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Posts posted by shygirlsmum

  1. Thanks for responding Aileen.

    The trip is being run by someone attached to the school rather than the school itself. I do intend to discuss with the organiser but keep missing her so I'm really not clear about the arrangements. It may be the case that the trip is only open to the older kids or that younger kids need to be with an adult.

    The girls are very sensible, I have a tendency to be overprotective but I am trying to loosen up.

  2. DDs dance school is running a coach trip to move it, I noticed lots of older girls have their name on the list but not many in DDs age group (although the girls have discussed it and many want to go). Would it be safe for a group of 11 year olds to attend? I don't think that there would be staff chaperoning at the event and haven't discussed the details, but if the arrangements are for example: someone would see the girls into the venue and then meet again at home time. Would you let your child go?

    My eldest daughter accuses me of being overprotective and I am trying to relax but I see lots of dangers in the above scenario.

    I could go too but don't want to be the only mum ! (Also it would cost an extra £40 and I am flat broke).

    • Like 1
  3. It was a no for my daughter auditioning for Yr 8 (Manchester audition) didn't put down for summer school, no idea why not must have missed the box :/ it says that the MA results will be out in April.

    We received the result via email at 1.15pm, good luck to anyone else still waiting.

  4. I used them last week in Manchester, it was a great experience. You are provided with the licence plate and photo of the driver before your journey, together with a fare estimate (my fee was actually cheaper than estimate) Afterwards I was asked to rate the driver, given that everyone wants good feedback it keeps drivers on their toes. It worked very well for me but each to their own.

  5. I'm so glad you started this thread. I bought a practice tutu and am hoping to make a bodice to wear for festival but it also needs some taming, I will be watching this thread with interest.

    I'm no expert but if your DD has a problem with off the peg atire could you try stitching in an extra piece of fabric to extend the girth?

    • Like 1
  6. My DD has swaybacks (I only know this as dance teacher mentioned it) but I was under the impression it was a bad thing. I could have this wrong but DD mentioned that she had to retrain herself not to straighten her let as it looks bent when she does.

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  7. I have not used a communal changing room since my teens, fortunately I don't think there are any local to where I live. However, I would definitely avoid.

    It is a shame that most of us feel that we should avoid these situations instead of having the confidence to embrace our maturer physique.

    Peanut68 is it possible that the girls were just a bit giggly and not laughing at you, both my girls ages 11 & 13 tell me I look good (I know I don't, I'm at least 3 stone overweight) I would like to think that they wouldn't make anyone feel self concious even in jest.

    • Like 2
  8. My goodness so many posts!!! is have just caught up with this thread.  

    Thank you so much for all of your comments and sharing your experiences.  Unfortunately this behaviour is not exclusive to children, it really is so sad that people act in this way.  

    As predicted the child in question has been sweetness and light since the last incident.  I have had a long chat with DD and she promises to keep me up to date with any further developments, i am pretty sure we have not seen the last of this but i do live in hope.  DD has distanced herself from the other girl over the last few months and in all honesty I think that might be part of the problem.  DD would like to give the other girl another chance to settle in and play nice but is fully prepared to walk away from the friendship if problems persist. 

    Thanks again for all the advice, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, I am looking forward to hearing about everyone's dancing tales in the new year. xx

  9. I should like add to my post above - thank you for all your kind comments, advice & support. It was good to get it all out there. Also thank you to those who shared their own experiences, it must be hard to revisit those tough times. I'm glad to hear you came out the other and are moving onwards & upwards xx

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  10. I am so sorry to hear about so many going through this kind of situation, it really is horrible. I can't imagine the worry of having a child away from home and fearing for their safety. I also believe what goes around comes around will continue to support DD and encourage her to be her best self and rise above the nastiness. I have decided to see what happens after Christmas and if matters persist I will speak to the teacher (or possibly the parent if I'm brave enough). I hope that everyone find a resolution to their troubles. Xx

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  11. Thank you for all your supportive comments, I just needed to vent a little. Unfortunately the girl involved does have a history of this type of behaviour. I am very proud of the way DD has dealt with things so far. DD is a quiet girl but has always been popular with her peers, so hopefully this will all blow over.

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  12. Tbh they have been great friends for years, previous dance partners etc. The other girl recently had an issue with another girl, the mothers spoke and the issues seemed to be resolved for a while. Last nights incident was after about 3 weeks of relative peace. We do a car share (3 girls) and she if she is true to form next dance run she will be sweetness & light.


    As sad as this sounds DD is actually used to her little spats but last night she worked her way around the bar slagging DD off to other girls in the class, most of whom dismissed her but DD found it really upsetting. Another parent messaged me to tell me some of the horrible things she had said. Fortunately the girls are a really nice bunch of kids, she had actually called DD a nasty name (something an 11 year old should not be saying) and one of the girls sent her off with a flea in her ear and defended DD.

  13. Just letting off a little steam here.

    DD has been having trouble with another girl at dance class for a while now, both aged 11. Examples of the behaviour are that she pulled DD's hair in class (so hard that DD actually cried) then denied it was her even though several other girls witnessed it, on another occasion she threatened to smash DD's phone and tonight, she tried to cause an argument between DD and another girl by making up a ludicrous story. She proceeded to go round other girls in the class trying to turn them against DD. So far DD has turned the other cheek but tonight has really upset her.

    The girls have been a close friends for many years - former dance partners, the other girl recently moved dance schools to our new school (we have been there almost a year) I have so far dismissed this behaviour hoping that when she settled in things would calm down. I am really good friends with her mum and value our friendship, I have not discussed the situation with her as I have never been one for getting involved with kids squabbles. I know that her mum will know something has happened as she frequently gets into scrapes with other kids and blames everything on the other party telling her mother a pack of lies, she has had several incidences at school and her other dance class.

    I apologise for the long rambling post but I just wanted to let it out!!!!

    I have no intention of confronting things at this time, the only time I would do this is if DD couldn't take it anymore, I am hoping things will seem brighter in the morning, night peeps xx

  14. Sorry to jump into the thread. DD has applied to mid associates and also ticked box for white lodge, do all applicants get an audition or will they select the ones they want to see from photos? They have taken the audition fee from my bank but not had an audition date through.

  15. Did likes Bloch pro-arch ballet shoes in leather. They have coped well with 6 hours plus of ballet per week. She has recently switched to canvas shoes, again Bloch ones with mesh in the middle.

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