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Posts posted by ponklemum

  1. Hi again, my dd will be 9 next year therefore able to go residential on a course.  I know that at this age they are limited to where they can go but I still have a few questions about the places she can go.


    She does ballet tap and modern and at the moment her passion is ballet - in the future she would like to dance with a professional ballet company.  At this age do you think she should still try both ballet only courses and mixed dance courses? Would she get a real feel of where her passion lies or is she still too young to decide even after doing course?  Or at this age would she gain regardless of whether is all ballet or mixed dance?


    Second question.  Out of the courses, there are photo requirement ones and non- photo requirement ones.  Are there any differences between these courses?  (I've been looking at YBSS and OPES to choose between for next summer). 


    Thank you xx



  2. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go. The children's dance school and stage school commitments clashed with that date in the end. It was turned out to be the same date as the Cecchetti associates audition. I managed to sort out the audition so maybe some things are meant to be. I do however intend to take the children at a future date.

  3. Both my Dds are cecchetti associates. It is a very friendly scheme and my dcs have developed due to it

    That's brilliant to hear. Everyone we met was very friendly, (staff, children and parents) which made a big impact of both me and dd. We're still awaiting a letter but with the yearly dance show then the drama show to prepare for, dd is completely occupied.

  4. My dd will be unable to attend the actual associates auditions in Newport due to other commitments however they were very kind to allow her to join in an associates class on the 5th and use that as an audition.  I am so proud of my dd.  Not only did she go to a new area (2 hours away from home), but she joined in an established class knowing absolutely no one even through the children knew each other.  On top of this, that class happened to be one that parents could watch so not only did she go to a new place, in a class where she knew no one but she did the entire class in front all the parents of the children attending too.  Unfortunately I was unable to stay and watch as I had my other children with me but I did catch a little of the Russian style dance at the end and dd looked like she was having so much fun.  They performed the Russian dance in groups of 3 at the end and she got up and did it with such a sparkle in her eyes.  


    Dd came out so excited after the class and told me animatedly about everything.  She was even excited about the one correction she had in the ballet section.   She loves ballet but this was a new excitedness.  Regardless of whether she's made it or not, she has had the best experience and loved every minute of it and I am so proud of her for even doing it.  

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  5. Wonder if the girls will be able to watch each other's sessions? I'm just thinking otherwise you won't get much time to do anything with the boys other than run back and forwards to BRB.



    I was wondering that too.  I'll wait until I get confirmation of their places and then phone them I think.


    Thank you by the way to everyones help, I'll make a plan of what activities I'll do with the boys before the day so that I have somethings in place.

  6. A friend gave me instructions from the M6 J6 many years ago.  Come off onto the A38, taking the right hand fork.  As you come off the slip road and onto the A38 stay in that lane.  First you come to a flyover, then three short tunnels (as you come out of the second tunnel the Mailbox should be visible on your right.  The third, very short, tunnel is under the pagoda roundabout.  When you come out of that tunnel move over to the left and take the first left.


    Go down that road, through one set of traffic lights, till you get to the Arcadian car park entrance on your left.  It's about 20 yards before the T-junction.  


    If you go to the T-junction go in the right hand lane and turn right, the entrance to Pershore St multi-storey is immediately on the left.  The outdoor car park is on the right.



    Thank you ever so much, I really appreciate this.  Looks like I'll be posting off the forms tomorrow and I have 2 very excited girls now.

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  7. Thank you.  I've just had a look at I would be coming from Shrewsbury on to the M54 then the M6 (I think).  I'm going to look online before hand and work out what I'll do with the 2 boys.  The one loves ballet but is unfortunately too young to do the insight day and my other son is Autistic (and is very much fight or flight) so I tend to take them to soft play areas as I know he's safe then.  Plus both of them love soft play areas.


    I have the 2 girls in two different classes so my younger one will be in 10- 11.30 and my older one 11.45 - 1.30 so will need something to occupy the boys for a few hours.  

  8. Hi everyone, my 2 dd's have asked me if they can do the BRB insight day next month.  I'm just wondering if anyone's dc's have done this before and what did they think of it?  Also, I'll be taking all the children with me, (one of which is special needs) and would like to know if there is parking at the studios or even close to the studios.


    Thank you x

  9. My weekend will consist of spending tomorrow evening with the children at dance, Saturday all day with the children doing (between them all) various dances and stage school)9.15 - 6.30 and Sunday will be my first day off from taking them anywhere since the 29th March so I'm going to make the most of it.  However I should be writing/finishing my dissertation. 

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  10. Cecchetti associates in Newport is an option, depending on what your dd is looking to get out of it. The audition, I think, is more of a formality, so class sizes are quite large. Although the teaching is probably good (members of Ballet Cymru go in to teach the ballet), I don't think there's much opportunity for individual corrections. Your local teacher would probably prefer that your dd is secure in her technique first. Great if your dd likes musical theatre as there's lots of singing, music from the musicals. The children had to dance holding an A4 sheet of paper with the words on though, which I don't suppose was great for dance technique.


    How about Ballet Cymru's Abergavenny Intensive? It's a lovely little course for an 8yr old. It's held in a beautiful teeny tiny little old theatre above the market.


    I think there's a more serious associate class on the north east edge of the Brecon Beacons, run by an ex ballet dancer (sorry, don't know the name of the school, but I'm sure it wouldn't take long to work it out with google), who aims to prepare children for the vocational route. I see you're prepared to travel!

    Thank you for all the information. I think an option for us would be to do the 4 RAD associate classes in Gloucester then in the spring book 4 in Birmingham.


    I can't find the ballet school in Brecon but I'm going to keep looking ????

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