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Posts posted by shygirlsmum

  1. Wow, that's pretty pathetic. I have seen some schools making a big deal about 2nd place whilst knowing that there was only 2 in the section but to actually lie is incredible.

    First day of festival for us today so by lunchtime I will be up to my elbows in glitter.

    Hope everyone has had or is having a great festival x

    • Like 4
  2. I too thought bursaries were only 50%, or at least that's what they said last year!! Wow they must really like her, but I don't understand why they would offer a bursary before MDS audition has even took place??

    The girls are friends on Instagram and she apparently posted her offer letter, I understand she has finals for Elmhurst too so no idea if she has accepted.
    • Like 1
  3. DD heard that a girl she met in the audition has been offered 100% bursary already. According to DD and her friend the girl was a really beautiful dancer applying for year10. I was under the impression that the max bursary was 50% but I guess if they see someone they simply must have they make the funds available to make it happen.

    • Like 1
  4. DD auditioned for the Hammond last Monday and just had letter this morning offering a place (we need funding so still a long road ahead).

    DD prepared a piece to sing only because she felt happier doing something she knew rather than the assessment class. She has never sang in public before so very much out of her comfort zone.

    Good luck to everyone applying or waiting for results!

    • Like 5
  5. We had same thing Gowiththeflow. DD was given SWL and we were telephoned to see if we would consider a different centre. It slightly further away (about an hour as a round trip) but it has worked well for us.

  6. Last year initial assessment were done and kids scored from 1-5 on criteria such as strength, flexibility, feet, physique, posture, focus & attitude & performance. If you scored over 3 in each area a place for next yr was offered. Less than 3 were given development plan and re-assessed towards the end of term.

    Hope this helps, good luck!

    • Like 1
  7. Thanks to everyone for responding, I feeling a bit happier now but will still try to see physio again soon.

    She has danced this morning and felt less pain than yesterday so I'm hoping that is a good sign. Yesterday she was at MIDS so probably worked harder than other classes (Miss Hubbard was observing class).

    Physio is sports but our dance teacher sends all her students to him and I believe his son danced so he has dance experience.

    Whilst I'm not pinning hopes on The Hammy I think festival will take a back seat for now but still have a few weeks left so can hopefully catch up later. She had rehearsal for group dance today but will leave solos until recovered.

    The pain in buttock is same side and physio did ask if she had pain in that area on first consultation but it wasn't hurting at that point, typical! Just bought a foam roller today but will try the ball.

    Thanks so much for advice & comments - fingers crossed she heals quickly. Being hyper mobile I think she has taken for granted her flexibility and never paid much mind to warming up, hopefully lessons have been learned!

    • Like 1
  8. DD injured herself two weeks ago - sun 15th (just messing around in her room - apparently she felt pain when she did a developpe). Initially the pain was in the groin area and not too severe she had WL the following Wednesday so rested until the audition. Pain no better so saw physio on 24th - he did ultrasound and massaged thigh also leant us a Heat lamp to use. He said she should dance but restrict herself to only controlled movements and gentle stretches.

    DD has just mentioned that whilst the pain in thigh/groin is starting to feel better she now has pain in buttocks. I will get another physio appointment but just thought I would ask for advice on here.

    She has The Hammond audition coming up next Sunday and should really be working on festival dances but I am worried she will make things worse if I let her dance.

  9. Thanks for explaining, that does make sense.

    DD's first two pairs say studios professional on the bottom (I don't know if that is the name of the style or if they all say that) latest pair are custom ones made for someone else but best fit freed could manage. I actually think the first two look nicer but what do I know ????

    Dance teacher has previously said DD has good feet but I don't know exactly what she means by this, she is hyper mobile with swayback legs. I don't know if this indicates bendy feet ???

  10. DD is in third pair in 9 months but only due to growth. I have no idea if her feet are strong or not but I do know that they have changed shape quite considerably since starting in MIDS in September. The fitter in Freed commented that it is quite usual that a narrow foot becomes much wider as the metatarsal gain strength from all the exercises RB have given to her to do.

    Is there a rule about strong feet needing strong shaft shoe etc?

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