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Posts posted by chrischris

  1. If Bussell can get people interested in ballet, or even get programmes commissioned, then surely that's a good thing? She may not be to everyone's tastes, but the majority of the general public don't care or have a great deal of knowledge of ballet, so someone like Bussell explaining that she had once danced this role probably provides a bit of context, or conveys that she at least has experience of it.


    I really like Bull, but find Rojo a bit pretentious to be honest. I love ballet, but from the way she talks about her job, you'd thinking she was working on an ebola vaccine or something.

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  2. I understand that the 2014-2015 season will be announced soon (probably around the end of march), and I would be interested to hear what ballets people would like to see performed. For me, i'm hoping for Manon, Mayerling (though there isn't a chance of that being on again so soon), Macmillan's Somnambulism and Laiderette (not sure if they are even in the rep still but I can hope), a new Scarlett full length narrative, Fille, and perhaps a new version of Swan Lake.

  3. A lot of the issues the article dealt with could be helped by paying dancers, or anyone in an industry with a short work life, better. If you a soloist for a company you will probably be earning around £30,000 a year (I guess), and if you are in a city like London, Paris or New York, you are not going to be able to save much on a salary like that. Even principals won't be earning loads, so when they come to retire they haven't in many cases been able to build up any investments or reserves. Same with sportspeople, who in most cases usually earn enough to cover living expenses and not much else.

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  4. What a fascinating, quite sad article. Thanks for posting. I think it must be so difficult for people in any profession which centres around your physical performance or your appearance, to suddenly find yourself out of a job at about 40. Although you know it will happen, most of these professions are so all consuming and comparatively poorly paid that you probably don't have the time to pursue other options or build up any savings.

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