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Posts posted by Balletgirlsplease

  1. Bless you all. It is hard at any stage of life as these transitions occur. It is grief and loss and like a beareavement but above all its perfectly normal and shows that you are human. I'm just glad nowadays that its ok to express your feelings and frailties and that we have places like this forum that we can share them instead of having to bottle them up and do the old 'stiff upper lip'! And when all else fails there's always wine! Cheers!!! Xx

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  2. We auditioned in Manchester on 24th January for Mids only. And nice to meet you ballemum! There aren't many of us who's kids only did the mids auditions. I felt like it was hard not to get dragged along with all the excitement into something we didn't really want! My dd is happily going off to her local high school and continuing with her local dance teacher. I take my hat off to those going down the vocational route but its not for us. It's very exciting to hear how everyone is getting on though!!


    Just heard from my daughter in USA where she is at Ballet school and her friend received a call back(via e mail) for upper school finals this morning!!! This surely means they have finished sorting WL and now moved onto upper school!!!! Lets hope so!!!

    What makes you think they do WL before US? And congratulations to your DD!!
  4. My daughter does IDTA and her teacher mentioned something about it. Her ballet gis now much harder and she is doing grade 1 again as the difference is so great. Which is good news!

  5. I know it's tough to hear too but actually not getting placed at festivals and school parts early on is all part of learning to cope with rejection and this is all to often forgotten at primary schools nowadays with the whole 'everyone's a winner' philosophy. I know we want to wrap our kids up in cotton wool but sometimes they don't get the place they want and odds on they won't get the job they want and bringing our children up as well rounded individuals is teaching them to take the rough /tough with the smooth. She will probably work all the harder if she doesn't get in at her first place. Hope this doesn't come across as harsh but just try to think of it as a learning experience and that nothing but positives can come from it. Your DD will be a better person and more prepared next time around. It's a tough business and they do need to experience that before too long. Better now than her first job audition. Good luck for next time! Xxxxx

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  6. I think Elmhurst and RBS do look for quite different things. I know a girl who has done Elmhurst JAs for 3 years but auditioned for RBS JAs and not even got SWL. She has just got a place at Hammond so is obviously talented. I know this is not for 6th form but just an example. Don't give up yet!

    What a shame your festival experience was so horrendous for you! We have done quite a few and sometimes it goes your way, sometimes not. At the end of the day it is just how it goes that day. Same with auditions I guess but with all your hopes pinned on it it is very disheartening. How is your DD taking it? Fingers crossed she isn't too put off and that you get a better result from her other auditions. If its meant to be she will get in somewhere and if not something else will present itself even if it wasn't what you planned. Sending hugs to you and your dd!! X

  7. They do still ask for parents height on the application forms though!

    My DD is a year 6 JA and I wouldn't say she was talented at ballet as only grade 1. She obviously has potential though. She is very petite for her age at 130cm turning aged 11 in march and weighing only 26kg. She is the smallest girl in her JA class. I would say she has a pretty face but then I'm biased as her mother!! ????

    And re:splits she can now do them on both sides but couldn't do either when she auditioned for JAs last year. In the audition they like to see them in box splits as far as they can get their legs out (if that makes sense not how far they can go down). In her class they do splits on one side , then roll round to box splits then go down on other leg, then round to box splits. In My DDs JA class they are all different heights.

  8. My friend (dancingmuppet)'s daughter got a SWL place this year (year 6) and last year (year 5). She didn't get on last year but this year they rang her a couple of weeks before the start and he now has a place hence is meeting! So it is worth trying again. And probably again! X

  9. A girl at one of the RBS insight days i went to with my dd wore striped socks and had her hair in a ponytail!! I wouldn't encourage my dd to wear any slides unless they were grips of her hair colour for an audition. It usually suggests a plain bun. Could you hide it in the bun if it is for luck!?

    And best of luck!!

  10. I don't mean stick your bottom up I mean stick it back and down with your chest leaning slightly forward. It's impossible to keep your heels on the floor if you keep your body totally vertical without lifting your heels!this is impossible to describe! Lol!

  11. My dd said she did this on the year 6 intensive in Covent garden and at the practise audition they did it there. She can't remember why. She's trying to show me now! Lol! However she can't remember if you can stick your bottom out to do it (in which case she can with no bother) or keep your body vertical (in which case she has to go onto the balls of her feet). Which is it??

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