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Ennio Morricone - Something Different!

Ian Macmillan

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I suspect most of us know of Ennio Morricone through his film scores but, thanks to Brendan McCarthy on Twitter, I've just watched a RAI5 video of a performance of his new Missa Papae Francisci, a Mass setting dedicated to the present Pope.  The composer conducts the Rome Sinfonietta (just brass, lower strings, and percussion, by the looks of things) and the choirs of Rome Opera and the Academy of St Cecilia.  The venue was The Gesu in Rome, a Baroque marvel and a favourite spot during my months in Rome some 30 years ago.  There's an odd Introduction, but a glorious Finale over 'Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam,' most appropriate to the main church of the Jesuits, as some may know.



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