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Everything posted by Alfred71

  1. I think you may well be right PV. Well, they've all been here - and survived I imagine with few injuries! Possibly not RSI though from email checking which I am concerned us newbies may be prone to after today...
  2. Think mine's given up. I just searched my emails for Royal Ballet School just to make sure it was in my contacts and I don't miss an email because of course I'm paying NO attention to them today
  3. Next week?!!!! Surely they can't be that cruel!!! nonononononono
  4. How can there be a quota?!Madness
  5. Nice one Noobag! Well done to your DD daughtersdance, that's wonderful news. You must be very proud. Am going to try not checking and refreshing for 5 minutes....
  6. Ha ha!!I am merely a member so dangling somewhere in between newbie and advanced. Can't I just chuck in a few nonsense posts to up my status PV? My nerves are too fraught for me to make much sense anyway. Great supportive group it really is comforting to imagine the rest of you writhing in the same amount of nervousness as I am! Ho ho. Have been checking my junk all day... I may need a stretcher soon..
  7. I'm thinking on similar lines whilst trying to reassure myself that I'm not actually a skilled medium and therefore able to see into the future! ????????
  8. Aaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhh indeed Noobag! Yes PV I reckon we'll be last as we were the last possible group! Oh please let this torture be over. I can't wait until tomorrow!
  9. Me too! Is it really bad to stop off at the pub in my lunch hour haha! Gosh it's interminable...
  10. Nothing here either, so not hopeful but glad the wait may soon be over! Best of luck to all!
  11. I'm trying! Going to distract myself with work and move AWAY from this computer. Be gone, vile Hotmail account!
  12. I feel a bit sick with the waiting now!
  13. I know, it's quite nerve wracking isn't it?! No news from London yet. When somebody said Bath results were out yesterday I immediately went to see when the auditions were (20th May) and started more pacing, slightly more frantically! - can't be long now! Be nice to know before the weekend, but they did tell us the end of the month... Congratulations to all the yesses and commiserations for the 'no's.
  14. Yes let's hope it's not much longer for London! I think I'm already at the pacing stage!
  15. Congrats tootifrooti - was it a year 4 place for your DD? Sorry about the no dancing pickles - sounds like your DD took it all in her stride so good luck for next year. We were told about 4 weeks to wait for news in London.......
  16. Ooh sorry aballetlife just realised you answered my swayback question! Ta muchly ????????
  17. Thanks taxi4ballet that makes sense now! ????
  18. Have just tried that, hurt my ankles and rewarded myself with a lovely sip of wine from glas placed on table - Peanut68are you bonkers, on the floor?! Can't remember the last time I reached that far! Happy to change the title Petalviolet, but I think Anna C may be correct and she handily put a few other JA links in the thread when I first started it, so it would probably be helpful for the future as it is? PLEASE can somebody explain swayback knees? In what position? Am assuming it means they sway back in some way - no flies on me! - but is there anything more technical than this? Lots of you seem rather knowledgeable about it. Re: Achilles. Have just remembered my DD talking about doing lots of Demi plies so perhaps it was part of the JA audition? That's for all your replies re: Tring and LJB by the way, good to hear other people's experiences so we know what to expect.☺️
  19. Wow Petalviolet you have managed to get so much out of your DD after the audition. We (well obviously not me haha! Can't pass for a 7 year old) were in the same class. My DD loved it, the best part being making up a dance/ (port-de-bras exercise I think?) pretending to be fire. Apart from that, I asked her whether she had done anything else she didn't normally do in ballet and she said 'Well yes Mummy, I don't normally stand with my back to anyone'. !! That was it! Cotes du Rhone that did give me hope, thanks, all we can do is wait. I really hope it's the case that we hear nearer the middle of June than the end, I don't think I can cope with it! Good luck to everyone.. On another note, as my DD loved it so much I've been investigating the other options such as LJB and Tring. Does anyone know if you audition in November for Tring and get through, do you start in the January? Are there fewer children auditioning then? Is LJB very difficult to get into? Auditions are in September again as we missed the May ones... Sorry for all the questions! Thanks all, I love this forum, it's a whole new world to me! :-)
  20. Yes, we too received ours, 3 pm on Friday 29th. Best of luck to everyone!
  21. Thanks Busymum, that's good to know. yes, fingers crossed we hear today! Glad I don't appear to have missed anything..
  22. Anyone heard anything about the London JA auditions yet? The information on the RBS website suggests they would try to send out dates by the 30th April, so I'm worried I have missed something as we haven't heard anything yet...!
  23. Thanks for your replies everyone, helpful links as well spannerandpony, will have a look at those. That has really allayed my fears and sort of confirmed that we should just see the audition as an enjoyable experience and if something comes out of it that's a bonus! Gowiththeflow, yes I'm sure I could drive myself bonkers trying to figure out what they're looking for! Sounds like you have had an enjoyable if somewhat emotional journey and well done your dd on summer school. Snowflake thanks for info that's great - good to hear about assessment and glad to hear such an enjoyable experience for your dd. I know it would be an amazing experience for her if it happens, but what will be will be and they were really clear at the JA day if they're not successful fro Year 4 just to audition again next year, so nothing lost and lots to gain by the sound of it. Thanks all, great forum
  24. Hi, first time posting, although I have been following threads on here for a while. Please excuse my rambling..! My DD's ballet teacher suggested she might be suitable to apply for JAs a year ago; unfortunately we soon found out that she was too young (Year 2), but neither of us had any idea about it really. Went a bit mad finding out about all of it last year, esp what they 'apparently' look for, but that was of no consequence really as she couldn't apply. Really it just served to make me question whether it was the right thing to do, but I had a year to wait before she was eligible and would think about it seriously then... Have just sent off the application form for this year (didn't do much more thinking!), after many taking and re-taking of photographs and re-sizing them - which involved the ridiculous task of emailing them to my iPhone then sending from my iPhone in a smaller size to my Mac = massive headache and equally massive glass of wine required! ;-) Now in a panic, what if the ********** photos didn't actually upload?! Etc.. etc.. DD has done a JA experience lesson, which she loved and I know she is excited about the prospect of auditioning, but as her Mum there are a few questions I'm sure more experienced people might be able to answer... There are 4 audition days in London as opposed to max 2 elsewhere - obviously this is because more will apply in London, but do they actually offer more classes in London so similar chance of getting in? Any idea how many apply for how many places? I know this shouldn't be important...! Are they really just looking for a certain body type/ potential body type, despite ability? If you get in, do they actually assess every year and could potentially assess you out for whatever reason? (what reason?!) I suppose I just want to know as a Mum the potential pitfalls so I can be prepared as much as possible if we're extremely lucky and she even gets offered a place and equally if she doesn't. Thanks for reading if you got to the end haha!
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