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Everything posted by Christinebigballet

  1. Hello everybody , I'm new haven't a clue what I'm doing on here lols But I'm Christine from big ballet .who danced the Neapolitan . I speak on behalf of my self ,that I trained at bush Davies and the royal ballet upper school,a long long time ago .its really a bit of a joke as 30 years on I still tell everyone ....still so proud , And of course who would ever imagine at the ripe age of 52,I would ever dream of getting such a fantastic opportunity ,after 30 years of not doing ballet ,but of course I had been teaching 16 classes of fitness a week . I can't tell you what it was like I really lived that dream, Wayne and Monica made me feel alive again .i loved every minute of course I had injury sadly in the dress rehearsal but I never gave up ,I was so determined to get on that stage .i so loved my dance and the two special people I danced it with. I only hope to all mature ballet fans out there it will encourage you to go back and do class ,I felt like that young girl again. Credit should be given to Monica and Wayne for putting such a lovely group together,that in times of stress remained strong and are very close there were only 3 episodes so only so much could be shown .......perhaps a spin off The camera crew,producers were the loveliest people whom are friends now,with Wayne and Monica , Just to have such top training with such greats..... awesome ,we did this free in our own time ,I wouldn't of changed it for the world, I hope this entices the wider audience to take more interest in ballet and maybe go to a class ,of course not everyone can have the same opinion as me but this was mine Please go to Christine big ballet and like page I think there's a pic of me in my younger days and also to big ballet.uk . Enjoy watching the show
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