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Mae Elizabeth

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Posts posted by Mae Elizabeth

  1. @Viv Thank you so much for these exercises. I will try out these exercises and hopefully I can see some improvement. I will also focus on strengthening my stomach muscles rather than my back muscles. I think this is definitely something I need to work on as when I attempt a back cambre, I can feel myself falling and this is why I sink into my lower back.


    I also thought it might help to mention that on multiple occasions, my ballet teacher has told me to protect my back with my stomach muscles in grand battements/developpes derriere, however I really don't know how to do this and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Kate_N said:


    Is the issue here that while your lower spine is flexible, your upper spine is not? It's quite normal to have different levels of flexibility in different bits of our bodies.

    @Kate_N This is definitely the case, my lower spine is much more flexible than my upper spine, and I think this is why I find seal poses etc. so easy, but really struggle with back cambres.

  3. I naturally have quite a hypermobile/flexible back, and my teachers have pointed this out to me multiple times. Because of this flexibility, when I attempt a back cambre, I tend to arch my lumbar spine and stick out my bottom. When I try to keep my pelvis tucked and only bend my thoracic spine, I feel very restricted and like I can barely move. Does anyone else have this issue or does anyone have any tips or exercises to strengthen my core to resolve this issue?

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