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Posts posted by Bunny

  1. How are people returning the funding audition slips? I’ve emailed ours back to Adelia yesterday to see if an email copy would be acceptable, but haven’t heard back so am thinking it would probably be better to post it today, just to be on the safe side! x

  2. 31 minutes ago, Mum of unicorn dancer said:

    Congratulations. We got postman visit too and I am in shock - it is yes for DD with invite to funding audition. We opted for non bording as living about 45 minutes train journey away. 

    Amazing! Well done to your DD! 😊x

    • Like 1
  3. 15 hours ago, The red shoes said:

    Our video has just been watched a 2nd time between 18:00-19:00... anyone else? 
    Do you think they pass it round the panel? 

    Oooh we got one between 7-8pm last night too, just checked! That’s the second view my DS has had, three if you count the one where the registrar checked it was working x Exciting!

  4. We didn’t have any practice time in the sense of rehearsing exercises. For his RBS audition, we went into the studio, his ballet teacher marked it out once, let him mark it out once, then I filmed. It wasn’t rehearsed in any way, just done there and then. The others were all filmed from home and half of the time I’m not 100 percent sure that my DS did was what asked correctly as I have no ballet/dance knowledge myself. He did it, I filmed it, that was it! Ha! The way I see it is they know what they’re looking for and they will be able to see it irrespective of mistakes. (I hope, anyway!) I know his RBS video doesn’t show him in anywhere near his best light. For some reason unbeknownst to me it has all been filmed on his weaker leg, and he didn’t say anything at the time and I didn’t realise until after the event! He has time periods where he’s fretted over it (currently he’s stressing over whether his ankles were pulled up enough!) but there’s nothing we can do now and it is what it is. The kids have done amazing to even attempt the videos, their dance training has been severely interrupted and all we can do is keep our fingers very tightly crossed that the schools understand this x

    • Like 2
  5. 26 minutes ago, coniger said:

    my DS did wL finals in 2018 and we were given 10 days notice of finals......

    Last year the boys were definitely given four weeks notice. My friends DS found out on the 28th of January that he had gotten through to finals

    and he attended finals on the 27th of February. 

  6. 1 hour ago, The red shoes said:

    The email they sent out at the beginning of Jan just after closing date said that they would hope to let all know the results from the preliminary by end of Feb. 

    Your’e right it did say mid Feb on confirmation but they’ve now extended the stress!!!! 

    That email was before they sent a further email containing proposed final dates. The Y7 boys finals dates are currently the 11th and 12th of March, so we were going with the thinking that perhaps we would hear by 11th/12th February to give us at least four weeks to arrange travel, accommodation for those of us a way away etc. But now with lockdown extended etc it’s whether those audition dates will go ahead or not! I think in the current climate they will definitely give more than two weeks to arrange transportation. But it depends if they’re now planning to push those auditions back again, and of course that will all depend on whether schools do end up reopening on the 8th of March or not! So much to think about! x

  7. 1 hour ago, Calea said:

    Wishing all you dc the best of luck!  My dd auditioned for rbs, Elmhurst, tring and the Hammond last year and received offers from 2 schools!  If I remember correctly final offers started coming out mid March!  Unfortunately we never got to the recall auditions due to COVID!  Luckily Hammond had videoed all auditions!  My dd was offered a place at the Hammond and put on the waitlist for MDS!  The very next day she was offered the MDS!  When offers goes out places will suddenly become available - as some dc get multiple offers!  All I can say to you all is be patient and try to forget all about it! 

    The Hammond is brilliant and we are really pleased with this school🤞 🩰

    Awww this is brilliant, so lovely to hear from those who’ve been there and done it! Massive well done to your DD she must be super talented to have got two offers and an MDS, and so pleased she’s loving life at The Hammond!

  8. 1 minute ago, Macy1 said:

    I see Tring are doing an ‘ask us anything’ on their insta stories.... guessing “when are you sending yr 7 letters out” wouldn’t get an answer 😂

    I king dare you! 😂

    • Like 1
  9. Oooooh, a letter! That’s exciting! I think it’s nice to have a letter, but then also worry about it going astray/taking a long time to arrive etc! But yes we could definitely end up with a sneaky email, who knows! 

  10. Can I ask what might be a silly question to anyone who has already filled the form in? Filling this form in doesn’t confirm that you’re choosing The Hammond and definitely confirming that your child would like the place does it? And is it asking for payment of any money? 

  11. 7 hours ago, Flower said:

    Did Everyone get a personal comment about some aspect of the solo performance ?  🤔

    Yes, we did too, I thought it was quite nice to be honest to acknowledge an element of the kids tapes and show they’ve watched them after all the effort that went into putting them together x

    • Like 1
  12. 11 minutes ago, Raquelle said:

    Hi everyone. Sorry not sure whether I should start a new thread for Hammond. We've just had an email saying she has got through to the recall, which is so exciting...it also says she has met the required standard for entry into the Hammond...does that mean she has got in? Or do they decide in the recall? Or is the recall more about funding? I don't really know what it means! X 

    My DS has had the same! Congrats to your DD! I think it means they have a place but the recall audition is for funding x

    • Like 2
  13. My Y6 DS has just had a view too! He’s not a YD, he was accepted in Y5 but turned it down as we wouldn’t have managed to get to RBS JAs in time had he accepted unfortunately. So pleased it’s had a view though, woohoo! 

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