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Posts posted by JulieW

  1. I'm not posting as a moderator this time, but as a balletco member. I've just remembered to donate so thought I'd remind those of you who, like me, have been busy, or maybe thought you'd wait until after payday.


    It's easy to ignore the sticky threads so I thought I'd post to you lovely lot in a Doing Dance.

    • Like 10
  2. Phew! Hope they can get to the bottom of it, you're very young to have to put up with tinnitus.


    Linmm - as vonrothbart said, hearing aids can help I believe, as they amplify the normal sounds which helps to block out the internal "noise" (the tinnitus).

    • Like 2
  3. I too am happy with the age range and the sexes being together - I think it needs to stay along the same lines as the musician comp. And also don't agree that ballet and contemporary should be together - they're far too different imho. But would like to see another section along the lines of stage so tap and jazz could be included.

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  4. Latest update. Foot's fine, although will never be "perfect". But the news is that he comes back to the UK for good on Monday. So excited to have him back (won't be living with us, but will probably come home regularly for class at his old school - and my cooking!). He just decided that as he didn't want to stay in Estonia forever it was time to come back and look for work here. Wish him luck in his search!! In the meantime he'll be found at Pineapple and Danceworks with his girlfriend I expect :-)

    • Like 19
  5. Remember they have to wait for all the qualifying festivals to be finished (I've just been writing at one yesterday) and then entries in, and I can tell you from experience that putting together a sensible programme takes considerable time, but hopefully you won't have to wait too long.

  6. I'll have to dig out my RBS end of year performance programmes as next to the lists of names from each year group there are *s showing who were associates. But I definitely know that although the majority had been associates, there were several in each year who weren't (or certainly a few, if not several!).


    I don't know about this year's year 7 or 8 however as I didn't go last year.

  7. Hi Ost and welcome to the forum.


    Have you got a son or daughter going to WL this year?


    My son was the same year as hfbrew's so they did Nutcracker together as toy soldiers in years 8 and 9 (they had to make the trousers longer for ds and a friend in year 9 as they'd grown so much).


    Some boys and girls are chosen to be the "party children" and some of the girls are rats or "gingerbreads".


    My son was fortunate to be a soldier in Birmingham Royal Ballet's Nutcracker too when he was at Elmhurst Upper School (the production is different and they have adult sized soldiers) as well as a party guest, and then in his first professional job he was in Nutcracker again in a couple of different roles. So as you can understand, Nutcracker has a very special place in my heart!

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  8. So glad I went today. Such a shame that the audience was so small but they were appreciative.

    Stand out performances for me (and my companions I believe) were Pedro Santos, Charlotte Eades and David Brewer (the latter being by far the best male at partnering).

    They all do such a great job considering they get no stage rehearsal and I believe, as the stage is small at Camberley, they have to adjust for less "staging" than they usually use.

    Please support them if they come to a theatre near you.

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