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Pelvic Alignment

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Hi my daughter is having huge issues with ballet as her pelvic is tilting. She's doing PBT twice a week but it doesn't seem to be working. This has only come to light recently as she is in but it was never highlighted to us as an issue until a few months ago - she's now at an age to apply to dance schools so the panic is setting in. It is affecting her turn out, leg line, allegro work etc. Can anyone advise how best to try and correct this please, is pilates the way to go? She's doing exercises in addition to PBT but I feel that's not enough and she needs proper guidance when doing them? Thanks in advance for any help 

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I would also recommend Luke, he noticed that my daughter needed to bring her weight forward. He can look at how she’s performing steps and tell you what needs to be done. He’s a lovely guy too. How old is your daughter ? 

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The Fabrice Maufrais studio in Glasgow will be a great place to start.

It used to be called Penny Withers ( Penny was head of the Associate programme at Scottish Ballet) but has been recently taken over by Fabrice. It’s a fabulous gyrotonic studio run by experienced Ballet people. Fabrice  ( ex English National Ballet School teacher ) was the head of pedagogy at Ballet du Quebec. Gyrotonics  helps re align the body and strengthen those muscles to hold it in place. I know Scottish Ballet dancers are regulars here. 

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There is also The Movement Studio- run by Kate Menzies who is ex RB, BRB and ex Scottish Ballet. I don’t have personal experience of this gyrotonic studio ( don’t think it was around when we were there) but it looks like it would be very helpful. It’s in Glasgow too!

Edited by Ruby Foo
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A good (I mean, really excellent) Pilates tutor who knows something about dance might help.


If it's an excessive anterior tilt ie a deep curve in the lower back, it may be that her core muscles are not strong enough, and her glutes are not 'switched on' enough for what she's now asking her body to do. It can be a relatively easy 'fix' but takes focus and concentration to replace old body habits and relearn productive ones.


And when I say weak core, I don't mean that se needs to do hundreds of sit ups! It might be just learning how to 'turn on' the needed muscle groups, and also to visualise the skeleton.


Edited to add: but I would have thought that this is something her ballet and PBT teachers can help her with? Sometimes it's a matter of finding the right imagery to help you (I find Eric Franklin's work a-may-zing for this).

Edited by Kate_N
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