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  1. Just wondering how did your daughter find the mediums after please? My daughter would usually wear a small too. So hard to know.
  2. Hi all, I was just wondering if any of you would have any advice about the NBS tracksuit please? It says on the uniform list one regulation tracksuit. When you follow the link it shows that you can order tracksuit skinnies, zip tracksuit tops in either pink or grey, a base layer half zip top and a bundle with the skinnies and base layer. My question is obviously price wise the bundle is good value but do they still need a tracksuit top as well please? Any advice is much appreciated, thank you!
  3. They all seem to be within close proximity of each other but would prefer to share with other first years. Keeping our fingers crossed. Will look at Bridgewater heights, thank you.
  4. All the accommodation appears to be sold out, new medlock, dwell and artisan heights, any ideas?
  5. Can anyone tell me why some of KS Dance’s current dancers don’t stay at KS Dance but maybe look to other dance schools, for example like NBS, to take up their vocational training from the age of 16?
  6. I could have written this OP myself. Can I ask did you accept the offers from both?
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