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Posts posted by BeauxArts

  1. An excellent debut by Matthew Ball. He navigated the longueurs  of the first scenes cautiously but the final pdd in Act 1 was impressive. However, he really started to ratchet up the intensity in Act 2, brilliantly aided by Melissa Hamilton who I thought contributed magnificently to their passionate folie à deux.. by Act 3 it was absolutely gripping and they danced to the death with I think nearly all the auditorium in their dramatic thrall.  This was - in my opinion - a really well danced and superbly acted debut by Mr Ball. He should be very proud.

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  2. I believe that the last time the Bolshoi performed La Bayadere in London was in August 2013?  Since then attitudes towards this issue in the performing arts in many Western countries  have surely changed (see for example only "non-traditional casting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color-blind_casting)?

    I simply observe that it was - for me - now in 2018 disconcerting to see the children in blackface.  Would an English company use it without some reflection on whether it is appropriate in today's culture, I wonder?



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  3. The US site Balletalert has a long thread about this issue, and refers to it as “black!face”

    I saw the Bolshoi perform La Bayadere at La Scala just over a week ago, and indeed the child performers appeared in “black face”. 

    To say that it  was disconcerting - at least for me - would be an understatement. But it did not seem to provoke any discomfort in the wider audience - or none that was noticeable. However, I cannot see that the company will be able to replicate this in their London performances - unless they wish to court serious controversy to the detriment of their performances.

  4. Another visit to this production last night to see Alexandrova and Joseph Caley, substituting for Robison at apparently very short notice. After Cojucaru's tour de force on Friday I was unsure how I would feel about seeing a very different ballerina as Aurora, and one who - as my companion observed - probably did not look 16 when she actually was 16. However, I was very pleasantly surprised by Alexandrova's performance: she maximised all her considerable charm and stage presence to draw us in to her Aurora. Technically she was secure (of course) and - huge sight of relief - the supported pirouettes and fish dives were a complete success, for which Caley deserves huge credit as well. They gave a very good account of the final pdd. I think Caley is overall a pleasing dancer with a warm stage presence. He was too short for Alexandrova, but it worked out.  I think this is a beautiful production: the costumes, scenery and lighting are in complete harmony. And finally I have to say that especially last night the company danced very well as a whole, clearly well prepared by their numerous coaches (!), with some very fine individual performances. If anyone is unsure about going, I would say it will be a very worthwhile outing given the overall good form of the company and the many qualities of the production and the orchestral performance (also very fine).

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  5. I saw Cojucaru and Caley last night; Cojucaru's mastery of this role is extraordinary, as others have said. She was absolutely enchanting - radiating youth, beauty, joy  and sweetness. Her total command of the choreography was remarkable. I felt privileged to see her. I also enjoyed Caley's warm stage presence and his commitment to the part. There were, however, some anxiety-provoking moments with the supported pirouettes: in the Rose Adagio the English Prince nearly let Alina fall down but somehow righted her, and there were a couple of tricky moments for Caley as well. in the grand pas.. I think some of the men may need some emergency additional coaching on this aspect! 

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  6. 7 hours ago, Bruce Wall said:

      Cojocaru was more than ably abetted throughout by the extraordinary Caley.  What thrill he brought to this Act III variation.  Indeed, he reminded me in parts of Julio Bocca - who I saw dance this production any number of times - most vividly I recall on those occasions with Annanashvilli.  Caley's salvos in the name of Prince Desire -  rich always in his musical placement - didn't rush; they erupted with dignity.   Cojocaru and Caley looked glorious together. 


    This is interesting, Bruce, as I think Jan M posted information a few days ago about Julio Bocca coaching on this production..looks like that has been a fruitful engagement!

    Am going to see this on Friday (Cojucaru) and next week (Alexandrova) and you have whetted my appetite for SB indeed!

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  7. Alison - do you mean from an age-perspective? If so, Lantratov (29) dances the role of Onegin - and has been since around 2014 I think; Shklyarov (33) also made his debut this year.  But Muntagirov certainly has time for this role.. and I would be very interested to see him in it, although he may not quite  have at the moment the dramatic forces that these two can generate.

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  8. 1 hour ago, alison said:


    Yes, that's something that's confused me: why are all the men saluting Rothbart?  He's not commander-in-chief.  (And I think they bow to him too?).  Anybody would think he was already ruling the country!




    This has been puzzling me too: shortly after his entrance the Prince salutes him  - why? He is not in military uniform; there is a formal deference towards Rothbart which does not make sense, in my opinion.

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  9. The Nureyev version is my favourite. The Georgiadis designs are splendid. I see the the Munich Staatsballet start their run of the Ray Barra version of Raymonda on Friday, 1 June. I am not familiar with that production.


    The decision of Fateyev (presumably) to cast Parish in the broadcast version was not that popular locally it seems, judging by comments from Russian ballet fans..  No issue taken With Tereshkina, although the best Raymonda is probably Novikova who continues to be given lead roles sparingly, much to the chagrin of her many admirers. 

  10. I had the impression that Osipova had "adapted" some of the middle section of the preceding solo - I am wondering if this is a preventative/protective  measure on her part. However, in all other aspects she was - as ever - technically assured. I do not think it is possible to compare her pique turns with the Copeland debacle... Osipova's were fast and on the music and she was in full control. 


    As with Alison and Myddle above, I am really not engaged by this production. I am afraid that I really do not find the Scarlett additions enhance the drama. My reaction to quite a lot of it is that there is a lot of  pastiche, and I do agree with  Mark Monahan that a dramaturg would have helped.  Swan Lake is an unforgiving ballet in terms of classical technique and exposes dancers like no other work.  Whereas the RB was able to present a line-up of excellent casts in depth in Manon, the same cannot be said I feel about Swan Lake. I think that it has happened at the wrong time in the season, when the corps may be fatigued.  I have been very underwhelmed by the two Princes I have seen -Bonelli and Ball: partly not their fault as although Scarlett gives the Prince more stage time, he does not actually give him anything to do, so for me it is a rather vapid role.  I think Ball looks the part but - and perhaps nerves got the better of him - in the Black Act he did not, for me, deliver technically. I have found the Act 2 Odiles of Takada and Osipova the best part of the two performances I have seen. 


    The designs are handsome but do not really mitigate the other issues that exist for me with this production. I have, however, been really impressed by James Hay as Benno: a true classicist.  He deserves a Solor, in my opinion. 



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  11. 21 hours ago, MRR said:



    Alina Somova has all the hyperextension in the world but her placement, turn-out, and shape of her feet are very poor, and her extensions have a floppy quality to them where she never sustains a position she hits.  But Sylvie Guillem's legs were some of my favorite in ballet because she had tremendous strength and control to manage her hyperextension, not to mention great turn-out and beautiful feet.  




    Exhibits A and B!:






    A slight diversion from Swan Lake, but always good to see Sylvie..

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