at the students who train there, in fact look at any of the full time students training in our top ballet schools, you will never be able to compete and 90% of them can't get a professional ballet contract. 


    I am all for people following their dreams but reality has to be a factor.  Put your passion and energy into something realistic.  Ballet has to have been started young, bodies with masses of potential have to moulded. You are simply too late for a professional ballet career. 

    Great post. I could LIKE but I think I'm going to give it a Corbyn fist pump-high five-boob pat, if you don't mind.

    • Like 10
  6. What a question. Not only has it distracted me from slavish viewing of Sky rolling news today but now I've also lost track of my prune count.


    If I got to six then this is the magic number.

    If it was only five then my healthy snacking will not be efficacious.

    If it was seven then disaster could ensue.


    Should I play it safe or risk it? What a conundrum. A pertinent one though I'm sure you'll agree.


    Prune dilemma aside, I cannot wait to read more of the advice/replies to this thread.

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