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Nana Lily

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Posts posted by Nana Lily

  1. Hello Grumpybearzuk and Tippy_Toes, how lovely that you enjoyed watching the full time students. Both my daughters danced that day, they were all ex PVP children (the exception being stand ins for those who were injured). It was a new ballet choreographed by Mr Ho who is the boys Assocaite (PVP') teacher at Birmingham and on the main school faculty. They have been rehearsing very hard for months. The ballet will also be in the Summer Show and I am looking forward to watching it next week.


    All the children were delighted to dance for the Associates and hope it was inspirational for the younger children to see year 7's up to sixth form who had been part of the PVP's themselves.


    I agree it would be good to recognise the work the Associate Children have achived and the great sacrifices families have made to their dancing children to the classes.


    I will email the faculty to suggest. They are very eager to motivate the children at all levels in the school, so please do email in your suggestions.


    Best wishes with your dancing journeys.



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  2. To be honest mimi'smom they don't have much time to access FB anyway during the week at vocational school as they are so busy. Although itn may be blocked via the Internet, phones can still access FB unless you restrict, but that's not easy to do. As suggested here with young ones make sure you have their user name and password and monitor. I have occasionally 'replied' to inappropriate posts

    to the most surprising contibutors saying " this is xx Mum, I am deleting your post and telling your Mum what you have posted'though both of my DD's have been mortified it did prevent inappropriate traffic, though probably didn't create good ratings for their street cred, but with young children ibis sometimes necessary!

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  3. Both my DD's went away to vocational school at 11 and both maintained friendships at home. The children all wanted to keep in touch, but I always have encouraged them to stay intouch too. Home friends are special friends. I have also stayed in touch with the parents and we do have Mums nights out...more so now than when they were at primary school! Some have written, some by text, others by facebook.


    Both my girls have said how other children at vocational school have kept in touch with friends at home. We were lucky that we live in a village with a local school and dance school so all went hand in hand.


    Do encourage your DD to keep in touch, by what ever method, primary school friends are formative and should be valued.


    Good luck with your journey!


    NL x

  4. LinMM you are partially correct...you have to have lived in the UK for three years to qualify for MDS funding. These awards are given out buy RBS (upper and lower school), Elmhurst (lower school), Hammond (lower school) and Tring (lower school, but we have heard from the forum some children continue with their MDS funding into sixth form). Each school has a limited number of awards to give out, though from an annual report which used to be published we know that all children who qualify ( depending on parental income) will be offered an MDS award at RBS. Most children (but not all) will have this opportunity too at Elmhurst. Hammond also have a good number of awards. Tring have much fewer. MDS also applies to Music schools. I have posted a link below




    Edit to add...


    Some school have other means of supporting children and the criteria for winning a scholarship will be at the discretion of the school by way of their own policy and so the 3 year rule will not apply. A good example of this is when RBS give full scholarships to Prix winners outside of the UK.


    Hope this helps!



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  5. Thanks for posting Julie, although my DDs are in the lower school production I have tickets to see the Upper School too which has a fabulous programme! Really looking forward to watching Stiil Life with the spectatular costumes and I love a bit of Swan Lake. The additon of the orchestra will add someting very special. Tickets for The Tuesday fundraiser with BRB are more expensive (understandably) than tickets for other performances, so don't be put off by prices if that the performance you look to buy tickets for initially and they are beyond your budget.



  6. Hobbycraft do a fabulous permanent marker for clothing which doesn't wash out (others do!). They sell a few different types, but the best one is white with a black lid and it is medium/fat in thickness!

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  7. Why speculate about injuries? It may be that she has decided to take a different path? Children enter this dance world at 11 to go to vocational school.  She was clearly very talented and special to be offered a contract with BRB, but what someone wants to do as an adult or as a 10 year old auditioning for vocational ballet school may be very different. In her statement she clearly cherished and values the time both at Elmhurst and BRB.


    If either of my children wanted to make a change in their path I would support them. I would feel as though their years at vocational school weren't  in anyway wasted, but contributed to who they are. Its their life and their choices, though Ribbons I am with you that I would be very sad.


    Dancers, having gone through the life they have had from aged 11 are extremely resourceful. I see that in my 13 and 14 year old daughters. They have to cope and manage with situations and responsibilities regular children don't have to ;). A degree in Midwifery at Leeds is a challenge for anyone, but this lady is very well placed to take on those challenges and who knows how many future little dancers she will deliver into this world!



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  8. Dancingfeet, I have two DD's at Elmhurst (one moving to another ballet school in September) and so I have sometimes struggled with emptying rooms, but have always managed by restricting what they take at the beginning of term, allowing more items to go to school as the term went on, then the reverse before the end of term....


    They do have a storage facility for students from abroad to leave bedding and duvets which they will let you use by prior arrangement if there is a genuine reason. I have also used a "top box" for my car which really helped with transporting all of their belongings when I found myself having to downsize my car.


    Even if the school isn't being used for courses in the holidays, you have to empty the room completely....they get a jolly good clean! The kids also change rooms each term and have a new room mate.



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  9. Just to clarify these schemes are available for your contribution to the MDS scheme, or part fees if your children have a school scholarship or other sponsors not just for families paying full fees!

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  10. It appears that some of you aren't aware of the School Fees Plan. This is a scheme which enables you to pay the fees monthly over a 12 month period starting in September through till August. Elmhurst allow you to use this scheme. SFP pay the termly invoice on your behalf then set up a direct debit with you for the monthly payment and charge you a small amount of interest.


    You can look them up on the internet.


    A cautionary note, often they are late taking the first payment in September with the busy time at the beginning of the school year and so two payments will be taken in October.


    There are other schemes out there too, but this is the one we use.

    Hope this helps.

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  11. Hi Dancingfeet. In the past the induction day has been on the Saturday of the summer show. So this year that's 6th July. It starts in the morning, they provide lunch and then you can watch the matinée of the show in the afternoon. Of course things may change this year, but I did hear that tickets were being reserved for new starters on that sat matinée. In the past Dancing Boutique have been there so you can get fitted with uniform. It's a lovely day, enjoy!



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  12. Hello Pastel,


    If you are moving to the UK, don't forget there are other fabulous ballet schools at 16+ not just Royal.


    At 16 RBS really does truly become an international school, selecting the "best of the best" from all over the world. If you DD doesn't make the Royal it doesn't mean that she isn't talented or doest have a body ideal for classical ballet, its juts the odd are very poor for getting a place.


    I would send you daughters video to a number of different schools in the UK, if you already plan to move here and if she dreams of becoming a professional dancer.



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  13. Evie, I and many other parents feel your pain. I have two DD's at vocational school one in year 8 and one in year 9. Its a journey which goes through highs and lows. Some weeks are better than others, and sometimes its feels the sacrifices are better than not doing it, other times not. My DD's have been lucky with casting for the Company, they have both toured, both have been selected for casting and they have both loved the experience. Times at school have not been without their challenges and homesickness both from them and me have been hard. We have been lucky so far in that we feel the benefits have out weighed the sacrifices. Many families and children have not had the opportunities mine have but still feel its all worth it. All this However doesn't help how you or your child feels.


    You are not alone on your journey, we are hear to support you.


    NL xxx

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  14. My friend who is living in Sydney at mo and whose DD has a place on the first week of the Yorkshire SS said that they asked for photos yes, but they did ask for previous exam result too even the mark she got and what current class level attending etc. She was wondering whether some kids were being tracked because they know parents can afford to send them every year!! But have referred to forum as reading through the posts here wouldn't say this was he case. I believe she said both the ENB and YBSS didn't require as many photos as the RBS did....which can be seen on RBS website. I have seen the RBS application form but not the others so don't know how much info parents were asked to give on them. I can see that if they were being asked to fund children they might need more info....hence an audition...but it does seem as if kids from less well off backgrounds are then being asked to go that extra mile to get a place....but it's just an impression I'm getting....don't really know what the reality is about decisions to give children places or not.

    LinMM they also ask you to send a copy of your last exam report. I don't know what information they ask for if you are applying for a scholarship, sure someone on here can give that information. We didn't travel to London for the audition, as its a long way and it was also my DD's birthday so we had friends and family joining her to celebrate.



  15. I just can't help myself from commenting on this thread. I am from South Yorkshire (born in Doncaster), from generations of coal mining ancestors. I have lived in Devon for 30 years still retaining my strong Yorkshire accent. All my children have 'southern accents', including my ds at vocational school. His old dance teacher, thought he spoke with a Yorkshire accent (he's never been there in his life) and the other boys in his year thought he sounded posh!! I would like to point out that Robert Parker and David Bintley are both from Yorkshire too and Mr Parker has definitely retained his Yorkshire accent. I don't mind 'Posh' people, I know quite a few. It's snobby people that look down on other's that get my back up and there are plenty of them in Yorkshire too!!!

    David Bintley and Robert Parker both have northern accents. They are extremely articulate and eloquent public speakers as is Desmond Kelly who does retain a hint of his South African accent. Accents and dialect are what the listener perceives, and that differs from person to person. Grammar is grammar, it is right or wrong, correct or incorrect and not linked to accent. All countries have different accents and diallects, they are what makes our world interesting, varied and colourful, they are part of the human race and should be embraced.


    I don't see what this subject has to do with ballet anyway which is a visual art and is verbalised in French!!!!

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