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Posts posted by TYR

  1. Renato Paroni has stopped leading at Central except for Tuesday 1900-2045 (or really, when he thinks you're cooked) in order to make time for his new job at ENB. I hear on the grapevine it's a bit of a gamble whether he shows up (nothing new for him). Nina has taken over the Thursday night class he did - they used to grade up in difficulty through the week, and her own Central class on Friday is distinctly tougher. She also leads on Sunday at Danceworks, first a floor barre class and then a Balanchine class comparable with Friday but usually faster. Nandita Shandarkass, who I occasionally saw both as a student of Renato's and a substitute teacher, took on the Wednesday.


    Central also has David Kierce's classes, which are quite strictly graded according to a scheme of his own devising, Hannah Frost's beginner on Friday, a pointe class and a few others I know nothing about. Desirée Ballantyne took over RP's Sunday class.


    I keep trying to work up the courage to try that men's skills class of a Saturday.

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  2. 100th anniversary special Now That's What I Call A Correction from Merce Cunningham. Trust the contemporary world to stand the whole concept on his head:





    Merce did not talk to anyone, ever. He gave no corrections, no communication. He’d walk in the room, say, “We are doing this piece”, turn on the stopwatch and comment at the end, “Two seconds too slow”, or, “Two seconds too fast”. In the course of five years of rehearsing – all day every day – he said two sentences to me. The first was: “You need more tensile strength.” I was 18 and I didn’t know what he meant. The other one was: “Thank you for the cheese.” Because I gave him a selection of French cheese.



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  3. "Are there any Brazilians here? No? I want you to think of the lady of the house and her maid. *Shrieks in a hoarse, high pitched voice* ISAAAUURA!!


    ...a beat....




    ...[as the maid, with an extreme, overdone accent, taking as long as possible, and sounding completely pissed off] senhora?


    It's class consciousness...better than Marx."


    the point was about rocketing up to passé and delaying on the way back down. he kept yelling "ISAUUURA!!!.....Senhora?" through the next barre exercise.

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  4. Tangential, but I just saw this on the twitters. Gabriel Figueredo, of Stuttgart, won the men's title and is showing some serious, scowling, head up and back attitude:



  5. OK so I had a dance-related dream last night, with the extra feature that I can remember the choreography:


    prepare croisé 4th

    tombé pas de bourré

    piqué arabesque, arms to 3rd

    sissoné fermé

    repeat 2x, adding a small cambré

    attitude derriére, on a relévé, allongé

    ditto a la seconde

    grande battement

    failli through and repeat twice from the tombé

    do a waltz turn with an allongé arm

    second side


    Also there was a whole staging - two parallel lines of big wooden boxes/sheds/some kind of cubical, light frame structure, set down in a hole, with the audience seeing it from above and behind my right shoulder. There may have been more dancers on the far side of the boxes; I was heading down the lane between them. I don't remember any music, but it wasn't silent as such, just missing the audio. The boxes are definitely nicked from Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and the down in a hole thing from Pina Bausch. Various bits of the choreography came up in class recently but I think the little cambré came from the documentary on Nureyev.


    I am crushed that my subconscious mind is such a plagiarist.

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