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Posts posted by trog

  1. I was always told to spot where you are going, but spotting has always escaped me. It's over-rated anyway - ice skaters don't spot as they turn too fast. I don't know why the don't get dizzy - maybe they do and just cope.

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  2. "VICE follow a ballet school in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, where young girls have to avoid regular shootouts between narco gangs and police during lessons"




    Warning by me: Some of the contents of the Vice website is NSFW and some is not suitable for those under 18 or of a nervous disposition.

  3. I was there also, albeit for the evening performance. I went to Buxton in the afternoon, so that I could spend some time walking the charming spa town. It was a very slow journey to Buxton, on account of the roadworks on the M6, but the stress of this was forgotten when I discovered the Buxton Beer Festival was on. Hic 🤣


    I really can't add much to what the other have said. It was fab! I've always felt the Trocks are at their best on a small stage, and the Buxton Opera House is the perfect venue. It has a faded glamour, and I feel very much at home there. Just when you thought it was over, the Trocks reappeared with a high-kicking Rockettes style rendition of New York, New York - I've never seen them do that before. Great fun!


    During my wanderings, I bumped into Duane Gosa and two others (sadly I forget who) in the town centre. I said a quick "Hello", so as not to intrude. They are very approachable.


  4. On 24/09/2018 at 22:32, Colman said:



    My KitchenAid is coming up to its twenty fifth anniversary. 


    I bought my Ricoh KR5 SLR with my first pay cheque in 1979, and it's still going strong. I also have a Pentax LX of 1980 vintage, which I bought second hand in 2000. Basically it's a press camera, built like a tank and will last forever, and I have an Exacta Varex VX of 1952 vintage, which is older than me and still takes wonderful pictures. I doubt that any DSLRs will last 65 years plus.

  5. I've never heard of anyone doing developpes on a Swiss ball. Maybe on a wobble board - you can pick them up on Amazon for around £25.


    My teacher was talking about them last week. Rather than kicking, extension is the key. You need to create space - while the leg is still bent, lift higher in the hip and then extend. You'll see that is how Russian dancers do it, and my teacher is Russian. This especially works in second. I'm one of the worlds unbendiest people (very short ham strings) but I reckon mine in second is a wee bit higher since I tried it. Oh yeah, turn out helps too!

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  6. Does anyone know how much of the ROH audience is made of passing tourist trade? I don't know if a tourist would come specifically to Birmingham, unless they were a fan of Pre-Raphaelite art, and if they did, the Hippodrome isn't exactly central. Mind you, it is probably easier to get to the Hippodrome than Symphony Hall at the mo, and that isn't taking the Tory bun fight into account. Maybe the BRB should have commissioned Brexit, the Ballet as a tie in 😊 There is the Commonwealth games in a couple of years; a golden opportunity to attract audiences.


    Brexit, the Ballet. Half of the corps in Union Jack tutus, bourreeing away from the rest of the corps in blue tutus with gold stars.

  7. 16 hours ago, Two Pigeons said:

    I would like to add a point  relating to the poor houses for Fille.  ...  I am not sure what the publicity department does but it clearly isn't working.


    I think there are several reasons audience for Fille we're poor. It is almost unknown outside of regular ballet goers and the title gives no impression as to what you are about to see.  Money is also tight at the mo, and I suspect people are saving up for something more well known, like Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty or Nutcracker. If you think audience were small for Fille, wait until the double bill this week.


    One regular I was talking to was shaking his head is disbelief at the low attendance figures. "But, it's Fille" he said. I said to him, that it means nothing to anyone outside of the regulars, but he wouldn't have it. He seemed to expect people to go just because it was Fille.


    Of course, it could be that people have finally woken up to what I've always said about it - "It's pants!" (Sorry Janet!)

  8. Firstly, welcome to the forum.


    I think it is partly practice and partly natural ability. For me, the hardest part about pointing the feet is to do so without sickleing. After 24 years of regular lessons, I can't feel if my foot is sickled - I have to look in the mirror. I think that pointing becomes better with as the feet grow stronger, which they will do if you carry on with lessons. You can also strengthen the feet with exercises. While you are watching TV, pick up buttons or pencils with the feet. Another is to stand on a step with just your toes on the step and your heels hanging over the edge. Lower your heels as much as you can and then rise to tip toes - one of the best ankle exercises there is (IMO).


    Practice pointing when you can. A teacher once told me to imagine laser beams coming from your toes. I can't say that this helped me, bit it might help you.

    • Like 2
  9. Try KeePassX - you only need to remember one password, and every one of your online dodads (banks, online purchases, etc) can use a very complicated, almost crack proof generated password. With it, you have the login page open on your web browser, switch to keepass, choose the relevant entry, and do a ctrl/v. It will fill in the login details for you. Keepass runs on Windoze, Mac and Linux and the password stored are encrypted. Best of all, it's free. I've been using it for years.

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  10. I think (and hope) the BRB has long future at the Hippodrome. The building works mentioned in the two links below is going at a pace.  I don't think the building would be going ahead if the BRB weren't staying. Also, don't forget Elmhurst moved to Birmingham to be near the BRB.

    Actually, pretty much all of Birmingham is a building site at the moment. It's a complete pain. I fully agree with this article

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  11. Having 50 years on your DS give me certain size advantages. Anyway I have two leotards from this page https://dancewear.co.uk/male-dancewear/male-leotards.html 

    The Intermezzo Skinsupman 4641 in burgandy (two actually) and Poselli Tango in black. I don't like the Tango much - too low in the chest. I might have been better with the Patrick. Your best bet might be to contact http://www.esmedancewear.com/ Although the don't have any mens wear shown on their site, I've had stuff custom made by them. Perfect fit and in what every colour you want.


    I have quite small feet, size 8. My tap shoes are Capezio size 6.5 (a bit snug really; 7 would have been better) and I go for Freed ballet shoes in a 6. For 20 years I went for a one piece sole, but over the last couple of years I've gone for a split sole. I'm still deciding what I prefer.


  12. On 05/08/2018 at 08:09, zxDaveM said:

    I had ballet pics as a changing (every 10mins) wallpaper on my dual screens at work. I usually worked on one screen and had the other as a 'cheer-me-up'. Quite a few people asked me about them 🙂


    I have a ballet calendar at work on the wall; at home it's Marilyn Monroe. On the three computers on my desk, I have wallpapers of Elisa Willis in The Firebird, Maria Tallchief in Swan Lake and Gelsey Kirkland in The Nutcracker. The last two, just because they are great pictures. When I install a computer, I setup the wallpaper and it stays there until I have to reinstall or get a new computer. We're supposed to have the college crest as our wallpaper, but being systems admin has certain perks...


    I also drop the phrase "ballet class tonight" and "off to the ballet this weekend" into conversations quite regularly.

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