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Posts posted by Happymum

  1. Moneypenny Was it 25 entrances in her group/level or all together? I just discovered it is Wed and Thursday, not weekend, so there might be a problem with my work etc. Does anyone know if it is in the morning or afternoon and how many hours a day? Will call them on Monday but would be great to know asap how it has been organised previously

  2. Just received the message from Hammond that their SS dates are: 28th Jul till 1st Aug. Residential cost: £320.

    28th is Monday. Does anyone know if residential DC can arrive on Sunday 27th? Can't see how we could do it otherwise...

  3. Thanks for reply re: summer schools for 10 years old. I did contact Hammond with some question about their school but didn't receive a reply other then I'm now on their emailing list. So I'm sure someone on thd forum can let me know what kind of SS Hammond is. Are the lessons more in jazz / musical theatre or classical ballet? Is it taking place usually at the end of July or later in August? Do they accept whoever apply first or do we send photos. And how much did it cost last year? Thanks for help! There is no info on their website.

  4. My son goes to boys only class (south Wales) non syllabus, age range from 8 till 12 ( only because there are no older boys at school at the moment). Im sure they would love to have an young adult dancing with them! And then you won't feel intimidated, no girly giggles etc you would be an inspiration! Maybe there is a boys only class somewhere near Where you are. And the RAD and other boys only workshop are a good idea. Good luck!

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  5. I just came across a short film on you tube (from 70s? 80s?) showing an audition to RBS (if I got it right, it's not in English) and a physio assessment at about 1:40. I just wondered if this is how it still looks like? All these measurements etc. Sorry, no idea how to post a link but if you search "ballet boy 23" on youtube you should be able to find it easly. I thought it might be interesting to watch.

  6. I'm confused and I'll be grateful if you could help.

    My DD wants to audition to WL next year and wanted to do SS In July. Then I found out that at SS classes are very busy, not a lot of personal corrections etc, not many hours of training daily comparing to other summer schools, not great

    evening activities etc. And it's the most expensive SS from all my DD could do this year. So we had a talk and decided to do different SS, more hours daily etc and cheaper so maybe extra cash left for additional 1-2-1 training before auditions next year.


    But! Her JA teacher strongly recommends that she applies for WL summer school, her normal ballet teacher insist that she is going and even wants to help financially so not sure what to decide. For me and my DD good training is the

    most important thing, but do you think ( or even

    know?) that if she wants to audition to WL she

    should try to get to their SS?

  7. Hi Balletmummy, I did try to look out for a girl in pink jumper but we didn't meet. I hope that your DD did enjoyed the workshop. As you probably noticed my DS ( he was the prince) did really enjoy it, even a bit too much in my opinion! Hope we meet one day ( is your DD thinking of JA auditions?).

  8. Hi Balletmummy, my DD is older, she'll be in the 9-11 years old group at 2:45, but my DS will join your DD at 12 :-) ! And I'm taking his friend as well. I guess I'll be the only parent with two boys :-). My DD did RAD workshop before in Birmingham and London and also liked it.

  9. Not sure if that will make you feel better but my DD's exercises take over an hour if she does everything! So she can't do it every day but most of the days, sometimes all exercises, sometimes just a few of them. What you may try is do 5-6 exercises one day and other 4-5 next day. Let's say just once a day but 20-25 repetitions. As I know a bit about exercising etc feel free to PM me. But definately tell DD to do her exercise, and I think it's a part of being a dancer!

  10. Out of interest, does anyone know if research suggest that excercises make any difference to pronation? My middle dd has quite pronounced rolling in. She has been prescribed custom made

    full length orthotics but he physio has also given

    her loads of exercises to be done 3 times a day! It's just too much for a 10 year old, I spend all day asking dd if she's done them!


    A physio we vaguely know said that there is research to show the exercises don't make a

    difference, it's the orthotics that are important. Anyone know if this is true?

    Exercises DO definately make a difference!! With feet it's like with other parts of your body. If there is weaknes or muscles imbalance you may correct it by performing a proper exercise(s).

    I corrected my flat feet and weak ankles thanks to exercising. My DD had been given exercises by physio about a year and s half ago and orthotics and there is a big improvement!

    And also remember that one of the first exercises children I given by RBS JA's teachers are for their feet! Yes, it might be hard for your DD to remember about it but my DD does her exercise every evening. You may find it easier to put it all together in one longer session instead

    of 3 tomes a day. Results will be the same ( if not better) but physios sometimes think that it's easier for children to focus on if for just couple of minutes more often then. My DD prefers to do it differently.

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