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Everything posted by Tuco123

  1. Thank you for the tip, I will definitely keep that with me when we go! I have seen pictures of pointe shoe fittings from one of the shops near me and they just don't look right. Now I'm no expert but I know the shoes are supposed to look like an extension of the foot, close fitting but obviously not too tight. On these pics there's a lot of bagginess round the back of the heel where the shoe isn't even touching the foot and rippling bagginess down the sides. They look like they're hanging off the back of the heel all bunched up. It's totally put me off even venturing there. Thanks for the recommendation for the place in Liverpool too, that's also not too far. In fact we're going to Liverpool soon to get prom shoes for my other daughter so I could possibly make an appointment for that day while we're there. I think Barnums and That's Entertainment sound like great places to try
  2. Thank you very much. I didn't know this forum existed until last night, it's very informative from the posts I've seen so far. I'm really excited for my daughter, she's been waiting patiently for this moment...I actually can't wait!:-D
  3. Thank you all. I spent some time last night looking on here at pointe shoe topics, it was informative and made me realise even more than I already did how important it is to get it right. Birmingham is too far unfortunately :/ I've ordered online from Dance and Leisurewear in the past for other items...I would be prepared to travel to Morecambe....is it a place you've had experience of buying pointe shoes from yourself? Ah, now the dance teacher mentioned a place in Warrington. She said one of the student teachers knows what it's called and so I was going to ask her tonight when I take my daughter to class. It must be Barnums then! That's great, thank you so much
  4. Hi all. New to posting here, thought this would be the best place to ask. My daughter will be going en pointe in May for the first time and so I need to start finding shops for fitting etc. Can anyone recommend any in the Northwest? There are two dance shops nearby but I don't want to stick with those just because they're closest. I'm very aware that the correct fitting of pointe shoes is incredibly important so I want it to be right. My daughter has been waiting for this moment since she was 5 so no pressure haha! The teacher won't be able to come along but she has given me a few tips on what to look for as in how they should fit but at the end of the day I'm relying on shop staff to know what they're talking about. I'm also wary that I could be fed anything just so they sell a pair. Teacher has advised to get what I think is right, then take them to class for her to see them on my daughter's feet before I sew ribbons etc so that if she feels they're not right, I can take them back and try again. This could be a lengthy process of course so basically does anyone have experience with a shop in the Northwest whereby the staff were very knowledgeable and had a large section of brands etc? Many thanks
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