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Everything posted by zxDaveM

  1. I guess we'll have to rely on the Instagram accounts of our fave dancers to find out what they have been cast in from now on 😞
  2. largely supposition - but remember the 2012 Olympics logo....
  3. No doubt some consultancy firm got a nice fat fee for that name/logo change - and in the meantime loyal fans can't even get casting on which to base their multitude of purchases. You really feel sometimes 'da management' would be much happier without said mad for it, loyal fans, what with us buying all the cheaper tickets and all....
  4. This always assumes of course, that casting WILL be up before public booking opens!!
  5. That was the first season I started coming regularly! No wonder I got hooked!
  6. Yes, and a Paris version if I'm rememering correctly - Jewels seems to be the exception as so many companies dance it.
  7. That new font is a bit chunky, isn't it! At least they didn't use comic sans or papyrus... lol
  8. For sale - SCS D30 (good central spot) for Winter's Tale on Tuesday, 7th May. Cost is £14 As things stand, I can get there - but can't get home afterwards, due to strikes on some part or other of all of my routes PM me to arrange an exchange, and post here to say you gave done so
  9. I wouldn't say it was an equal partner - if you look at metrics such as ticket prices, number of productions (I've not counted up the individual performances, though I dare say the 25-30 performances of some ballets will even things up a good deal). I always get the impression (just a persoanl one, I have to add) that the powers that be in 'classical' music regard ballet as the poor cousin to opera
  10. and ballet casting before booking closes. so if the casting confirmed 5-5.30pm before the show (when they publish the online cast sheet), this statement will be correct lol
  11. I don't think recordings of Onegin are 'encouraged' shall we say, nor Balanchine outside of New York (or so I remember from somewhere). There are parts of R&J I love (yes, the grand pdds mainly) but I've seen it so often now, I can't say the thought of seeing it again excites. Not even with my favourite dancers cast.
  12. true, though it often seems they have no problem selling the higher price-band seats for the 'big' ballets, as it's an 'experience' night out. For most of us here it is a compulsion, so we need the cheaper seats/standing to fulfill that compulsion without ending up in the bankruptcy court!
  13. there was a family of 4/5 in the front row of the Stalls Circle for Swan Lake last night. Children quite young too (but well behaved). Though they didn't see the last act, their seats obviously paid for (and at full price) at what, £140+ each. Think mum stayed for it all, dad looked after the little ones
  14. oh, I'll give it a go, as I may be misremembering. What I do remember most was Zenaida and Sylvie as The Siren, as the rest being a load of old.....
  15. That is very sad to hear. Thank you Irmgard for the detailed posting, some of us had been fearing this news, but it is still very sad when it actually arrives.
  16. Have to say, I really enjoyed Sarah Lamb's dancing last night, particulalrly her Odette. Such effortless grace. When she first joined the company it wasn't long after I first started going to ROH, and she always looked like how I'd imagined a ballerina to be.
  17. Worth a trip to Brum for a matinee for sure! (an evening show might be possible for me, depending on the train times back to London) Not so sure about the Albert Hall shows though - bit pricey if you actually want to see anything...
  18. Indeed - Alice and Cinderella will be family pullers I reckon (the disney effect of the names) and i'd be surprised if they didn't sell well. I wouldn't count Giselle as one of the war-horses, but is one of my personal favourites and would always welcome a run of shows. Last time Fille was on, it was on again not that long after a previous run, and I don't think it sold that well (except to us hard core fans of course) Someone up thread mentioned La Sylphide - much as I'd love that back, it was Johan Kobborg's production, so we're unlikely to see that at ROH - sorry RB&OH - any time soon sadly.
  19. Well, it can't be worse surely (unless it takes a lead from their recent Les Noces playbook!!) And I'll be missing Nutcracker for sure - the SPF solo variation, the growing tree, the Snowflakes - and Gary's cape! For me, it IS Christmas!
  20. There is plenty of interesting music: the Gorecki for 'Light of Passage', I love Max Richter's work so Maddaddam should be a winner (my favourite Wayne pieces are set to Richter). And Joni Mitchell for one of Wheeldon's shorties (Blue is an album I reckon EVERYONE should own! 🙂 ) Plus there are some things of interest (to me at least) in the Linbury - Ballet Black, Northern Ballet, for example.
  21. I usually read sci-fi nonsense 🙂 (currently getting through 'The Three-Body Problem' trilogy by Cixin Liu, a recent Netflix success for the first book)
  22. There's always the option of a book in the Floral Hall (or having a chat with me there, during it)
  23. Well, I can understand some of the programming. When we plead for more Ashton, and the tickets for the Ashton bill hardly fly out, against sell outs for the long runs of the 'war-horses' at premium prices, it must be a no brainer to put on long runs of said war-horses. And the likes of Cinderella and Alice, and R&J, will probably sell out as they are known names to the more casual ballet punter. So not satisfying for the die-hard fans maybe, but coffer-filling for the company. And of course, plenty of opportunities for up and coming dancers in lead roles.
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