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Posts posted by ArucariaBallerina

  1. I know it's early in the year, but I thought that it would be nice to have a thread that followed the dancing successes of 2017, be it successful auditions or medals in competitions etc. It would be like a photo album of happy results!

    Good luck for everyone ????

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  2. Hello balletbean My school does IDTA syllabus- I'm working at Grade 5 level (about the same as Intermediate Foundation for RAD) . The last exam I took was Grade 2 which I passed with merit (I was ill for a few months before taking the exams, so only had 6 45 min lessons before taking the exam!) however, I've worked at Intermediate level on Summer School and didn't find anything too difficult.

  3. I apologise if this topic has already been addressed somewhere, but just wanted to ask if anyone has had any experience of DC/yourself getting into a vocational school at a different age? I'm hoping for entry into Year 10, and I know most people go for 11+ or 16+ or nothing! Is there a slightest chance? Even just for Assosciates? I'm auditioning for RBS SAs and full time, Ballet West Assosciates and Moorland full time. It doesn't' help that I only started ballet at 12, and the dance school I go to only does a maximum of 3 45 min classes a week of ballet :( (though I do practice daily in my bedroom!) are they looking for potential still or just at technique?


    Leading on from that point, I'm wondering whether to change schools later... I love my dance school, and my teacher is very strict on technique luckily, but I know of a school half an hour away that would provide more classes, and has got people into ballet companies such as BRB and schools such as Elmhurst and RBS Associates. So hard!

    Back to the question, is thee a slightest possibility of entry at 14+ ? What level would it be at? And straying even further, my family are very keen on academics... Does RBS and Moorland have very good academics?

    Thank you, and sorry for how long this is!

  4. Ugh I know just what this feels like! I'm only in Year 9 (auditioning for lower schools/associates, at a grammar school currently) but all my family are 'normal things' - doctors, teachers, nurses etc) and when they invite their friends over for dinner I get "You want to be a BALLET dancer? But you're bright!" All the time! My response is usually "Ballet dancers are very intelligent." They then look at my dad (who is a lead consultant) sympathetically. I wish people knew just what it took to make it as a ballet dancer... The hours a day, the tears, the bloody toes, the sweat, the money and the devotion and hard work and love. And still we might not make it if our bodies are wrong!

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  5. I have just worn the Carla leotard (cotton, carnation colour) for class for the first time, and my oh my does it look beatiful! It really does make one look like a danseuse! Such high legs, such flattery of the body shape! I had to sew the shoulders in about 2 inches to fit (cambre backs were a tad indecent) but I definitely recommend it! (Carla loetard by Arabesque) Its exactly a month now until the audition... wishing everybody luck!  :wub:

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  6. Hello, I'm completely new to the forum!

    I have applied for the Royal Ballet School (the school of my deepest dreams!) for Senior Associates and White Lodge (I thought there was nothing to lose by ticking that box!). Apart from the anxieties I have about me not being good enough (I only started dancing at 12 and went en Pointe literally a few weeks ago- I'm now on the late side of 13- but I do work as hard as possible and practise everyday) I am currently stressed about what to wear.

    On the confirmation audition email, it just states a leotard. Could anyone advise a leotard that would suit certain physiques? I am very small and slim for my age, so anything that would make my lines longer would be great. I currently have 2 (standard strap) leotards. I really don't know whether to pick the classical in black choice or the dark magenta-pink one (which also comes with a waistband). I do want to draw attention of course, but for the right reasons!

    Secondly are the topic of shoes. I have three pairs: my usual class shoes (full sole and leather, but quite old now). My problem with these shoes is they make my arches seem flatter and the sole is in a really weird place that makes me look like I'm rolling in! My second pair is a satin split sole, very pretty in terms of foot definition, but a wee bit big for me. My third pair is my favourite pair which I use in festivals - my satin full soles with ribbons. I have a very narrow foot and ankle, so the ribbons fit the nicest. However, when I attended the Audition Insight Day (which was the best day of my life! I definitely recommend signing up!) only one dancer had ribbons. I wouldn't want them to fall out and look messy!

    What a stress! But it's all worth it on the way to becoming a dancer!


    With love, thanks and an arabesque


    P.S is anyone else going to be at the Manchester auditions 17/01/17 ?

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