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Posts posted by Happymum

  1. I booked a place for my son at boys only weekend in Eastleigh on 8-9th March.

    I've just received an email saying that he has a place but RAD didn't get the minimum number of applications yet to be able to run the workshop (oh no! Ive already paid for a hotel!) and they are asking all to invite dancing friends!

    So! Maybe there are other DS interested in going? It's for 8 till 18 years old, all levels, dancing in groups according to their experience. sat 9:15 till 5pm, sun till 3 or 4pm. All for £51.

  2. Hi Anaballerina, which group will you and your sister be? My DD will be level 1 (though her teacher didn't apply for a place yet). May I ask how do you know that there will be max 15 in each group? Closing date is not till 21 March. Are the places limited?

    My DD's teacher also thinks that leotard and skirt is a good idea. Good luck to you and your sister.

  3. My DC school has an after school country dancing club and every year each KS2 class prepares a modern/disco dance which is later a part of the end of school show. Also I've been asked to teach Year 6 Cuban salsa (as their PE). True, the holding hands with boys (girls) was the hardest bit but they were great and some of the children really loved it!

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, rolling in is quite common in children. A bit strange that any teacher didn't say anything before though. it can be corrected by wearing orthotics/insoles and by doing corrective strengthening exercises. Generally it shouldn't be a bigil problem but it will take time. I think you were planing to go to a dance physio soon - surely he/she will be able to tell you more and suggest proper exercise etc.

    Try not to worry, stay positive, your DS must be a great dancer if he got Elmhurst finals! And a visit to a good physio is probably the best idea

  5. My DS had a great time at JA experience day at Birmingham today. I'm still not sure which centre we want to apply for. We have been told today that due to some studio changes (refurbishment?) the Burmingham JA lessons in Autumn term will be on Sundays instead of Saturdays. Could anyone tell me what time are the Birmingham JA 1 and JA 2 at the moment?

  6. He might be in tears because he is frustrated he can't do splits or is not progressing! My DD did that couple of times. Ask your DS and tell him that he shouldnt feel pain as he stretches, just tension, pulling, mild discomfort. If stretches are done correctly and after warm up then can be done at home in my opinion.


    It was ds birthday yesterday and I prayed like mad that the Elmhurst letter wouldn't arrive (possibly containing bad news) after the disappointment of White Lodge on Wednesday.

    Why oh why didn't it come yesterday? because

    it was a yes!!!!!!!



    Great news MVOBE!!! I was checking the thread now and again today, thinking of you and your DS. Soooo happy for you! Well done to your DS!! Congratulations!

    • Like 2
  8. Feeling a bit sad...

    My son is auditioning for JA's, like his sister a couple of years ago. She was offered a place and (because we live in quite a small town) it was in the local newspaper, school assembly etc.

    My DS asked me today to talk to his head teacher and make sure that if he is offered a JA place no one will mention it at school assembly etc. When I asked why he said that other boys will make fun of him saying that ballet is for girls :-(

    Of course I asked if that happened already and he said it did, but about a year ago and just once or twice. But he remembers...

    So sad... Not sure what to think and what to tell him.

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  9. Oh please MVOBE don't let your DS stop dancing even if all the letters say "no"! He is very young, started dancing not that long ago and he has so many chances to join a vocational school in the future! Remember that there is a lot more schools for 16+. And In few years time his body will change so much and you never know, even the RB upper school may offer him a place!

    And stay positive - you didn't receive all the letters yet. And as you are saying - if he was accepted for JA's he must have potential. Good luck!

    • Like 7
  10. I'm sorry to hear about all the "no" letters. But well done to all the DC and their parents for trying their best and giving it a go. Next year it will be me waiting for my DD results. Good luck to everybody with other auditions/letters.


    Don't let us wait too long Fusster! Good luck!

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry, not sure which thread is a right one to post this Question about YBSS scholarships.

    Sorry for posting twice.


    Does anyone remember how many scholarships are awarded to the youngest children, the 9-13 years old group? Is it more like 60-80 DC auditioning for 2 scholarships or more like 20-30 children auditioning for 8 scholarships? Just wonder what the odds are, not sure if it's worth a costly visit to London to audition.

  12. Question about YBSS scholarships. Does anyone remember how many scholarships are awarded to the youngest children, the 9-13 years old group? Is it more like 60-80 DC auditioning for 2 scholarships or more like 20-30 children auditioning for 8 scholarships? Just wonder what the odds are, not sure if it's worth a costly visit to London to audition.

  13. Just wanted to ask if anybody's DS is auditioning for JA's this year? My DS is going to associate experience day in Birmingham next Sunday. I have to say that I'm much more relaxed with my DS auditioning then I was with my DD 2 years ago. Probably it's because I know more, am "experienced associate parent"... But I feel a bit guilty about it, it's like I care less ( but of course I do care!)

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  14. I also can't take a day off but we live in Wales so it's not si far for us and no need to book a hotel. Also my DD's teacher said she'll take her there on Wed so it will make it easier. But I didn't think about buying a costume! I hope she can just wear one from previous school's performances.... Must ask her teacher on Monday! I've got an impresion reading RAD's information that they want the costumes to be very basic/simple, am I wrong? Are people spending fortunes on costumes and make-up for this dance challenge? It always comes down to their dancing, doesn't it (I hope!)

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