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Posts posted by Petalviolet

  1. Being right at the beginning of this dance journey I'm only starting to realise how difficult it can be to encourage and protect and nurture my DD and her dreams but also keep her/our expectations realistic. Sometimes I'd like her to live in her little bubble of possibility as long as possible, she's only seven! I've always been surprised and curious, maybe a little dismissive of why so many of my friends who have experienced ballet seem to be nostalgic about it, even traces of sadness and in some cases very real bitterness and regret. I don't think many people outside the dancing world (I include myself in this) really appreciate how hard it is to devote yourself to such a demanding discipline knowing that the physique you have, the only tools you have to work with, will be subject to endless critique and scrutiny and subjectivity. I already feel pressured to swiftly explain to anybody that knows my DD is applying to be a JA this year that the audition is more of a physical exam. It makes me feel a little defensive of her actual dancing ability- I want to say please don't think that probable "NO" has anything to do with her attitude, her commitment, her creativity, her poise. Sadly I have started to realise it has so much to do with those beautiful, endless lines and the rare ability after years of training, to control them, that makes the aspiration to be a ballerina such an elusive one. I'm not really sure how either of us will cope with her first auditions this year- I am actually quite worried about the pressure of expectation from people who don't fully understand the process who assume too much or that things happen too easily. What I really hope is that my DD will follow in the footsteps of so many of the inspirational children I read about on this forum and continue to dance, strive to fulfil their potential and grow to be stronger and better people because of the negativity not despite it.

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  2. On a purely selfish note

    National champions.....

    Probably with trophies........shelves.....special ones...display cabinets...TROPHY ROOMS.


    .....only competition DD encountered so far is how to manage the lavish but unwanted attentions of our 18lb ragdoll cat whenever she does her pre bath stretches. We are both going to need our big girl pants.

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  3. Hi there! I'm also a newbie and my DD will be applying for the first time this year. I think your daughter must have so much potential and commitment it would be a shame for her not to at least apply? It might open her eyes and yours to a totally new side of ballet, not just the focus on beautiful pure technique but to be part of such history and tradition would be a unique opportunity and could really inspire her? You don't need to make any decisions yet and who knows where each childs particular dance journey leads but the last thing you would want is to have any regrets that any avenue went unexplored. Seize the opportunity that what I say and the very best of luck to you both!

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  4. Oh and you don't get lunch.


    Hehehehe but it does say JA for A Day doesn't it? Tea trolley and a few biscuits always smooth proceedings.


    I was STARVING. About half way through I really could have pulled out a flask of coffee and a cheese twist and tucked in "oh, don't mind me, carry on" etc...

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  5. I'm starting to think my teacher is a bit OCD with the fiddling and tweaking of underwear but all three of the girls sent to toilet to whip them off! I don't think going commando helped I think it made her a little self conscious actually. Plus she wanted to wear a special dress to lunch afterwards and we were running a little late otherwise she could have just popped her joggers back on.

  6. I'm sure other more experienced members will have lots more advice than me!!! But from a total newbie I would say- although it's a great opportunity to see for yourself what a typical JA class might be like and how your DD copes and compares there wasn't any feedback from the teachers themselves but I'm sure that's just general knowledge. They do correct and praise but I doubt anyone asked about their DC specific potential or there were braver mums than I!! For us it was the first time to be with other children thinking of taking that next step so a real eye opener.

    I was worried about the size of towel to bring? They just need one big enough to lie down on and stretch out. Plenty of very bright ones too! If you are going to the London JA Day there was plenty of choice as to seating and everyone had a great view however they do take at least three breaks for water which parents kept with them and there was lots of scrambling to get to parents seated farther back and return on time- I would have sat closer.

    It was a mixed bunch in terms of outfits and hairstyles too! I was just awed by a little girl in immaculate satin pink shoes, convertible tights, braids and a shawl to drape over her legs...which looked like it had been handed down from generations of dancers but other girls had hair falling out all over the place in the middle of class and no one teaching batted an eyelid. (Or they covered it up well I don't know)

    It's a polite but disciplined class- make sure you have a toilet break before you go in as one little girl asked to leave about ten mins before end and was kindly asked to wait which she was happy to do but the look she got from mummy *shudder.

    We changed in the hall itself afterwards as there just wasn't space in the toilets. This was perfectly fine but DD having been asked to remove her underwear by her teacher meant I had to protect modesty with towel and got a bit flustered. It was great to have our teacher there too (she was accompanying other children to the afternoon event that day) but she also arranged for my mother in law to come too? I know it said one parent and/or teacher but perhaps if you ask specially then if there's room you can cheekily have someone else with you!

    I didn't find it particularly competative, everyone (mums too) were self conscious I'm sure but it didn't feel pushy, more fun with a purpose. If you have anything specific let me know?!

  7. Hello again! Hopefully this will be a quick and easy one. After doing the photos for the JA application on Saturday our teacher asked if we could bring in the form for her to sign? I'm going through the application now and it doesn't appear to look like I need to print anything out, it can all be done online, and so far the only signature I can see that is required is mine? Her teacher did say it's been a while since she has gone through this process so I'm wondering if she is referring to the old way of doing it? I haven't gone so far as submitting anything yet as photos need to be cropped and I need to measure and weigh DD, I was just having a practice run but so far I'm not sure what she means? Perhaps I've not gone far enough through the system yet as I remember reading you had to give the height of both parents and I haven't seen anything about that yet either?

    Thank you for your help sorry I really don't know what I'm doing..

  8. Thank you for all the replies- just to report back we went for the normal RAD leotard in the end. Her teacher was very diplomatic and got her to try the new one and have a skip around. She wasn't at all dismissive and said she could see where I was coming from and agreed the fit was lovely and if she wasn't required to move (!) would have her in it without a doubt but she (and many of you) were quite right that it was slipping down all over the place and just not practical. I have to say, if I hadn't posted yesterday I would have certainly gone into school this afternoon with DD in my choice of leotard (I took her in the RAD one instead) without really realising how rude that would be? So your good advice was acted upon and saved me from unintentionally committing a bit of a ballet gaff.

    Photos are done- DD shivering and mottled blue against a brown paper backdrop under fluorescent lights sporting a huge bruise on one calf but as long as the positions are clear I hope they will do! A mystery to me to witness the tiny corrections and manipulations that make the difference between right and wrong. One photo looks exactly the same as another to me but on choosing the final versions her teachers knew exactly the ones they wanted and quickly discarded others, I couldn't have done this myself that's for sure.


    Just before we left the teacher quickly asked both girls if they had any questions about the audition which was met with blank expressions till DD piped up "what TYPE of garlic do Vampires don't like?"


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  9. Yes Aileen it is higher cut than she is used to although not outrageously so. Its slightly longer too. I think I might pop her in it tonight and see with a more critical eye, how much is preening and how much is twiddling. I have to be honest otherwise there's no point, I don't want her to be fiddling and faffing before and after every position. She needs to be able to focus and I'm not sure whether I should take a chance on her getting used to the unfamiliar cut which is more flattering or (through grated teeth) stick with the RAD uniform that is serviceable and practical? I don't want her performance to suffer for the aesthetics! And I don't want to put her in a different leotard when others are perfectly satisfied and perhaps being a bit more level headed? I will take it but perhaps, after some good advice here, try and put it in proper perspective!

  10. Thank you all for these lovely replies, I actually feel genuinely touched and glad I took the plunge and posted! I've just picked trotters up from school - how oblivious is she- and mulled over your advice. Her new and spiffy leotard does make her look rather mature actually, more so than I anticipated. It's totally plain and pale in colour with a low scoop back and after she has practised a few stretches and stands up there is the matter of retrieving it from places not openly accepted to exist in ballet..... There will be tweaking and plenty of it and perhaps this is a particular irritation of her teacher's? Of course she would want to present her just as beautifully as I would and she is a wonderful and very well respected lady which is why I really don't want there to be any disagreement, who am I to contradict her?? I know that another little boy and a girl are going and they will be in the usual uniform - I'm cringing at the idea of being so blatantly obvious as to demand my DD be in something separate and special. The more I think about that actually the worse I feel and we are taking photos together to save time, you can see why it's a slightly more complex issue. Drat that we have bought and worn it but she does look so lovely.


    I remember feeling quite confident with her appearance at the JA experience day, bit too pleased actually, bit of self congratulation over that bun, only to be told socks up and not folded and remove those knickers (tweaking again) so there was a rush to the loo and a furtive swap of offending garment the handover of which would have surpassed the subtle strategies of any Cold War spy exchange. Luckily it didn't phase madam and I will remember the little twinkle in her eye which I know meant "I'm not wearing knickers in public, hehehehe" for some time to come.


    God, what will the other mother think if we rock up with a selection of leotards? How precious am I?

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  11. Hello from a stressed non dancing mother. I really appreciate this post will seem like the most unimportant piffle to those of you awaiting results from White Lodge - maybe it will take your mind off things?

    Here goes.

    My DD (7) has the physical proportions of a Shetland pony with ballet feet. ;-) This will not endear her to the Royal and I have the sneaking suspicion a more rigorously selective stony hearted dance teacher would not have recommended her, however it was suggested in front of her so the cats out of the bag. I had no idea till I started using this forum to research just how important physique and proportions were, I naively thought it was a question of turnout/feet and who dances best on the day? I did go back to her dance teacher who was candid enough to say that if her proportions don't "sort themselves out" by age 9 then she won't be suitable for classical training (gulp!) but that it would be a shame not to send her.

    To be honest I feel that so much is stacked against her already in a way there shouldn't and doesn't need to be any pressure. She should just feel proud to have the opportunity. But for her sake, as much as I can help her, I would like to have the peace of mind that we gave it a good shot? This may be her only chance!


    There are some great tips on this forum which I've really taken to heart. You want to present your child in the most flattering way possible, you want them to look beautifully turned out BUT you shouldn't go overboard and you have to be realistic in that the Royal are well aware of what they want and no amount of styling is going help. I could send her in shorts and a t shirt and it genuinely wouldn't matter.


    I've no other expectations of the day itself other than she will skip in happily, obligingly assume whatever balletic position requested and thus displayed produce very little else to satisfy those of a classically minded disposition than the smallest and hopefully quietest of farts - skip out and we will go home, clutching I imagine, some embossed paraphernalia, our Royal Ballet journey complete.


    Yet-........with her long back, the last thing I want to send her in is her usual RAD low cut leotard with short sleeves. I didn't see any children at the JA for A Day wearing anything similar and I felt she stuck out as looking a little babyish plus it couldn't do less for her. So I ordered a camisole leotard in the same colour, completely plain but far more flattering and very grown up. Not fooling anyone but not emphasising the problem either? She loves it, has been wearing it to feel comfortable and looks beautiful and feels special. Happy us. Till her teacher said she doesn't want any fiddling or opportunity to even be tempted to fiddle with straps, she will take a look at it but recommends she wear her usual one. Photographs are tomorrow. Do I stick to my guns?

    Please, please. Please don't shoot me down in flames. I find everything and anyone related to ballet incredibly intimidating!! It's like talking to people who are elevated in some way? I just want to do my little girl justice as it's been so hard to accept her dream may just have to be that and she's still so little. Many thanks for you time and good luck to anyone waiting results I don't know how you cope!

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  12. Thank you for the lovely replies! Sometimes I find it hard talking to anyone about my daughter and ballet in the real world. Either they don't know where I'm coming from when I say I've been googling tutorials on ballet buns and can't find the right pins anywhere (3 different styles till we got the right ones are you kidding me?) or why that's driving me crazy as it's for the Day as a JA and I'll be damned if all that hair is coming down, I have ONE JOB please can I get that right OR I feel I'm going to bore them to death or make them roll their eyes. The few people I do know who have danced have given me wonderful advice but don't have children or not dancing children which is a sadness for them so I have to exercise a bit of discretion. No one knows (apart from her teacher) that we are applying for the JA Associate scheme at my daughters ballet school because I know there are three or four girls who came with us for the JA Experience Day who weren't encouraged to apply and I'm sure people here will have coped with that scenario but I just don't want to stir anything up especially when it's more than likely we won't get in! I may be boring you all in the future I apologise in advance!

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