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Posts posted by Alexander

  1. 10 minutes ago, Angela Essex said:

    🤣 yes it’s gone up from £1 to £1.50 so a 50% increase - well above inflation 🤣🤣🤣


    Prices fluctuate wildly. I was hoping for a Winter Sale but it never happened. I might ask for a membership card so if I do 9 crimes I have the 10th one free? With a little ballet shoe stamp icon in case I lose track.


    Or.. if I pay in advance perhaps I could ask for a discount?

    • Like 1
  2. On 04/12/2022 at 12:15, Angela Essex said:

    Yasss 🤣


    Lol if the ballet incident room was real I’d have spent a LOT of time in there over the last year for crimes against ballet 🤣




    Always interesting to track the cost of crimes (paid either cash or PayPal) as it seems the current cost of living crisis has led to a 12.5 - 25% rise. I always have a couple of gold Kruggerand or other internationally recognised bullion in my ballet bag for ad hoc expenses but haven't quite summed up the courage to ask if change is given.

  3. "... that's a crime and you will be taken to the incidence room"


    And the little voices in my head pop off "It's a fair cop Guv but the wind blew all wrong and I have 11 unfed children and this ballet thing causes my buttocks to shrink something horrid..."


    Restraint is essential

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  4. Ballet is a wonderful thing but sometimes I think it errs towards perfection. The perfect form and line and expression and its drive to gain this it sometimes, in my opinion, forgets a little about the social aspect of dancing as a group or with a partner or reacting and moving to music. Reminds me what an instructor once offered; we have what we have. Can we find the best? I suspect my middle-age hair loss may not be perfect. Ballet, deal with it!

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  5. The weekly torment that is ballet conditioning class has produced an issue. That is, when invited to sit on a mat and do numerous, painful reptitions of using my haunches and piston-like motion of arms to to make progress up and down the mat, now exactly does one:


    1 - prevent a wedgie forming halfway along the mat that forms an impassable obstacle?

    2- prevent the matt from moving through a 180 degree arc?


    Are we really saying one buttock is more developed than the other?

  6. Just reviving this thread; got myself down to Central School of Ballet, London for a beginners' class with Hannah Frost. Very rewarding and enjoyable with plenty of feedback and welcoming attention. Interesting to experience how a different instructor does things. So, that's potentially three classes of ballet a week... er... erm...

    • Like 4
  7. Back to regular class after a bad pre-Christmas cold and self-imposed omicron stay away from group activities. And the relevees are coming on bit by bit leading to the preparation and the first (1/4) turn pirouette at the barre!

    This is very cool. Not perfect by any means. But its progress, yeah!


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  8. Being a adult can bring certain expectations with lots of oughts and shoulds. I did it last week, why can't I do it this week? I was shown how to do it therefore I must be able to do it now and do it perfectly. Sports psychology has some interesting insights into this this like the Inner Game of Tennis or Martin Peter's critical chimp.

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